I'm a Liar according to Aces lol.
Yes input would be appreciated from yourself.
Yeah no deadlifts or squats due to moderate degenerative discs in my lumbar area S1,L3, L4 and L5 due to twenty three year of weight training and a few years of Krav Maga. Wear and tear I guess.
I have to improvise unfortunately, as any rounding of my lower back and I'll potentially feel moderate pain. The most important thing to me is mobility and being pain free. Regular stretching and walking is a godsend.
Some times I swap the days around. I do alot of rotator cuff warm ups and dead hangs just for peace of mind every gym visit. I do 35 minutes on a elliptical machine each time afterwards as well.
This is going to look odd as I'm not even sure what I'm doing anymore tbh, I'm just trying to hit everything. In my head 4x12 but I'm doing way more in some exercises.
20x warm with the bar
12x 60kg
12x 100kg
12x 140kg
1x182kg *currently* (I start at 140kg and add 2kg a week until I fail and then rinse and repeat.)
12x 100kg
35x 60kg (explosively) to failure
Plate loaded Seated row
12x 80kg
12x 120kg
12x 160kg
12x 200kg
6x 220kg
Lateral side raises dumbbells
12x 18kg
12x 20kg
12x 24kg
12x 26kg
Calf raises
4x12 200kg
Reverse cable crossovers
12x 10kg
12x 15kg
12x 20kg
12x 25kg
2x 12
Plate loaded lat pull downs
12x 120kg
12x 160kg
12x 200kg
12x 220kg
Seated military press smith machine
12x 60kg
12x 100kg
12x 120kg
12x 100kg
Triceps single cable pushdowns
12x 10kg
12x 15kg
12x 20kg
12x 25kg
Triceps overhead cable extensions
12x 35kg
12x 35kg
12x 45kg
12x 50kg
12x 140kg
12x 160kg
12x 180kg
12x 200kg
12x 140kg
Dumbbell curls
16x 26kg
16x 28kg
16x 32kg
16x 35kg
Reverse curls ez bar
4x12 47kg
Pin pull leg press (can't use Plate loaded leg press)
Individual leg at a time!
12x 140kg
12x 160kg
12x 180kg
12x 200kg
Adductor thigh machine
4x20 100kg
Abductor thigh machine
4x20 100kg
Leg curl machine
12x 85kg
12x 95kg
12x 100kg
12x 105kg
12x 85kg
Hammer curls
4x12 20kg
Wheel rollouts