Interesting to see XI still going strong, that's what I think at least is going on with XI. But I guess everybody will migrate to XIV in the end.
Going to be fun (not) trying to climb Parradomo Tor with the new speed enhancements, 25% may not seem like a big number, but you really will feel it on areas like that where you need to move very carefully.
Going to be fun (not) trying to climb Parradomo Tor with the new speed enhancements, 25% may not seem like a big number, but you really will feel it on areas like that where you need to move very carefully.
what do you guys think is the most valuable item to get from here ? I was thinking the imperial standing so I can get the maps in aht urghan
Ridill / Joyeuse / Byakko's Haidate / Genbu's Shield / Seiryu's Kote / Suzaku's Sune-Ate / Hauteclaire / Hofud / Valkyrie's Fork / Algol / Seveneyes / Nightfall / Nocturnus Mail / Nocturnus Helm / Undecennial Ring
50,000 Conquest Points / 50,000 Imperial Standing / 50,000 Allied Notes / 50,000 Bayld / 50,000 Guild Points
50 Beastmen's Seals / 50 Kindred's Seals / 50 Kindred's Crests / 50 High Kindred's Crests / Sacred 25 Kindred's Crests
3 copies of Rem's Tale, Chapter 1 / 3 copies of Rem's Tale, Chapter 2 / 3 copies of Rem's Tale, Chapter 3 / 3 copies of Rem's Tale, Chapter 4 / 3 copies of Rem's Tale, Chapter 5
Guild points or sacred crests would likely be the biggest time savers. The gear is all just vanity stuff and not very useful at this point. 25 crests will get you more than 3 copies of rem's tale.
what are these rem's tales ?
i looked online and they seem to be part of a book or something.
what do they do exactly ?
Used for upgrading Artifact armor to the new Reforged armor.
Almost a year ago there was a poll to vote on favorite NPCs, and I guess that went toward picking Trust candidates... But did that many people really vote Naji?..,
Anyway, if Tenzen and Mihli are covered too, I wonder about Gessho - that'd be a fun one to take to Castle Oztroja, and maybe even the Altar Room, if these have more freedom and the current NPC companions...
Heck, Dynamis Windurst, since Gessho looks like a dyna yagudo anyway.
On a more modest scale, hoping for Curilla and Dalzakk, and getting Zeid.
I hope this stuff isn't a burden on inventory...
Is there any indication that you'll be able to summon more than one helper at once? I couldn't tell from the trailer.
15 minutes till maintenance. GET HYPE!
Will I be able to get back in the game from the trial period with my character, or is it a from level 1, new account type of trial?
After playing almost a month of FFXIV and watching this trailer, I couldn't help but think that this game is still the best. I miss my jobs.BST still the best job I ever played in a rpg.
So today's the day huh? I think I might as well pick up Adoulin today off of Steam. Is there much for a LV 40 to do there or is it pretty much all high level stuff? Even if there isn't much to do I would love to just walk around new lands. Not just any kind of will be 25% faster!
It's scary how leaving this game for years off and on has given me such a great amount of content to catch up on. Don't think I could ever run out of stuff to do. I remember this post on Allakhazam that showed all the changes from JP launch till 2010 or so. It's shocking how far this game has come. Would love to see that again now.
So today's the day huh? I think I might as well pick up Adoulin today off of Steam. Is there much for a LV 40 to do there or is it pretty much all high level stuff? Even if there isn't much to do I would love to just walk around new lands. Not just any kind of will be 25% faster!
It's scary how leaving this game for years off and on has given me such a great amount of content to catch up on. Don't think I could ever run out of stuff to do. I remember this post on Allakhazam that showed all the changes from JP launch till 2010 or so. It's shocking how far this game has come. Would love to see that again now.
If you're buying the game you don't have to be level 40 for very long! You'll be limited of course by level and progress in storyline content but if you work at it you'll be able to do stuff with the majority of us sooner than later.
BG has a pretty good thread for returning players that outlines a lot of the new content and changes:
So today's the day huh? I think I might as well pick up Adoulin today off of Steam. Is there much for a LV 40 to do there or is it pretty much all high level stuff? Even if there isn't much to do I would love to just walk around new lands. Not just any kind of will be 25% faster!
It's scary how leaving this game for years off and on has given me such a great amount of content to catch up on. Don't think I could ever run out of stuff to do. I remember this post on Allakhazam that showed all the changes from JP launch till 2010 or so. It's shocking how far this game has come. Would love to see that again now.
From what I'm hearing and seeing, the new systems, "Trust" and "Records of Eminence" are the single largest change to the mid/early game since level sync was introduced. It simultaneously attempts to solve the lack of low level gear availability on the AH, as well as give low level players and solo players a ton of shit to do.
This update is really huge.
I posted this in the other thread:
I really think this increases the accessibility of the low-mid game in ways they have not done in a long time.
One other major advantage to it that I see is that some of the rewards you can get are pretty solid even at endgame. So, it should smooth out the transition from midlevel to high level content much better than before.
From what aur was telling me there is 1-50 gear on the npc, and since at that point you start getting into JSE gear and relevant 75+ content, it makes sense that this is the cutoff.
That's just it though, I don't think that there is that cutoff. From what people on BG are saying, you can also buy ilvl gear and weapons with sparks. Stuff like