Yeah, I'm actually pretty satisfied with that one because it sounded kinda bad on PS1. They've given it the volume and punch I felt was missing in the PS1 version.World of the Strong too sounds inferior but still good.
If it's anything like monhun, you check your digital receipt in the eshop, write down the code there and then go to the theme shop and put it in there.I feel silly asking this, but how do I go about getting the DQVII 3ds theme if I preordered the game digitally? Really want the theme and checked theme shop but saw nothing besides my 2 Mon Hun themes![]()
I feel silly asking this, but how do I go about getting the DQVII 3ds theme if I preordered the game digitally? Really want the theme and checked theme shop but saw nothing besides my 2 Mon Hun themes![]()
I can walk you through this real quick. Open the eShop, go to Menu, then Settings/Other, then Account Activity. View Receipt on your Dragon Quest VII purchase, scroll down to the bottom, and your code for the theme will be there. Snap a picture with your phone or write it down.I feel silly asking this, but how do I go about getting the DQVII 3ds theme if I preordered the game digitally? Really want the theme and checked theme shop but saw nothing besides my 2 Mon Hun themes![]()
Pre-ordered on Amazon 9 months ago. My card has since expired and it let me know I needed to change the card charged to a valid one. I changed the card literally 2 minutes after I got the e-mail. It now shows Tuesday, September 20. Contacted Amazon support. They can't do anything.
4 years I've been waiting for this game. Fucking hell.
I'm sure to have a grand old time hunting for this game at brick and mortar stores tomorrow.
I just don't get why they don't automatically change it to your newest card. It makes no sense.
The theme is not available until the game releases digitally. There is a theme redeem code in the digital receipt that can be looked up through the eShop.
I can walk you through this real quick. Open the eShop, go to Menu, then Settings/Other, then Account Activity. View Receipt on your Dragon Quest VII purchase, scroll down to the bottom, and your code for the theme will be there. Snap a picture with your phone or write it down.
Then Home Menu, Change Theme, Theme Shop, tap the top right icon, and hit Enter Download Code. Enter your code, enjoy your theme.
The theme isn't available until tomorrow.
I keep impatiently checking out video footage, and man, I love this new battle view so much. I love seeing my team attacking, but I also love the viewpoint of looking from my team towards the enemy and into the scenery.
It keeps the "directness" of the first person.
I never could get used to the wild camera pans in DQIX, it felt somewhat disjointed to me. Same goes for Persona.
The little graphical details like reflections, slimy skin or metallic sheen on the enemies are great as well.
I keep impatiently checking out video footage, and man, I love this new battle view so much. I love seeing my team attacking, but I also love the viewpoint of looking from my team towards the enemy and into the scenery.
It keeps the "directness" of the first person.
I never could get used to the wild camera pans in DQIX, it felt somewhat disjointed to me. Same goes for Persona.
The little graphical details like reflections, slimy skin or metallic sheen on the enemies are great as well.
When will then be now?
-Pretty much everything feels better than the little I've played of the original... Except for the ruins themselves. Since I knew the remake was going to have a shortened intro, I went back and played the original one to get a feel for it and I really don't like how they streamlined it at all. The mysterious atmosphere and the feeling that you're actually venturing through these abandoned, ancient ruins is completely gone. Now you have this fairy-like guide handling you everything you need in a silver platter. The zelda-esque dungeon of the original has no proper replacement and they didn't even let you figure out which equipment belonged to which statue by yourself, it felt very rushed and lazy in comparison. IMO it doesn't improve the pacing because it removes a fairly engaging portio. of the game that contributes to worldbuilding and atmosphere with something pretty boring in its place, even if its shorter. They don't even let you approach the altars by yourself anymore. Like someone else said in another thread, it feels more "videogamey", while the original felt more organic. I really didn't like thw changes they made here. It's still a fairly small problem when you consider the size of the game so it's not a big deal in the end
Pre-ordered on Amazon 9 months ago. My card has since expired and it let me know I needed to change the card charged to a valid one. I changed the card literally 2 minutes after I got the e-mail. It now shows Tuesday, September 20. Contacted Amazon support. They can't do anything.
4 years I've been waiting for this game. Fucking hell.
I'm sure to have a grand old time hunting for this game at brick and mortar stores tomorrow.
Huh, almost the EXACT same scenario as you only my update to my card was later and I still kept my shipnent time. Are you prime? It seems all of the incompetency suddenly vanishes if you are a prime member.
The worst part is that it doesn't even help to shorten the intro that much. It's still like 2 hours before you hit the first enemy encounter, more if you have trouble figuring out the sequence of things you need to do to open the ruins. And reviewers are still complaining about the long intro, same as 2001.
Also Dialac.
No, the first game to have that was 8.
And thank god, because it's the worst thing that has been added to DQ over the years.
Need to use it constantly, but it's got a long, annoying animation? And in DQ8, IIRC, didn't it also take a considerable amount of in-game time for some items?
And thank god, because it's the worst thing that has been added to DQ over the years.
Need to use it constantly, but it's got a long, annoying animation? And in DQ8, IIRC, didn't it also take a considerable amount of in-game time for some items?
I just found out I apparently ordered the game from two other places, so in addition to the gift that got me the game early, I have 3 copies incoming from various places. No idea how I managed this (._. )
Yes, although in the 3DS version the alchemy pot is instant.
"Time until the first enemy encounter" is similarly to "Time to reach the first dungeon in a Zelda game" one of the weirdest metrics for a games' quality I've ever seen. It's so arbitrary, as if an RPG couldn't possibly be fun until you've fought some monsters.
That just sold me on DQ8 3DS.
That just sold me on DQ8 3DS.
Also Dialac.
"Time until the first enemy encounter" is similarly to "Time to reach the first dungeon in a Zelda game" one of the weirdest metrics for a games' quality I've ever seen. It's so arbitrary, as if an RPG couldn't possibly be fun until you've fought some monsters.
Best Buy page just updated to tell me that my item is ready for pick up. If I go to the store, will they deny me the sale? I would assume yes, but I'm curious about other people's experience with in store pickup.
Best Buy page just updated to tell me that my item is ready for pick up. If I go to the store, will they deny me the sale? I would assume yes, but I'm curious about other people's experience with in store pickup.
Been a Prime member for 7 years. From what customer service told me it was more of a "this game has a limited production run" thing than anything else. They just didn't have anymore available after they erased my order and gave it to someone else. But they just shouldn't do that in the first place.
Best Buy page just updated to tell me that my item is ready for pick up. If I go to the store, will they deny me the sale? I would assume yes, but I'm curious about other people's experience with in store pickup.
I think it's best to call them. It probably varies store-to-store.
Hmm, just looked at the BB app and it says it's ready and to 'pick up by 9/16'...Good idea, I might do that in a bit. I mean, I'm fine waiting until tomorrow, but a head start would be awesome.
I got a text that said I could grab it tomorrow, but my actual order says it's ready for pick up. I'll call, but yeah the whole register thing definitely makes me want to just wait the day. Very excited to play this.
If it's anything like monhun, you check your digital receipt in the eshop, write down the code there and then go to the theme shop and put it in there.
Ps2 version of DQ8 is by far the worst version.
Worse than on mobile? I've only played DQVIII on PS2, so I could totally be wrong, but all the cuts made to the mobile version sounded pretty brutal.
Worse than on mobile? I've only played DQVIII on PS2, so I could totally be wrong, but all the cuts made to the mobile version sounded pretty brutal.
I'm thinking Cindi just means because of the alchemy pot scenes? The game itself is still amazing / looks / sounds great.
Then again I don't like that random encounters are being removed from DQ so 😅
Depends on what you value. Others may find the orchestrated music and voice acting to huge cuts but I didn't mind it and actually prefer the midi music to the bombastic orchestrated music. No alchemy wait time, faster gameplay and battles, I found the experience much more enjoyable than when I tried to replay VIII a long time ago.
It goes like this supposedly:
3ds DQ8 > JP ps2 DQ8 = DQ8 iOS > NA DQ8 ps2
It also has faster battles and load times than the ps2 version. It's just way faster and less of a slog.
Why JP ps2 over the NA version? I figured most people would prefer the orchestrated soundtrack and the great localisation/ voice acting of the NA version.