I'm still a complete noob to this game, but I'm having a lot more fun now that I have a decent Chizuru. Not gonna lie, I still have no idea what most people in this thread are talking about. For now just having fun trying to farm white orbs and doing the story.
What team are you using?
Just go full DPS with all 6 units and rush it down
If you have Terra bring her along to remove the Dark Element from your attacks at the start of the fight with Dispelga
Then buff up with the best buff you have and go to town
Fryevia (friend)
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Eschaton keeps wiping me
262/280 with 93 slots of pots and moogles stored up.Random but how many unit slots are people up to atm? I'm on 250/250, but over 20 slots are being taken up by moogles (with more to collect in my inbox).
Daily and two tickets today were Chizuru, Abel (new), and Fang. I'd be more excited for a new Abel if I didn't already have 4 dual wields. Should have pulled more yesterday when my luck was good.
Finished the story event. I was pretty disappointed with this one story-wise.It's mostly just the three veritas talking in circles without saying anything. We get a little of what makes FV tick and that's probably the best of it. EV just comes across as an asshole and DV adds basically nothing. Is this Rain's dad or is this the vision? I guess he doesn't recognize his own son at the end? Nobody acknowledges their revenge plan will kill thousands of people much less how they feel about it. They don't even seem too excited about enacting it, just kinda tired and brooding. For once, the story event didn't make the banner characters more appealing except for maybe FV, but I was the least interested in him before so he had the most to gain. I hope the next veritas event is better. I imagine it will be since LV, WV, and VH are all more animated, interesting characters.
Yikes just wasted 90 energy cuz I thought the last story mission with rain and lasswell would be a joke. Brought in a bunch of TMR fodder with a few good units and got fucked for it.
Did you do 2 earlier Story Events?
Its been same trend starting first event. Last dungeon (maybe earlier) is no place for half powered team. Be safe and use your trial team.
Tip for the future. Story events aint coming easier for the last boss.
I'm still a complete noob to this game, but I'm having a lot more fun now that I have a decent Chizuru. Not gonna lie, I still have no idea what most people in this thread are talking about. For now just having fun trying to farm white orbs and doing the story.
More like unnecessary, you can get her up to 600SPR with almost entirely F2P gear and anything above that won't really make any difference.So gonna farm some TMs and break my laziness. Are 4 Ilias TMs BiS for Lunera?
So gonna farm some TMs and break my laziness. Are 4 Ilias TMs BiS for Lunera?
Maybe for now, but I prefer HP personally. Crowe will be out at some point in the next few months and she has HP +30% SPR +30% which is probably the best TM for her.
Maybe for now, but I prefer HP personally. Crowe will be out at some point in the next few months and she has HP +30% SPR +30% which is probably the best TM for her.
So gonna farm some TMs and break my laziness. Are 4 Ilias TMs BiS for Lunera?
edit: wrong thread
I'm up to the second to last stage I think (85 stam?) so far i've been doing fine getting carried by veritas friends but apparently that won't cut it for the last couple?
Lunera is one the easiest units to gear, and doesn't require TMs to get her strong. I think she's one of the best 5* units that you can get if you're F2P or don't TM farm.
I've farmed 4 Illia's TM and Lunera gets to around 800 SPR with it, and heals around 100-130 MP per turn with her Elf Song depending on the max MP of the unit. I think its a waste of effort, and nobody uses anywhere near that much MP per turn. As a support, just put on a ton of HP on her, with the right gear you can get her to near 11k HP, and she'll be very tanky and still heal around 90-100 MP per turn.
For damage, with her bow, you can get her to over 900 MP with Mag+30% or any other common TM.
But she is an absolute MVP in arena. She basically sparks chains randomly, and if you have two of her, its an easy 50-chain combo + tons of extra sparks. Better yet, put one of her with a little MP regen, and if you ever get AOE MP drained by Rem, you can sing your song for just 18MP to be up and running by the next turn.
My arena build is to have her get as much elemental resistance as possible, it goes well with 2 evade TTs, but generally just build her tanky for arena as her bow gives her more than enough MAG to reach arena damage cap. Its a very speedy team, no need to bother dual casting or anything, and you don't need to worry about 'no black magic' weeks.
Omg Zera I thought you were different. I thought you were immune. I'm so sorry.
Lunera is one the easiest units to gear, and doesn't require TMs to get her strong. I think she's one of the best 5* units that you can get if you're F2P or don't TM farm.
I've farmed 4 Illia's TM and Lunera gets to around 800 SPR with it, and heals around 100-130 MP per turn with her Elf Song depending on the max MP of the unit. I think its a waste of effort, and nobody uses anywhere near that much MP per turn. As a support, just put on a ton of HP on her, with the right gear you can get her to near 11k HP, and she'll be very tanky and still heal around 90-100 MP per turn.
For damage, with her bow, you can get her to over 900 MP with Mag+30% or any other common TM.
But she is an absolute MVP in arena. She basically sparks chains randomly, and if you have two of her, its an easy 50-chain combo + tons of extra sparks. Better yet, put one of her with a little MP regen, and if you ever get AOE MP drained by Rem, you can sing your song for just 18MP to be up and running by the next turn.
My arena build is to have her get as much elemental resistance as possible, it goes well with 2 evade TTs, but generally just build her tanky for arena as her bow gives her more than enough MAG to reach arena damage cap. Its a very speedy team, no need to bother dual casting or anything, and you don't need to worry about 'no black magic' weeks.
Feel bad for everyone who couldn't control the urge.
I spent (4) tickets and I then talked myself into stopping.
I'm 100% committed to getting 10x 9S (for 10-man challenge) as stated as required in this thread.
Hope my (48) tickets and 10,000 lapis brings the goods!
This banner just scares me for the future where we see a lot of 2 5* banners. There seems to be way less people in the thread "oh look i used 5 tickets and got this" happening than usual for new banners. I personally dropped 30k lapis and only have 2 off banner 5* to show for it.
It was always nice in the past to be truly "done" with a banner if you managed to get lucky and get that rainbow. Now it's like "well there's still one to go" or "shit it's the wrong one."
I'm going to really have to watch my spending on double 5* banners in the future.
I've been busy so I didn't get sucked into the hype. Was it Orlandu hysteria part 2, with the spanner in the works being that it was a double 5* banner?
Oh, and I'm still sitting on 216/55,000. I've interpreted "don't pull for 5*s if you're F2P" as "don't pull at all, ever".
The hope would be to get the 5* rate up change before we get too many of those double 5* banners. Then on a double banner it'd be 0.5% for each 5*, same as it is on single 5* banners now. Plus you have the 2% chance for off-banner 5*.
Feel bad for everyone who couldn't control the urge.
I spent (4) tickets and I then talked myself into stopping.
I'm 100% committed to getting 10x 9S (for 10-man challenge) as stated as required in this thread.
Hope my (48) tickets and 10,000 lapis brings the goods!
Lol, talk about a massive overkill. Constantly putting off finishing up a 3rd one on JP.
Really interested to see this new unit that will replace Lorraine on JP's EX system. The TM has to be broken in some way.
They just announced she will be replaced, further details should come this week.So is Lorraine going to be obtained another way, or in addition to? Any info other than an update page?
So is Lorraine going to be obtained another way, or in addition to? Any info other than an update page?
Used the 4* ticket i got from the bundle, straight rainbow. Dupe Fryevia. Was hoping for FV, but it turned out better i guess.
Damn. That's good dude. Double Fryevia is a great thing. I don't have a single one though haha
Can we discuss Flame Veritas btw? I didn't realize how strong he actually is. Everyone was going crazy for Dark Veritas on this banner but watching videos and reading about them, Flame seems like he's way better. On the Japan side of things I see Flame used as a finisher but never see Dark anywhere. Did these characters get enhancements yet over there?
DV and FV haven't gotten their enhancements yet.
What you see on videos with FV dealing a ton of damage is reliant on Setzer's TM Fixed Die. It's luck based because Fixed Die deals anywhere from 120%-650% damage. The more atk you have, the higher the damage.
FV is perfect for it because he can equip throw weapon. Combined with True Doublehand TM's like Cloud and Elfried's, he can get a a very high attack. And JP can stack duplicate materias too.
FV can still use the same set up in GL, but don't expect to gey JP numbers of damage.
Regarding FV vs DV, there's no debate as to who's better. DV is leagues better than FV. But that doesn't mean FV is not good, just means DV is god tier along with Fryevia and Orlandu.
Ah, I see that's the trick. That fixed die damage when you get lucky is pretty crazy. The double hand stuff is interesting to me because how differently it works on that version. Although when True DoubleHand comes out here, will we be capable of the same sort of stacking and damage?
FV seems like a chain finisher and DV a chainer. Both strong in their roles.
Ah, I see that's the trick. That fixed die damage when you get lucky is pretty crazy. The double hand stuff is interesting to me because how differently it works on that version. Although when True DoubleHand comes out here, will we be capable of the same sort of stacking and damage?
FV seems like a chain finisher and DV a chainer. Both strong in their roles.
They just announced she will be replaced, further details should come this week.
Lorraine 2.0 with Quad Wielding, Infinite Health, and increased Lapis drop rates TM?! lul.