I said this in another thread, but fucking zelda is better than any female character these western developers have shoved down our throats. Western devs think strong female characters mean physically strong built like the rock and vin diesel. They are so dumb it makes me question their sanity. Zelda literally only shows up in flashbacks, and still has more agency, more character development than anything ive seen in Horizon, TLOU2, and female characters in GOW and yes, even Ratchet. Zelda has A HUGE impact to the story despite relying on Link and Raru, and she does that while remaining likeable. What a shocking novel concept, make a likeable protagonist instead of the boss babe bitches we got in Horizon and TLOU2.
Now FF16 does not have any female protagonists, but both villains so far are written wonderfully. They are both strong, one of them physically, the other doesnt have to be physically to cause all kinds of havoc. I love how one of them gets her own flashback scenes and the game even cuts to her for a long cutscene after you defeat her in a boss fight. Its so rare to see this kind of scene in a video game which stubbornly stick with protagonists at the expense of character development for everyone else. TLOU2 was 30 hours and by the end, I had zero feeling for Abby and just couldnt wait for the game to decide what to do with her. In less than a 3-4 hour mission, these guys managed to make me like a villain I fought against like four different times.
This game doesnt hate women, it respects them like actual people with their own morals, feelings, and character arcs. They arent a vehicle for the protagonist's character development or a vehicle for the developer's agenda pushing.