14 hours in... When do i get access to turn in mini medals??
It didn't work in the presentZoom just doesn't work in the past or in buildings/dungeons. It works in open towns and in the present.
I'm only burnt out from going back and forth through the same dungeon a ton of times because, idk maybe the game designers were drunk that day?Sounds like you're getting burnt out. Take a break for a few days. I don't think this game is meant to be something you grind through. I'm 25-30 hours in and still loving it, but I take a break from it every few days.
It doesn't make sense but Zoom not working in the present when not being plot-blocked makes even less sense!Zoom not working in the past is something I will never fully get over. At first I thought I was doing something wrong.
Thats how I always think when playing these games! "Wow I've got so much gold I'm go ta go for the endgame!" then it comes up and I end up regretting purchases here and there lol. Luckily skills are pretty great in this game so I've been saving money not upgrading weapons for a long time now. Scorch/Thin Air = who needs regular attacks?I also now have 30K Gold, which is more Gold than I'm ever gonna need this early/late in the game :V
Iron axe get!
...after scrapping 372 automatons.
Worth it? Probably not in the long run, but the hunt is finally over.
Iron axe get!
...after scrapping 372 automatons.
Worth it? Probably not in the long run, but the hunt is finally over.
Games backtracking status upgraded to: [Extremely Obnoxiously Excessive] level
Zoom? What is Zoom? When does it work? When doesn't it work? Not in the past. Sometimes not even in the present! Why? Who could say? Enjoy your trips trekking through the Mountaintop Pass 4 times!
I totally lost it last night when I realized why Nottagen was named that. A perfectly subtle and appropriate pun.
I totally lost it last night when I realized why Nottagen was named that. A perfectly subtle and appropriate pun.
Simple (I guess) question. Are ALL of the fragments needed to finish the game? I'm talking about a certain fragment that needsto get.100 minimedals
Bonus dungeon
Everyone that does this is insane, haha.
Congrats though!
I feel like I got one of these on my first automaton kill. Why are people going after them?
I know, they're so cheap as well!Mercury Bandanas are amazing. who the heck needs Agility Rings?!
I know, they're so cheap as well!
I don't think enough people know where the Vendor is - you have to clear El Ciclo (Past), then head over to Wilted Heart and find the item vendor on the balcony of the biggest house in town.
lol I bought 3 Bandanas and sold my 2 Agility RingsI know, they're so cheap as well!
I don't think enough people know where the Vendor is - you have to clear El Ciclo (Past), then head over to Wilted Heart and find the item vendor on the balcony of the biggest house in town.
I totally lost it last night when I realized why Nottagen was named that. A perfectly subtle and appropriate pun.
You need to be in El Ciclo (Past) to access the correct location, just going to Wilted Heart in the Present won't do much.I just checked this area and don't even see a balcony, am I in the wrong spot?
Need help after completing all the tablets.
It says there's a temple in the sky where I probably have to go to use the mysterious fragments that I'm currently finding around the world but I have no idea how to reach it or even where to startcan anybody help me pls?
I'm still early in the game, around the part where you meet the wolf boy. Does the game get harder after a while? I enjoy DQ7 a lot so far (although the beginning was rough) but the fights are a bit lackluster, there's no challenge at all, even during the boss fights.
Yes, it does get harder. For me there was a noticable jump when bosses start use attacks that hit all party members, as suddenly I was using two party members as healers or the Paladin multi-heal ability a lot more, and also use of king/ka-zing (revive). Basic enemy fights haven't had any challenge at all throughout the game though, but then I've had the party on AI, maybe it makes them too good at selecting abilities to inflict the most damage.
Couple of questions about Frobisher/Faraday...
Defeated the boss. Where does Autonymous go after he storms out of the King's throne room
A girl in Frobisher says her little brother is missing. Is this a side quest?
Head forthe shrine at the pool of piety, which is east of Faraday Castle. It looks like a shrine with a pool behind it as you approach on the flying carpet, but you can just walk there too. There's a door that requires you to have the sacred stone from the Vale. An underwater path will lead you to the temple.
I actually went there immediately after getting that item, as I had previously explored that shrine way back when exploring that island first time around, and remembered the door and an npc talking about it!
I had the same question and Googled it, the answer is100. But I don't know if it's a fragment that's required to complete the game. I'm thinking it's not, but if it is, I guess I'm not finishing the game
Turn and follow tails.So what's the deal with the dark room in? It's saying the statues guide me but even after turning it I always fall off of the edgethat sanctuary North of the Vale
Turn and follow tails.
Well there was kabuff which boosts all allies defnseThat move which increases the defence of all party members is so great. Gritty Ditty, I think.
so much more efficient than using Buff.
Well there was kabuff which boosts all allies defnse