In PC SF6 achieves better input lag than these games, 37.55ms.
SF6 achieves according to the one who measured all platforms and modes:
-PC 37.55ms (240Hz), 58.09ms (60Hz)
-PS5 56.3ms (120Hz), 67.51ms (60Hz)
-XBSX 58.22 (120Hz), 67.06ms (60Hz)
In any case, even you only count the 60Hz modes because of potatos, the maximum difference, between the 67.51ms and 40.1ms is only 27.41ms, slightly above a frame and a half.
according to the tweets we are looking at the game has 69.9ms of lag on Xbox... no idea where your numbers are from.
and what a PC can do is entirely irrelevant.
The display lag of a LCD vs a CRT is whatever a LCD has in 60Hz above 8.33ms, and for the new LCDs they tracked in that website range from 0.07ms to 26.77ms.
In a fighting game the game logic and rendering is locked to 60fps & Hz can't go under 8.33ms even if you force your tv/console at 120Hz, with modes that create new frames with interpolation and shits like that. The game will continue outputting changes at that 60fps speed and the additional frames will be interpolations of previous ones.
For games with a 120Hz mode you can achieve lower display lag in an LCD if it has a display lag in 120Hz (non interpolation) mode lower than 8.33ms. The new ones tested by the website I posted range between 4.4ms to 10.9 ms.
So some games with 120Hz mode in a 120Hz tv will have more display lag than a 60Hz game on a 60Hz CRT tv (not a 120Hz CRT, but let's ignore these ones because 120fps fighting games weren't a thing back then), while others will achieve better result than a 60Hz CRT decreasing the input lag & display lag in up to 3.93ms (case of the best tv), because the 60Hz CRT is 8.33ms and the best 120Hz is 4.4ms, which is around a quarter of a 60fps frame.
Stop trying to explain display lag to me please? I know all of this and all you do is reiterate the exact same thing I said with completely irrelevant details added.
Lol! Their measurements show the difference input lag between different games of the same genre using the same hardware.
To know if a game is more responsive than other similar games or previous versions of that game is obviously useful and that it's the point of the measurements.
if we apparently don't know if they remove the TV lag or not, and we don't know which TV/monitor they use, then how the hell can you compare that to any other person measuring it with screen lag removed?
and if we have apparently so little info on this, how do we know they measure the latency on the same screen for all games?
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