Am 1/4 of the way into NG+ & am so not tired of FFXVI yet, I'm thrilled to say (& I'd be further on NG+, but one of my brothers is visiting, so playtime is less, no problem).
As I described XVI to him - this is the most roller-coaster game I may have ever played in 40yrs of gaming, lol. The highs for me being combat in general, so many of the "regular" boss battles (esp enjoyed the
fights), the Eikon fights were all kinds of crazy, the music is really close to my favorite FF OST (which is VII/VIIR), Clive is probably my favorite FF protag, w/ Ben Starr kicking ass, & I very much enjoyed the story.
The "lows" of the roller-coaster aren't equal to bad IMO, but rather extended moments of chill in between the hyped highs mentioned. I really enjoyed sitting down w/ Harpocrates & reading every entry, getting entrenched in the worldbuilding & lore, testing out new abilities in the training mode, & appreciated how many of the SQ's (as "MMO" as they were) always tied back to the community or a character's individual story, etc.
It wasn't all great, ofc. There were some legit dull quests, the camera center-pull (until the recent patch!) drove me crazy, performance in some areas needs work, & a hard mode should've been avail from the start.
All said, it's not my favorite FF - but I think it's tied for second, & I think it's made its way into my top ten games overall (somewhere btwn 7-10). Really had / having an excellent time!
ETA: How could I forgot to mention the Hunts? 5:30AM not-enough-caffiene-brain. Anyway, really had loads of fun w/ them!