Doing some small progress.
Did the "Eikonic challenge" part that was on the demo and what was after (SPOILER)
Garuda fights, confirmation that Clive is Ifrit and jaw dropping Bahamut/Odin cutscene.
Combat is still so rewarding. I love finding the best way to chain abilities.
Love to approach an enemy with Phoenix's Swiftness or Lunge, then normal combo with Magic burst, then charged the blade while calling Torgal for a launch, air stomp, release blade, aerial combo,
Garuda's aerial ability then Downthrust. Finish with a eikon ability if not dead already.
EDIT : sometimes, especially in dark area or with teleporting enemies, combat can get messy with all the particle effect ongoing.
Game is so far missing a lot on the RPG elements. No party managing, so far weapons and gears choice is just take the newest one in the shop and upgrade it.
A bit of decision to make when it comes to accessories since there is only 3 slots (which is good). Same for Eikon's abilities.
Still love the game. They took the decision to go full spectacle with amazing combat and jaw dropping moments. Very very long time I haven't got amazed by a game's visuals.
For me it catches enough the atmosphere of the old school FF despite lacking some core elements (no magic is disappointing).
FFXVI has some of the best haptics I've experienced in a while
I keep seeing this comment and it made me wondering if I know what "haptics" mean. Aside of some variation of the vibration and I don't see anything amazing with the controller's feedback xD