Why do you pretend that all of this isn't coming from the west, especially the US?
First they have Sony with their new HQ in the US cracking down on their sorry asses, then they have their own publishers demanding DEI shit, because they have investors with specific guidelines they need to follow. Like two out of four of Square-Enix key shareholders are american Investor firms. BlackRock and Vanguard Group, they demand DEI/ESG shit in all products. If Square-Enix doesn't meet those demands than they lose these investors.
Here is what BlackRock's CEO has to say about this, this was 7 years ago:
Q: BlackRock has really been in the forefront of ESG movement within corporate governance and a real leader... and change is so slow, how do you force change when it's so incremental and so gradual? How do you do something more radical? Have you thought about that? Has the board of American Express thought about more radical things we could do to enhance diversity and inclusion?
A: Well, I could speak about BlackRock's board, but it doesn't come from the board, it really has to come from the leadership of the firm and if the leadership of the firms are not doing the changes, hopefully the board forces that change and if not it's gonna be the shareholders, okay?
You can safely assume that the Vanguard Group shares the sentiments. Now you have two of those as your key shareholders and you really want and need their money, so what do you do? You follow their DEI/ESG guidelines. So, no shit SE is telling their devs to self censor.