- Lol. What are these 10-20 year old mechanics that are so painful for you to experience?
- The world is empty, there's nothing to interact with and the materials you find are useless for the most part. You can't even open doors or break boxes.
- The NPC interactions are truly miserable. The stiff animations and dead eyes, the mouth animation doesn't match with words being spoken. It's absolute trash and the biggest thing that drags this game down. It is completely unacceptable the amount of time you have to stand there and listen to absolute empty banter. World building it is not. Anyone defending this stuff is someone I can't take serious.
- The jump button is useless outside of combat and there's no run button.
- No verticality, just makes the lack of exploration stand out more. You are constantly stuck to the ground and with how quickly you can navigate the "open" areas, it seems like everyone is fighting over a piece of land roughly the size of Rhode Island.
- The cities, there's nothing to do in them; Merchant who sells the same stuff as the previous merchant, an empty pub to walk into. There's like a few dozen NPCs at most and none of them say anything of note, everything feels so small and irrelevant.
- Combat is completely mindless because of how easy the game is. The game is designed so that you'll always progress, it's really approachable for newcomers and people who generally suck at games like DMC and Bayonetta (people such as myself).
- "Dungeons" involve running from large room to large room, seeing a cutscene that introduces enemies, it's the same thing over and over.
- There was an "immersion" trailer showcasing the resistant triggers. The triggers are used for opening large doors; Hit X then hold R2, or when you're riding your Chocobo. Immersion, that's a pathetic use of the dualsense features.
- The "EPIC" Eikon fights are cutscenes with the occasional QTE and nothing but perspective shift. It's just spectacle and stuff that was viewed as style over substance back in the PS3/360 generation.
- The NPCs look on par or worse the something like White Knight Chronicles.
Builds are irrelevant in the standard
Action mode because there are no builds, combat is based on maximizing damage output, nothing else needs to be taken into account. You buy the 1 piece of gear that's available to equip and upgrade the abilities that you want to upgrade. It's completely mindless. You attack, dodge, wait for the cool down meter and then attack and dodge some more. Certain enemies are more susceptible to specific elements but I have yet to see any kind of
immune status for enemies. Granted, I'm roughly 67% done with the game so there's still time for the game to throw in a new combat mechanic. But that's why I say builds are non-existent. There's nothing that you as a player need to take into account, it's all the same. Dodge attacks, deal damage. Occasionally a scrub enemy will cast protect and all you do is spam the enemy with your pew-pew magic attack.
None of the above means the game sucks. It means the game is underwhelming and dated as can be. More impressive games, or equally as dated games get roasted on a regular basis on this forum by the same people getting big mad that FFXVI is being called out by some of us. FFXVI is incredibly mediocre and I'll keep saying it as long as I'm playing the game, put me on ignore if you don't want to hear it.
We get that you don’t like the game (we are all appreciative that you continue to press forward so that you can enlighten us with your deep analysis) but to suggest that XVI is somehow unique in that it utilizes mechanics present in PS2 games is moronic. Every game on the market has 10-20 year old mechanics. This isn’t a new thing.
Developers take what they learned making other games and refine them for other games. Go back and play Dragons Dogma, Metal Gear Rising or DMC 1-3. There are plenty of XVI refinements that I appreciate because of the experience Square developers accumulated by working on those games.
Nobody is arguing that the early to mid game side quests aren’t weak and that the default difficulty isn’t easy, but plenty of people have highlighted elements of this game that are top tier comparatively to other Final Fantasy games or other 2023 contemporaries.
I have played Dragons Dogma recently and they aren't worth comparing.
XVI is empty by any standard and abuses the worst aspects of dated gameplay. I'm not gonna browse the thread and entertain white knighting a game simply because it's the new thing. It's been out for 2 weeks, it's fair game to have an actual discussion on the game systems and what the game offers up.