Just tried Ultima and met a 10k opening attack. That 15 NRG cost was misleading.
Just tried Ultima and met a 10k opening attack. That 15 NRG cost was misleading.
You must have translated that wrong, it's every fight with 2.0 in your party will now cost you lapis~
Yeah I'm done. Feel free to delete me off your lists guys.
Been hitting my head up against high seraph and beasts for too long.
Tired of "energy" and just not being strong enough.
I have never loved mobile games and how they work. It's all just kinda come to a head.
Enjoy guys. If I could I'd give my account away but it's tied t my fb isn't it?
I mean its just one event....plenty of players that have been here since Day 1 and cant clear content the game has to offer. Sometimes you just have to sit one out and do something else until you are ready.
Whats your tear like ? Pretty sure could clear the stage if you have the main roles...as in a breaker/tank ala WoL, some booster, healer, 1-2 chainers and bring a strong friend.
Its such and easy trial by most standards i wonder how much help he asked for in here
I dont recognize the poster
I mean its just one event....plenty of players that have been here since Day 1 and cant clear content the game has to offer. Sometimes you just have to sit one out and do something else until you are ready.
Whats your tear like ? Pretty sure could clear the stage if you have the main roles...as in a breaker/tank ala WoL, some booster, healer, 1-2 chainers and bring a strong friend.
He doesn't really seem to like the game much. Not much you can do about that. Frustration of not being able to win every battle and get every item kinda gets to some people. But the Game needs to have challenges of all tiers for the large range in the player base.
Yeah I'm done. Feel free to delete me off your lists guys.
Been hitting my head up against high seraph and beasts for too long.
Tired of "energy" and just not being strong enough.
I have never loved mobile games and how they work. It's all just kinda come to a head.
Enjoy guys. If I could I'd give my account away but it's tied t my fb isn't it?
Pretty much what across said.
Regarding FV and DV, they are one of the best, if not the best, on theit respective role.
But remember, 99% of the time you'll need a chainer in your team. Finisher's are just there if you have 1 spot open. Chainers deal a ton of damage by themselves. Finisher needs chainers in order to maximize their damage.
That's how DV separates himself from FV in usefulness.
When it comes to FV - I pulled one on the way to getting DV - I'm looking at him as the following:
1) Cheap (relatively) to equip. He doesn't consume Blade Mastery, Large Sword Mastery, Dark Knight's Soul, Genji Glove, Genji Blade, Deathbringer, etc.. He's fine with ATK+30% (or EV's TM, Wisdom, etc.), Bracers, and Fixed Dice. Bam, sorted. If you have silly amounts of duplicate TMs then this might be less valuable, but if not, this is really useful. Being able to get a unit within spitting distance of their optimal attack without tying up high value TMs increases the damage of your team as a whole.
2) Gives me access to 50% imperils for elements I previously didn't have access to - Fire, Wind, Earth. I can't really take advantage of the third and I can only somewhat with the second, but I could make use of the first in the right situation. So: conditional, but an option.
3) Does pretty good damage with minimal support or setup. You pop his imbue+imperil once every 5 turns and spend the rest of your time dropping 500%-1000% hits. Don't forget if his HP drops below 30% he gets 150% ATK for the rest of the fight until he dies or it gets dispelled.
I remember reading (here? from Visceir?) that some JP players did Aigaion with just FV as their sole source of damage. I feel like it would take thirty years but I can see how it would work, as well.
4) His TM is just ATK+30% because no one, not even him, uses axes and heavy armor (exception: he is capping Tidus chains), so it saves you time in the Earth Shrine because you don't really need to grind it up. Thanks Gumi.
5) Looks pretty sick.
6) Only member of the Veritas who has any measure of chill whatsoever; ironic given his element of choice.
7) When he's in position #2 in your party, his axe will cover 30%-90% of the unit in position #1. Useful for sneak attacks.
Yeah I'm done. Feel free to delete me off your lists guys.
Been hitting my head up against high seraph and beasts for too long.
Tired of "energy" and just not being strong enough.
I have never loved mobile games and how they work. It's all just kinda come to a head.
Enjoy guys. If I could I'd give my account away but it's tied t my fb isn't it?
I'm pretty sure it's better to have the appropriate killer passive than Equip Rod on Fryevia, it's even better than a fourth L&A as damage increase >>> MAG increase. Right now your number seems high but your damage is worse.Without a second Fryevia the best I can do is (fully potted) 968 mag, 377 atk, 4600 hp , 296 spr, 437 mp. Wish I could push her past 1k mag but with current gear that we have access to and outside of having a second fry this is it. Equip Rod, 3 L&A, Genji Glove, Mateus Malice, Sirens Robe, Magical Crest, and Trick Hat.
Got past the previous chain record and damage. 38 chain with fry and 2 landu and broke 9 million damage.
We've spoken about the Rainbow 3% change.
But are the other rates being changed? Like more chance of Golds?
Actually yes, all the others got worseNope, current JP rates :
I'm pretty sure it's better to have the appropriate killer passive than Equip Rod on Fryevia, it's even better than a fourth L&A as damage increase >>> MAG increase. Right now your number seems high but your damage is worse.
I'm pretty sure it's better to have the appropriate killer passive than Equip Rod on Fryevia, it's even better than a fourth L&A as damage increase >>> MAG increase. Right now your number seems high but your damage is worse.
Hmmm. I'll see what I can test against in a real scenario. Need my energy to restore.
Not sure if its cheapest nrg way to test but Siren is Avian.
Thus Bird Killer materia works and Siren Tower 1* Esper fight costs 5 nrg.
Thanks Rixa!
Not sure if its cheapest nrg way to test but Siren is Avian.
Thus Bird Killer materia works and Siren Tower 1* Esper fight costs 5 nrg.
That 5 NRG Siren fight is a godsend for "Complete 2 Exploration" mission dailies
I'm rank 70, my main team is Noct,Orlandeau, Luneth, Ashe and WoL.
I have done 2 lots of TM farming, so I have Excalibur, save the queen, three dual wields, blade mastery, sakurafubuki, etc
I guess I feel like I have put in a decent chunk of time into the game, and I'm still struggling hard.
As I said, I just don't like mobile format to begin with, but this game hit all the other right buttons for me.
But lately it feels more like a chore. Gotta make sure I play when my Arena orbs are full or I miss out. Random crazy arena teams that just stone my entire team in one round are semi annoying lol
I have been trying to get L Sword mastery for awhile now, but I can't do enough dmg to Ifrit. Dual cast is almost done, so I could give that to Refia and try and do it legit, but I am moderately frustrated with it all.
I get that you guys don't recognise me, but I've been posting asking fir help a few times. Tuffy helped, and Zera is on my fl.
Anyways it's all good. Was posting to let anyone who is on my fl know the situation and get rid of me.
But lately it feels more like a chore. Gotta make sure I play when my Arena orbs are full or I miss out. Random crazy arena teams that just stone my entire team in one round are semi annoying lol
I have been trying to get L Sword mastery for awhile now, but I can't do enough dmg to Ifrit. Dual cast is almost done, so I could give that to Refia and try and do it legit, but I am moderately frustrated with it all.
I get that you guys don't recognise me, but I've been posting asking fir help a few times. Tuffy helped, and Zera is on my fl.
Imo take a break. Dont do anything rash and regretable. You are trying to push content that is extremely hard. You have the tools for the most part but need a few more key things. You HAVE to resd strats and folow them to a T as one mistake will cost you the fight. I still fall flat on my ass with power teams. They dont matter dude. Its all in the strat. You have valentus and others clearing trials with 3-4 star units. Its not a walk in a park but you can do it man. Just read up on fights and NEVER go in blind. Furthermore many of us have units that can carry you through most trials. Just ask and we set up a carry.
Unless you're going for the 100 wins, just do 5 arena matches a day (you'll hover in the 45-55k range, easily staying under 90k). Secondly, while it takes forever >.> <.< I can put up a ling to solo that trial, although I saw on Reddit that a Dark Veritas can solo it with extensive gear work (100% evade, and all moves are either fire or water / dark, healing him >.>). I bet Bonkeng could easily gear that if you ask (or i can do ling, whatever)
Yeah, I was trying the dual Orlandeau strat. Supposedly takes ifrit out in the first turn, and they need 850 atk each. My Orlandeau is nearly 900 and my friend one was 1000+. I tried all kinds of variations but always came up short.
Thanks man, but L Sword mastery is only rewarded for not dying, I think.
Yeah, I'm definitely taking a break, just don't know if it's permanent or not, I guess.
Thanks for the encouragement guys
Cough cough, you bring a unit, ANY unit that can hide whether you use my ling, or a prepped dv, and use hide on (jake/hayate/whoever), and just hit repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat
Biggest thing I can stress right now is ... find the part of the game you like. Focus on that. Trials and all were, and still are, my biggest hurdles. I don't enjoy them. But I don't mind cheesing them when I can to get goodies to help me in other parts, haha. But if you're looking to do Trials day 1, most people I imagine aren't getting them done until a few days later. Strats are good, but even then I feel like they take so long that I just take my eyes off the ball and then it's an auto lose.
Right now I'm enjoying the events as they come and sometimes the story. (Not the Vortex story... that shit just takes forever.) Also enhancing some of my characters. Have you enhanced Luneth? If not, his Sword Mastery and Cut Through are so worth it.
Just taking bits and pieces of what I like and going with it though. While pulling for things is still mostly shit, having Enhanced some characters makes me just not care as much. I'd still love Tidus, but right now making it work. Once I can get DKC's enhancements... he might be replacing CoD for the every day things, if I can get him to work with my group. But I don't sweat it over trials. Unless that's your thing. But you have to understand that it's ramping up for those with whale groups.
Also, the Trial yall are talking about.. did it early on with my Orlandu + another that was beefed up. But husband did it with the Ling + hide unit (his was Shine that he used) and got L Sword Mastery. Definitely let GAF know if you need something specific. I've only gotten some trials done like Beasts of the Dark and Gilgamesh because of GAF. <3
Yeah I hear you. I'm a bigger picture kinda guy. I can't play Destiny for instance, and not raid. I kinda feel like if I don't, what's the point to gearing up?
In here I feel like trials are the end game goal. And I'm still unable to succeed.
I'm thinking I might keep logging in to get my daily rewards and go from there... honestly if I only need to do arena like 5 times a day that wil help tremendously
So burnt out in arena. I just got my Orlandeau to max atk too, or near, with pots.
This Story event was incredibly pointless, wow. Easily the worst so far.
5 arenas a day is the only way to do it. Trying to use every orb would be miserable! Nothing wrong with taking a break if you're getting tired of it. Agreed with the "find what you like" mentality. For me it's definitely the super tough trials. So far so good on clearing every one of them day 1! Then I get to do them again on hard mode later on my wife's account because she hates that kind of stuff. Haven't even attempted the Robot on hers, but maybe if we get Emperor enhancements soon?
Daily actually turned gold and I got Victoria #2. Don't have a dark imperil user but I suppose I may as well level them up whenever I get a chance.
aww, i thought the final battle made it worthwhile~