Awesome, it worked. Thanks very much!Usually in 3DS games you can change the system language and that will change the game language. At least, that's how it works for English/French releases here in Canada.
The hero learns zoom at level 8.When do you unlock zoom? Running everywhere is a bit annoying, especially with the back and forth between islands and towns.
If there's one technical thing I don't like - the framerate feels a bit too choppy for my taste. Obviously not nearly as bad as IX, but the DS ones were always really smooth.
Party chat is so useful! The last games I played were IX and IV DS, which both didn't have it.
The hero learns zoom at level 8.
For the most part, you don't need it though, considering the small scope of each area. There's only a handful where you actually have to go back and forth a lot, the Emberdale scenario being one of them.You can't use Zoom when you are in the past, though, which makes the spell pretty useless for huge chunks of the game.
I hope they have non-preorder copies at my gamestop, will be going there soon. Otherwise I will order from amazon.
About 11 hours into V. Gonna complete that before I embark on this journey. Can't wait! Though I am a little worried about the classes, but I'm sure I'll get it eventually.
The game also flat out gives you half a dozen Chimera Wings in the intro sequence if you bother getting all the available treasure, which should easily hold anyone over until the Hero gets to 8.The hero learns zoom at level 8.
Not sure if it's a good idea for people to marathon the series (as in, play previous DQs right before VII). Though V is on the short end they're all quite lengthy games (with the exception of I) and you don't wanna get burnt out - VII is the biggest one easily.
Why do people bother with Gamestop at all? It's so ridiculous that a gaming specialty store doesn't carry enough stock when you can do an in-store pickup at best buy, walmart, or any other big box store.
SERIOUS question... does the spine on the case match up with the DS Dragon Quest style?
The hero learns zoom at level 8.
Why do people bother with Gamestop at all? It's so ridiculous that a gaming specialty store doesn't carry enough stock when you can do an in-store pickup at best buy, walmart, or any other big box store.
Flying get!!
If you mean puff puff, then yes
Took a pic straight out of the store since I couldn't wait lol.
SERIOUS question... does the spine on the case match up with the DS Dragon Quest style?
Where's the guy that knows how to talk to animals? The characters say that he's in Estard but when I'm in the town they say that they doubt he's in there.
The dwarf? He lives in a hut to the west of Pilchard Bay (towards the south part).
SERIOUS question... does the spine on the case match up with the DS Dragon Quest style?
Is there a way to see how much EXP is needed for a character to level up?
All I can find is how much they have
I wanted to also get DQ IX but didn't feel like driving another 10 miles to the nearest GS that had a copy.
Now it's time to get started on VIIr, finally!
Not my picture but I got that from reddit:
Why haven't they remade 1-3 for 3ds? I'm hoping a remake of all three in one cart with 7's engine.
Why do people bother with Gamestop at all? It's so ridiculous that a gaming specialty store doesn't carry enough stock when you can do an in-store pickup at best buy, walmart, or any other big box store.
Why haven't they remade 1-3 for 3ds? I'm hoping a remake of all three in one cart with 7's engine.
Either of these would be great for me, although I'm really struggling with VIIr's engine, would really prefer a more overhead camera especially on the world map. I was actually hoping for a remake of these for the 30th Anniversary.I would settle for a VC release of the Gameboy games worldwide.
So, new to these games, does changing your equipment change your characters appearance? So far i've only gotten like 2 different armors and the character looks the same. I did notice, however, that changing weapons does reflect in battle