Excited to give this a shot. It'll have to wait until early next year, but having never played it, it looks like something i'll enjoy.
This is primarily single player, no?
What about Pro support?
Yes, but at this point in time what exactly that is still up in the air.
I'm curious regardingOnline Ur Dragon:
Will the rewards of fighting and/or defeating online Ur Dragon be exactly the same as they were on PS3/360?
I guess so?
I mean we won't know until people have defeated him, but I don't think they're gonna change anything.
I'm actually impressed they added new trophies.
I'm asking because i think i've heard that the PC version had some changes.
The first 98% of the story i didn't care at all. But the final 2% of the game, in terms of story, is one of my favorite pieces in any game.
Mind. Blown.
So I finally got around to researching pawn inclinations. Interesting stuff. Here's some general advice for my fellow noobs:
I. Avoid the Guardian and Acquisitor inclinations at all costs.
II. Good inclinations:
Melee pawns: Scather (Primary), Mitigator, Utilitarian
Ranged pawns: Challenger (Primary), Mitigator, Utilitarian
Spellcaster pawns: Utilitarian (Primary), Challenger, Medicant (for healers) or Mitigator (for nukers)
More detailed advice:
III. To set your desired pawn inclinations, go to Johnathan in the Encampment (he appears next to the rift stone after you finish the Reward and Responsibility quest) and buy the proper elixirs. You have to take them in reverse order. So let's say you want your Mage pawn to have Utilitarian as his primary inclination, Challenger as his secondary, and Medicant as his third.
This is the order you want to take the elixirs:
1. Neutralizing Elixir (to reset your pawn's inclinations to default)
2. Medicant Elixir
3. Challenger Elixir
4. Utilitarian Elixir
5. Another Utilitarian Elixir (to reinforce it as the primary inclination)
IV. Reinforce your pawn's inclinations at a Knowledge Chair (found in the inns). The first question your pawn asks you is always in regards to its secondary and third inclinations. You will be asked to choose between them (in the form of a somewhat roundabout question), which allows you to swap the secondary and third inclinations. Why is this important? Because every time you switch back-and-forth between the two, it apparently reinforces your primary inclinations. So every time you visit an inn, sit down at the Knowledge Chair to swap your secondary and third inclinations, and then use the Knowledge Chair again to swap them back. Doing this regularly should keep your pawn's desired inclinations stable (at least that's what I read).
Absolutly!! One of the best elements of the game.I wish more games had nighttime like this![]()
I wish more games had nighttime like this![]()
Considering a single 970 runs the game on 50+ fps on 4K, that pro 30faps/1440p seems quite weak. But stable 30fps is huge improvement over the last gen versions no doubt.
Hard mode is no joke huh. Every single enemy so far one hits. Even after gear upgrades.
I wish more games had nighttime like this![]()
so i gave this game a shot on PC and was really turned off by the item/weight dynamic and the dullness of a number of the sidequests. i enjoyed the combat and the world though. any recommendations on minimizing the micromanagement of the weight system, and can one reasonably bulldoze the game by only focusing on the main quests?
so i gave this game a shot on PC and was really turned off by the item/weight dynamic and the dullness of a number of the sidequests. i enjoyed the combat and the world though. any recommendations on minimizing the micromanagement of the weight system, and can one reasonably bulldoze the game by only focusing on the main quests?
so i gave this game a shot on PC and was really turned off by the item/weight dynamic and the dullness of a number of the sidequests. i enjoyed the combat and the world though. any recommendations on minimizing the micromanagement of the weight system, and can one reasonably bulldoze the game by only focusing on the main quests?
Where did you get this info from? 1440p would be a preorder cancelled for me. Not rewarding a lazy port regardless of how good the game is.
What about Pro support?
Yes, but at this point in time what exactly that is still up in the air. Regardless, the screenshots below (courtesy of GAF member Nemisis0) were captured on PS4 Pro while in the games photo mode and show a resolution of 2560 x 1440.
Hard mode is no joke huh. Every single enemy so far one hits. Even after gear upgrades.
I only played this a bit on PS3, and then held off in hopes of a future remaster. Now, I feel weirdly hesitant to pull the trigger: can anyone post a particularly cool video of the game to push me over the edge?
This game is so, so cheap with Amazon's preorder discount!
seems to be on on the opening post:
Considering a single 970 runs the game on 50+ fps on 4K, that pro 30faps/1440p seems quite weak. But stable 30fps is huge improvement over the last gen versions no doubt.
Warrior is the classes for going guts on everything yeah?
Yeah, the original version even had Guts gear. There is even a chacter preset that looks just like guts (hair, build and scar in fave with one eye closed)Warrior is the classes for going guts on everything yeah?
Thats exactly my dilema.Only played the PS3 version for a couple of hours. The fps, black bars, and my busy schedule at that time made it really hard to commit time to it, but I can't wait to play it again. Idk if I should wait till Xbox One X releases or if I should play on PS4 Pro..
Less than two hours away
What would you recommend my starting class to be?I am a big fan of Souls games and melee combat.
Basically i want to jump on bosses lol
Spent about 20 hours with the console versions this weekend. Incredibly happy. May do a new review aside from the PC one but it may not be needed.