Island and 3 spoilers:
On other hand the village made of people turned into stone stuck with me all these years, It really left an impression on me back then.
Oh, shit. I'm getting an N3DS later in October and I've kind of been worrying about transferring data. Did you lose any other data in any other games, and did the transfer seem to go perfectly until you saw that your DQ7 file was gone?
(I'm at 18 hours/just got back my abilities in the prison town, and I REALLY don't want to do that particular part of the game again.)
EDIT: Was your game a physical or digital copy? Mine is physical.
Digital copy. Game looked fine until i went to boot and crashed on start everytime
If you have a physical copy you should be fine though
Edit: also all my humble bundle and DSi games corrupted as well
Please let me know when in the game this happens so I can avoid it. Something like that could be enough for me to lose my patience and shelve this for a while.When you beat a dungeon and then have to slog through it again because you didn't know beating the boss would instantly warp you out so you can't get the fragment. Thanks game.
Ha ha ha literally dragging me all the way back to the present. Fucking fuck game are you serious
I am stuck.Got to El Ciclo in present day, grabbed the two tablets at the top of the Pomposo tower, and the one in El Ciclo but I don't have a full map.
I've checked the info button and the imp at the shrine of mysteries and they have nothing.
Well, DQ demands you stay around a new surrounding and if you notice you getting defeated easily or having a tough time with boss fights, maybe its best you level up and grind. There's a reason why DQ games involve alot of exploration and patience. You can't just blaze through the whole game barely levelling up. Sooner or later, you'll hit a wall hard and think the game is not fun anymore.
Anyone know how to get the fragment in the Buccanham chapel - present day? I'm at the point where I've just openedThe Cathedral of Blight
I just finished the desert dungeon and revisited the palace.Help would be greatly appreciated.Ruff's telling me (he is a thief) there are four chests in the undermost floor. I assume there are in the one room in the north, but how do I get there? Did I miss something or do I have to advance the story further, to get there?![]()
When you return in the present, you'll be welcomed as heroes and directed to that room
Any character that has a unique icon and shows up in your town "counts" for the total. This includes DLC Villagers from SE, other promotional sources, and from other players who put up eligibile tablets in the Download Bar or StreetPass.I have a question about the haven and mini medals. Do downloaded villagers count toward total villager count or is it just story villagers? Trying to figure out if I missed a mini medal permanently or not![]()
I love this stuff. I just reached the resolution of the love story between Carroway and Lavender, it's really well handled, with lots of incidental detail that tells you what happened if you look around for it. When you do speak to the main npcs, they keep it short and sweet, meaning that you can explore for every scrap of info if a story catches your interest, or just shrug and get on with adventuring if not. DQ handles a lot of stuff about relationships with a maturity that lots of other RPGs struggle with, particularly the concept that life in these towns moves on when the party aren't around, and they aren't the key player in every single human conflict, big or small, on the planet.
Any character that has a unique icon and shows up in your town "counts" for the total. This includes DLC Villagers from SE, other promotional sources, and from other players who put up eligibile tablets in the Download Bar or StreetPass.
Remember that you have to get about 40 hours in the game to be able to put permanent villagers up for grabs in the Download Bar or StreetPass. I haven't passed anyone yet either way, as it seems not many players are making it that far.Clearing the obnoxiously named Nottagen (Past) island is the trigger for this to open up.
You probably missed the Medal(s). Luckily there are plenty extra to spare, you can miss a few and still get all the prizes if I recall correctly. Quite a few have been added/moved to the nice mansion that you can sock your extra villagers in.
One Mini Medal is permanently missable at the 3-6 Villagers range, and another two are permanently missable in the 7-13 Villagers range.
Finally got toAppreciate the help.Alltrades Abbey; where is a good place to grind my Vocation levels? Is the island area and enemies a good place to start?
Any character that has a unique icon and shows up in your town "counts" for the total. This includes DLC Villagers from SE, other promotional sources, and from other players who put up eligibile tablets in the Download Bar or StreetPass.
Remember that you have to get about 40 hours in the game to be able to put permanent villagers up for grabs in the Download Bar or StreetPass. I haven't passed anyone yet either way, as it seems not many players are making it that far.Clearing the obnoxiously named Nottagen (Past) island is the trigger for this to open up.
You probably missed the Medal(s). Luckily there are plenty extra to spare, you can miss a few and still get all the prizes if I recall correctly. Quite a few have been added/moved to the nice mansion that you can sock your extra villagers in.
One Mini Medal is permanently missable at the 3-6 Villagers range, and another two are permanently missable in the 7-13 Villagers range.
Finally got toAppreciate the help.Alltrades Abbey; where is a good place to grind my Vocation levels? Is the island area and enemies a good place to start?
If you are under level 20 then the best place is the slime tablet dungeon. If you are 20 or higher then the best place would be the most recent tablet dungeon you obtained.
I uh
Haven't used any Tablets yet.
Where can I get this 2nd tablet you mentioned and how do I access its dungeon?
You get them as you get people to move into Haven. The first resident is in Pilchard and then he'll give you a clue for where you can find the next person and so on.
You use tablets by taking them to the plinth underground in Haven.
Oh I got 2 people to Haven, so I use the 2nd one then? Once I complete this part of the game I'll head over there and try it thanks.
By most recent I meat the most recent one you can get. The first 4-5 tablets have a cap of 20 for job exp but the rest of them have no cap.
You absolutely have to clear the story all the way up to at least the last two-three islands to be able to visit your monsters in Monster Meadows. The specific town you have to save is calledHow do I actually see the monsters I let live because I am such a saint? Not the fake people who move into haven, the monsters after a battle because I have food for them.
I know the area, I have seen the portal in haven, but when I go there there are no monsters?
It has a pretty high attack stat for Maribel, right? That might be useful whenWhat's the Snooze Stick good for again? I can't put any of these bosses to Sleep >=/
Man, as basic Toriyama's character design is (you basically always have a party with a Goku clone, a Trunks clone and a Bulma clone throughout the games), his monster design are pretty cool in a old school kind of way.
They're waiting in limbo.Are the monsters I sent there just waiting in limbo or do I have to recapture them again once the area actually becomes useful?
And do I release them from limbo?They're waiting in limbo.
any job/path recommendations for (character spoiler)?sir mervyn
I don't really have any set paths for other people, just have done a few basic jobs each so far. Main has warrior/martial artist/priest/jester, maribel has mage/priest/dancer/troubadour, and ruff has warrior/martial artist/thief/shepherd
They were just normal people, yes.I can't remember, were the people you recruit to your village reformed monsters in the original? I swear they were just normal people, but I'm doubting myself on that now.
Just got Ruff. I can't remember which island comes next, which is a pretty nice feeling.
Well now I feel terrible. They begged me for a better life and I sent them to the place between heaven and hell with promises of paradise and foodThey're waiting in limbo.
I can't remember, were the people you recruit to your village reformed monsters in the original? I swear they were just normal people, but I'm doubting myself on that now.
Just got Ruff. I can't remember which island comes next, which is a pretty nice feeling.
And do I release them from limbo?
I have recruited a lot of NPCs already.
This group of bandits fight in alltrades present. My God. Nothing like getting smacked around and then confused. First wall I've come across.
This group of bandits fight in alltrades present. My God. Nothing like getting smacked around and then confused. First wall I've come across.
It doesn't really matter. The requirements for hero are just 3 intermediate/advanced jobs mastered.Christ they sped up job levelling. I master ed my first jobs in under an hour.
What is the most efficient way to get to the tier 3 jobs? Also, I want my hero to be a hero, but utilize the pirate job to get there