Does this also work with the digital version or do you need a cartridge?
Been playing mine digitally with the CFW tweaks (N3DS) and it works fine. Haven't noticed any UI lag at all.
Does this also work with the digital version or do you need a cartridge?
I can't find him anywhere.
Another class question:
Looking at old DWVII class guides they mention hybrid skills, are those in this game?
I noticed repeated mention of Sword Dance and how Aishe should learn it when she gets to lvl 5 Warrior because she comes with lvl 5+ Dancer. Is Sword Dance Muscle Dance? If not, has it been moved to another class or removed entirely? Or do I have to go back and fight battles as her already mastered Dancer?
If it is the same point I'm thinking of, he's in his dining room. You have to talk to a maid to gain entrance.
Been playing mine digitally with the CFW tweaks (N3DS) and it works fine. Haven't noticed any UI lag at all.
Forget everything you read. There are no hybrid skills in this version.
Aishe gets it through level upping.
I think a few advanced classes get it too.
Just found him.
What a load of horseshit tbh.
Everybody kept telling me to go check the festival, obviously after one hour of going through every house there i went back to my town, dad mentioned donald, went there, couldn't find him.
I never thought about the dining room, it's stupid, nothing mentioned that.
Oh, you know what, that's what I'm using too. I forgot I moved off of NTR.
Did I waste a bunch of money at Balleymolly? I did the entire thing without buying any gear I figured I would find some. Well I didn't find anything and as I was leaving I used all my gold I saved to gear up. Totally backwards. I saved before this should I restart over and skip gearing up and buy stuff at the next town?
I defeatedyesterday. That was a fun fight. I didn't have Wool Guard so that made the fight a lot more interesting. It has probably been the most challenging fight in the game so far.Gracos V
Wow, really? I thought that fight was a breeze, and I had only basic classes in my party. Honestly, I'm about 45 hours in and this game has yet to throw anything challenging my way. I've had just two wipeouts and that was only due to me being lazy and not switching off autopilot. Maybe it's just the linear progression of the story? I played DQ3 (mobile) a few months back and I remember getting my party wiped out pretty frequently
What level were you? Did you use Wool Guard? Did you have?Melvin
DQ3 seemed pretty easy compared to that fight referenced above. LOL That was nearly my breaking point when I played through the PS1 original back in 2010. Very different experiences!Wow, really? I thought that fight was a breeze, and I had only basic classes in my party. Honestly, I'm about 45 hours in and this game has yet to throw anything challenging my way. I've had just two wipeouts and that was only due to me being lazy and not switching off autopilot. Maybe it's just the linear progression of the story? I played DQ3 (mobile) a few months back and I remember getting my party wiped out pretty frequently
Actually, now that you bring it up, I did put off that quest for a few hours. I think Hero was around level 27? No Wool Gaurd but I did indeed have. However, if I did do it immediately with my intermediate classesMelvin, I don't think it would have made a difference. As for the fight itself, I just mostly took my time healing and buffing the party while having one or two characters keep up the attacking. Took a little while but it was a comfortable fight.(Gladiator/Sage/Monster Masher)
Hö! A wipe! The party was wiped in a regular boss fight for the first time! It the sunken city, that frog merman asshole
That caught me off guard. The game has been quite easy to this point, not auto battle easy, but also no grind neccesary. This one seems to require at least new job tactics. He slapped me silly, I do not think I can just walk there again with the same level and setup and hope that it will work all of a sudden.
A challenge! I like that!
Its been about a month since I got a good night's sleep. (Going to bed earlier is not an option due to things outside of my control). Been trying to get through the intro and I keep falling asleep. Its super frustrating because I fancied myself as a dragon quest fan. This game (and Bravely Default) were the reasons why I bought the 3DS years ago. Anyway, I don't know how much longer I have before I get to the meat and potatoes of this journey
Just gave some old guy a book. Can't remember his name because I was nodding off but he told me to get Keifer and come back
Anyone know how much more I have to go?
OK, so I've gotten to the town where all the people have been turned into animals and my party is telling me to find someone who can talk to animals. I know the woodcutter on the home island can do so, and I've gone to talk to him, but nothing happens when I do so. So I can't figure out what I need to do to trigger the next story event. What am I missing?
Haha, good luck fighting!Gracos V![]()
Faraday present now. I completely forgot thatAutonymous somehow managed to fucking reproduce. I was sure he just stayed in his hut being served by ELLIE forever.
I actually managedfine enough first time, scorch with a monster masher was pretty strong. How long do I have to fightGracos? I'm under the impression it's a timed thing?V
I thoughtFaraday present now. I completely forgot thatAutonymous somehow managed to fucking reproduce. I was sure he just stayed in his hut being served by ELLIE forever.
Yeah.Character spoiler:
So doesKiefer leave for good? Gonna miss him
Frequently atAt the Emberdale story now...?where is Pike
Mid game question:
Can I come back later to get Gracos' other chest?
Mid game question:
Can I come back later to get Gracos' other chest?
Just reading the responses on how some DQ newbies are getting their ass kicked on some levels and bosses. As any DQ fan would way, you always have to grind at least 2-3 levels per new town you visit so you don't get ass kicked and have money to buy more weapons in future towns. Honestly guys, SE dumbed down the boss fights and made way easier so far. I recall in the PS1 version having to carefully plan my tactics, change weapons, or level up to get more spells learned to beat a boss. That's the advice I can give you newbies.