(what if you could buy more arena orb slots with lapis? they'd have to set the price pretty high but i'd do it)
Depends how much I suppose haha
(what if you could buy more arena orb slots with lapis? they'd have to set the price pretty high but i'd do it)
On another note what's everyone's thoughts on Earth Veritas? I want WOL to take a break for a bit. My only issue is what with my team comp WOL was my breaker. I could give one of my Landu crush armor for the def/spr break but it would lower that one's dps. EV looks good as hell, love his sprite and animations and his LB is amazing but his spr is lower than WOL. How are you gearing your EV?
Yeah, if you're using every orb for Arena, it's going to drag you down. I only did that for a few weeks trying to get the 100 Win Streak. Since then I've only done 5 a day. Even that though.. I just want to say screw arena. It's not fun and it's just .. ugh.
Abylim, have you enhanced anyone? There are some that are worth it. (This coming from the person who shat all over Enhancements until Luneth's came out. Now I have Ace, DKC on alt, Luneth on main [CT and SM], and working on DKC on main.)
On another note what's everyone's thoughts on Earth Veritas? I want WOL to take a break for a bit. My only issue is what with my team comp WOL was my breaker. I could give one of my Landu crush armor for the def/spr break but it would lower that one's dps. EV looks good as hell, love his sprite and animations and his LB is amazing but his spr is lower than WOL. How are you gearing your EV?
Oh and I thought WoL was a good breaker?
I have WoL and EV, but I'm rocking WoL mostly because I just got him to 100 lol
Oh and I thought WoL was a good breaker?
He is a good breaker! He's a great breaker actually. Depending on your units, you don't need to have him breaking on every fight, or handling every break.
Say you're in a trial against something you want ATK or MAG broken. You have Orlandeau, WoL, and 4 Bediles. The trial boss is dangerous! You can have Orlandeau use Crush Weapon while WoL uses Brave Presence/LIWU. The combined reduction to the boss's damage output lets your Bediles live long enough to chain Thundara Blade for the win.
If you had WoL handle the break instead because you want to do MAX DEEPS then maybe the boss wilds out and kills 3/4 Bediles and now how are you supposed to win? That 5% extra ATK/MAG break wasn't worth the loss of three Thundara Blades per turn. RIP.
Hey guys I have been thinking about buying the Zwill Crossblde from King Moogle for my Chizuru. Is it worth it or should I just get her 6 star awakening materials instead?
Enhanced Luneth is all
My support units of note are Rikku lol. Refia is my best healer, but no DC yet.
Nice I should be back to 10 tickets by then.
Nice I should be back to 10 tickets by then.
Should be enough for two 9S pulls.
My Lapis/tickets aren't ready T-T
Reddit seems to say same than I was wondering. We do have double gold banner. Good luck for getting 9S x2.
Make or break for me boys. Shall be quitting exvius if I don't get a 5*... Which looking at the odds means I'll be quitting come Saturday.
I like how they answered that Ramza's enhancement question by basically saying "We will make you suffer and wait ages!"
We will be at the point where everyone in Japan stopped using singer when they'll release it.
My luck has been absolutely horrible lately.
I like how they answered that Ramza's enhancement question by basically saying "We will make you suffer and wait ages!"
We will be at the point where everyone in Japan stopped using singer when they'll release it.
My luck has been absolutely horrible lately.
Oh my friend, ye of massive wishes...
Good luck. Lol.
On another note what's everyone's thoughts on Earth Veritas? I want WOL to take a break for a bit. My only issue is what with my team comp WOL was my breaker. I could give one of my Landu crush armor for the def/spr break but it would lower that one's dps. EV looks good as hell, love his sprite and animations and his LB is amazing but his spr is lower than WOL. How are you gearing your EV?
More enhancements and still nobody on my team ��
That relief when the new trial boss isn't The Bloody Moon.
This enhancement batch is absolute garbage outside of Randi.
Marie enhancements just in time for Malboro trial, heck yes!!
Good luck everyone for NieR, we knew it was coming in hot after DV!
Ayaka - アヤカ ★5-6
Gouken - ゴウケン ★4-6
Sylvia - シルヴィア ★4-6
Kamui - カムイ ★3-5
Yuri - ユリ ★3-5
JP Enhancements Batch 5 said:Eileen
Ruruka (Luka?)
Was Marie actually confirmed to be in the enhancement batch? Because she wasn't in the picture so I assumed no.
FFBE_EN said:Yes, Marie is getting her enhancements together with the other units mentioned in the video.
So after thinking on what you guys said, I think I'll keep playing, but at a reduced rate, and with a different mind set.
Treat it as a time waster kind of game, and just do my 5 arenas and story, and the events as they come.
Thanks for putting up with my whining and not being dicks about it.
Exviusgaf best gaf
Ah ok that batch isn't as bad then. Marie's enhancements are pretty good. Still would have been nice to have someone decent outside of the 5* bases.
Talking about it in general, in other games or IRL.You have burned resources?
I checked and Iam now at 30 tickets, not sure that is enough even for one 9S.
Imo, it depends.
If you have all the top tier defense TMs like Patriotic Call, EV is superior because his cover has 10% more chance to proc but at the cost of 20% less mitigation compared with WoL.
Tanks need to survive most of the time. If he dies, he failed at his role.
Depends on the content, really. Not that I have EV, but...
What're you bringing tanks to? Trials, raid fights, and maybe the last stage or two of a story event. For the first two you know ahead of time what breaks they're even susceptible to. Often as not these days, it's one stat out of four, or ATK/MAG / DEF/SPR only, or something. You rarely need access to all four breaks at once and I don't know that it's really best to have them all on your tank even if you do.
Also, EV's SPR is not lower than WoL's. WoL is 125 base + 30 pot, with no SPR passive. EV is 128 + 26 + 20% SPR passive. They both have low HP passive procs (@30% HP, self-buff); WoL's is 100% DEF, EV's is 100% DEF/100% SPR. If you're talking about the staff/robe/Shard of Genius build, then sure, but EV's should have the DEF/HP edge then.
There's also the whole thing with EV's LB blowing WoL's out of the water entirely, and he's got Counter + Eye for an Eye for potentially solid uptime on it.
Why did this stupid banner not give me EV...