Well, for magicite it's mostly the leg work.
And having to level up jobs to 75 is getting boring...unless I can leech.
Need to figure out how to leech in abyssea...
Man, if you think the legwork for magicite is bad, I hope you don't look at what you have to do for some of those Zilart missions.....
Getting started leeching in Abyssea is tricky; unless you're a whm, sch, or rdm, at that level you aren't going to get into a party without being a keyer. In order to be a keyer you need Abyssea specific currency called Cruor, which you won't have yet because, of course, you haven't done any Abyssea content yet.
The best thing to do is Bostaunieux Oubliette till around 85, get yourself skilled up for that level range, and nab what you can afford that doesn't seem absolutely terrible in gear. After that, you should be able to get an invite to a party with a little searching around. Also, I hope that you already started the Abyssea questline so that you have been accumulating time stones while you have been doing other things.
Honestly, you've already done the hard part of the LB road to 99. The rest of them are easy stuff, though you might take a little bit on the last one.
Once you get into that first successful leveling party though, you'll be pretty set. You can save up cruor so that you can get abyssites that let you carry more time stones/add more time, get yourself some okay gear sets (Yes, I mean Perle/Aurore/Teal), and if worst comes to worst, you'll have a reserve of cruor that you can buy Forbidden Keys with; that way you can leech those jobs that are level 30 and up.
Stick with the game a little longer, you have yet to even scratch the surface of the events that await.
I've got about 30 last time I checked. It's been almost a month, and I only have that much.
30 is a good amount to get you started on. Once you study up on Abyssea and the mechanics inside, you'll see that you can actually obtain time extensions from chests. If you're coming into a good leveling party, you can go into Abyssea with only one stone expended and have that 30 minutes last you hours and hours, just due to the time extensions you'll obtain. In addition, you can also get abyssites of celerity(Key items) that lower the amount of time you need to wait in order to gain time stones. With all three of them in your posession, you can turn a 20 hour wait into an 8 hour one.
For your reference in the future, you can check out this guide here when you think you're ready to make the plunge into Abyssea: http://wiki.bluegartr.com/bg/Abyssea_Guide
Well, for magicite it's mostly the leg work.
Perhaps a better question based on my last post, among the newer warp points and NPCs and stuff, I've looked through the wiki a bit but I keep getting lost in what each quest actually does. If I wanted to quickly get from Jeuno to Gusgen mines and vice versa, what would be the fastest way?
Ease of exploration kupower should last until at least end of the week right?
Have you been doing Outpost deliveries? If you've delivered to Valkyurm/Zulkheim, I would change steps 3 & 4 to:I was thinking to set my HP in Jeuno:
1) Pick up instant warp and key from delivery box
2) Take some nearby book to my nation (san'doria)
3) Use explorer moogle to get to bastok
4) Take chocobo to gusgen
5) Open chest, instant warp to Jeuno HP, turn in pattern
6) Repeat from Step 1
As of a few hours ago EoE was already finished :/
Have you been doing Outpost deliveries? If you've delivered to Valkyurm/Zulkheim, I would change steps 3 & 4 to:
3) Use Outpost Teleport to get to Valkurm Dunes / Zulkheim region
4) Run to Gusgen
Might take longer, but without EoE it might be the best you can do. Currently working on getting an airship pass myself.
AFAIK Kupowers last a week. Swift Shoes might have just been activated a few times in a row.Ah Thanks, I will look into it.
I have no idea how Kupowers work but I remember the speed one that let you run faster after resting lasted a long time, was that multiple instances of it or something?
Have you been doing Outpost deliveries? If you've delivered to Valkyurm/Zulkheim, I would change steps 3 & 4 to:
3) Use Outpost Teleport to get to Valkurm Dunes / Zulkheim region
4) Run to Gusgen
Might take longer, but without EoE it might be the best you can do. Currently working on getting an airship pass myself.
Map 2[/URL]?
Well, we got waypoint teleportation. If you can take the time to haul your butt to Selbina, Mhaura, Rabao, and Norg, you can teleport to (L-5) on the map at Ru'Lude Gardens!
Or just use a grounds tome to warp back. Since it's a dungeon, the book also let's you port to your home point. Don't even need to select Repatriation for your home capital.
I wasn't even aware of this one, I guess I'm too set in the habits of the outdoors books - this is still under the Field Support category, I take it?
Well, we got waypoint teleportation. If you can take the time to haul your butt to Selbina, Mhaura, Rabao, and Norg, you can teleport to (L-5) on the map at Ru'Lude Gardens! If you need any help getting there, ask me! We'll Sneak, Invis, and do the Chocobo Jig across Vana'diel!
Yup. Forgot about the requirements for the Kazham Airship pass. More keys! Won't be too bad if Ease of Exploration Kupower is still up though. You're going to have to do this stuff sooner or later anyway, so you might as well do it if you got the time.
You are referring to this quest: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Researchers_from_the_West right?
Which appears to require this item correct?
And people are sure you can have more than one key if you send them to your delivery box but don't pick them up right? I got my first gusgen key in 5 minutes but 40 minutes later have not got another, I can just chalk it up to bad luck though. But if this is what the process requires, getting one of each key, then I will need to get 5.![]()
I am not sure where Rabao and Norg are, but I'm sure I can look them up. I may take you up on your offer if they are quite high level, I do have Sneak and Invis, though I'm always afraid they will wear off at a terrible time. :O
when you said leeching as whm, rdm, and sch; can I start at level 30 ish ?
Poverty Portal to Home: Fight something and die
I forgot, you lose experience from dying after level 10 don't you?
Poverty Portal to Home: Fight something and die
I forgot, you lose experience from dying after level 10 don't you?
Ballin, thanks. Not sure why I had level 10 stuck in my head for that. Until then I'll continue to use my Poverty Portal![]()
Forgot I did start this quest already, does it only need the Airship pass for Kazham to finish it then, and not just to start? I don't see 'Airship pass for Kazham' anywhere in the quest text for where you might need it. I'll grab the other areas tomorrow though.
Got the first limit break and nexus cape with Aya's help, I feel I am getting somewhere.
Still need 3 more Gusgen keys, I'll use my SCH so I can skill up off the mobs, if I go too long and can't seem to get keys fast enough, I'll just go with my RDM and clear them out faster for the drop.
After I get RSE, I'll take a step back and learn a bit better about how to play my classes and what spells I'm missing and such. Don't want to hit 99 and not know anything...
Forgot I did start this quest already, does it only need the Airship pass for Kazham to finish it then, and not just to start? I don't see 'Airship pass for Kazham' anywhere in the quest text for where you might need it. I'll grab the other areas tomorrow though.
Got the first limit break and nexus cape with Aya's help, I feel I am getting somewhere.
Still need 3 more Gusgen keys, I'll use my SCH so I can skill up off the mobs, if I go too long and can't seem to get keys fast enough, I'll just go with my RDM and clear them out faster for the drop.
After I get RSE, I'll take a step back and learn a bit better about how to play my classes and what spells I'm missing and such. Don't want to hit 99 and not know anything...
You need the Kazham airship pass to get to Norg. That's the reason why it's listed.
Ah that makes sense. Well Kupowers for better drops might make getting all those keys easier then.
Dammit, the exact same thing happened to me as yestarday, enter Gusgen, kill 2 or 3 skeletons, BAM, key. Spend hours getting nothing. Least, once again, I'm finally getting some proper skill ups. Now the problem is, I am at 2 keys, and last time there was a maintenance I could not play the rest of the damn day as it kept freaking updating and crashing, so now I got like thursday to get 3 more keys (if I want to do that quest for warp points too) and then the RSE is friday night.. I guess if I can't get all the pieces now, I can try to farm some ordelle keys for monday.
I basically go north all in gusgen, until I pass this room full of Wendigo's and Wights, then I find another set of stairs going down, and I rest about half way down to not attract either the top or bottom, it works out pretty well. Typically stick to killing Wights for higher % of key drop. Though my question is, if anyone is aware with this area, I am at position H-7 in my rest spot(on 2nd map I suppose), and at the top of the stairs there, scrolling through targets I can highlight a grounds tome but for the life of me I cannot see where my cursor is or find the actual tome, does anyone know where it is? The wiki says (H-7) 2nd Map (Inside tunnel below Wendigo's) and that is where I am, but there is a lot of elevation going on, and I ran around the bottom of the stairs area for a while and could not find it.
I'm not sure about books as I haven't gone deep into Gusgen in a while, but as for keys, wights might not necessarily be your best bet:
Wasn't really aware of how to get RSE before but I looked it up and found that my week was going on at the time. This is exactly what happened to me last night!Dammit, the exact same thing happened to me as yestarday, enter Gusgen, kill 2 or 3 skeletons, BAM, key. Spend hours getting nothing.
Also, how are you storing a 2nd key? I did a little searching and it looked like chest keys were on the "can not send" list.
Maybe you just can't send them to other people, and I misread it.It might be outdated info perhaps, I simply went to the delivery NPC next to the AHs and sent each key to myself. In my d.box I can see each key sitting there.
Found a good spot to farm a few of the tougher gusgen key holding enemies where I can sit safely.
It's (F-7) in right map from here slightly north of the rancid ooze, can backtrack a bit to get to Myconids or rest inbetween ooze spawning, both quite a bit higher chance of dropping than wights.
Have you tried asking for help in Jeuno or from your linkshell ? That usually works for me
I'm good, skill ups from killing them slower too. Just got my 3rd key. 8)
What else have you been doing ? I just dinged level 75 with SAM, WAR, DNC, MNK and i am beat. But i've got more than enough merit points to just grind and turn them in for the limit breaks. Also have a surplus of seals and crests
I don't know what most of your post means.
I basically did 90% of my actual playing since this new expansion released(played every couple years since about 2006 trying to get into it, but I'd usually rage quit around Selbina level 15-20 grinding), so I've been trying to take it slow and not get overwhelmed by the seemingly million things everyone should have or have unlocked.
I solo'd RDM for a while, then got him to 34 in Gusgen, unlocked SCH, solo'd him until I Gusgen'd him as well, he is 41 now. Then I started doing my rank missions, got to rank 3, now I'm grinding for keys so I can get my RSE as well as catch up in skill ups I missed during Gusgen grinding. LS member p-leveled my RDM to 50 along the way too, and helped me to limit break for 50-55.
Where did you power level through ?