Founded by some 30 leaders of the Christian Right, the Alliance Defending Freedom is a legal advocacy and training group that specializes in supporting the recriminalization of homosexuality abroad, ending same-sex marriage, and generally making life as difficult as possible for LGBT communities in the U.S. and internationally. Despite its regular defamation of LGBT people, the group has managed to win special advisory status at the United Nations, in the European Union, and with the Organization of American States.
In Its Own Words
The only surprise is the rapidity with which this degradation of our human dignity has occurred. It has occurred, with raging effect, and within twelve months, on the heels of government mandated recognition of same-sex marriage an oxymoronic institution if ever there was one. And, for its radical adherents, this has led to a deification of deviant sexual practices. It has further resulted in the inevitable and aggressive persecution of devout Christians who refuse to bow to the false god of sexual license.
ADF-affiliated attorney Charles LiMandri, The Tyranny of Made-Up Sexual Identities, 2015
The endgame of the homosexual legal agenda is unfettered sexual liberty and the silencing of all dissent.
ADF Senior Counsel Erik Stanley at the Gospel, Homosexuality, and the Future of Marriage conference, 2014
Alliance Defending Freedom seeks to recover the robust Christendomic theology of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th centuries. This is catholic, universal orthodoxy and it is desperately crucial for cultural renewal. Christians must strive to build glorious cultural cathedrals, rather than shanty tin sheds.
Blackstone Legal Fellowship website, 2014
"When given the same choice the Supreme Court of the United States had in Lawrence vs. Texas, the Indian Court did the right thing. India chose to protect society at large rather than give in to a vocal minority of homosexual advocates.
America needs to take note that a country of 1.2 billion people has rejected the road towards same-sex marriage, and understood that these kinds of bad decisions in the long run will harm society."
Benjamin Bull, executive director of ADF Global, on the recriminalization of homosexuality in India, 2013
[C]ontrol of the educational system is central to those who want to advance the homosexual agenda. By its very nature, homosexual acts are incapable of bearing fruit indeed, strictly speaking, they are not sexual, as they are incapable of being generative or procreative. Thus there is the need to desensitize and corrupt young minds, both to undermine resistance to the agenda and for recruitment among those that are at an emotionally vulnerable stage of development.
Then-senior ADF Legal Counsel (Global) Piero Tozzi, speaking at the World Congress of Families gathering in Madrid, Spain, 2012
And in the course of the now hundreds of cases the Alliance Defense Fund has now fought involving this homosexual agenda, one thing is certain: there is no room for compromise with those who would call evil good.
Alan Sears, speaking at the World Congress of Families gathering in Madrid, Spain, 2012
The government should promote and encourage strong families. When school officials have to choose between protecting children in those families or furthering the homosexual agenda, the choice is obvious: protecting our children comes first.
Austin Nimocks, then-ADF senior counsel opposing a Welcoming Schools curriculum, 2008
In the end, those who profess to be gay or lesbian, or who have otherwise slipped in and out of homosexual behavior, including cruising for anonymous partners, are people who succumb to a dangerous temptation.
Austin Nimocks, then-ADF senior counsel, writing at, 2007
As the homosexual agenda continues to sexualize our culture, other once-forbidden behaviors are exalted as just more alternative lifestyles. The result is that the well-being of millions of children is at risk, along with the right of parents to protect their children from sexual exploitation.
Alan Sears and Craig Osten, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today, 2003
We mention the new promotion of pedophilia in the context of talking about the influence of homosexual behavior on college campuses, because, despite all objections to the contrary, the two are often intrinsically linked.
Alan Sears and Craig Osten, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today, 2003
The issue under rational-basis review is not whether Texas should be concerned about opposite-sex sodomy, but whether it is reasonable to believe that same-sex sodomy is a distinct public health problem. It clearly is.
ADF attorney Glen Lavy, counsel of record, amicus brief, Lawrence v. Texas, 2003
According to its website, the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) was launched on the morning of Jan. 31, 1994, during a meeting of more than 30 Christian leaders, in order to defend religious freedom before it was too late.
The founding board and original funders included James Dobson of Focus on the Family; Bill Bright of the Campus Crusade for Christ; D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries (now D. James Kennedy Ministries); and Don Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association. Its original purpose was to oppose the ACLU and other radical groups as well as to fight for religious liberty. Since its founding, the ADF has expanded its operations abroad as it battles abortion, LGBT equality, and what it considers the myth of the separation of church and state.
Originally called the Alliance Defense Fund (the name changed in 2012), the ADF has been funding cases and training attorneys since its inception, claiming that it is advocating for freedom in court, though it also is working to change the culture, because, it says, legal victories arent enough. In other words, the ADF is attempting to do away with the separation of church and state and graft its version of conservative Christianity onto the legal profession and the culture at large through its legal strategies and the training of thousands of attorneys and by advocating for policy changes on state and federal levels.
The ADF has several initiatives that help train conservative Christians. These include a variety of programs designed for young lawyers, including the Young Lawyers Academy, which schools new U.S. attorneys and provides opportunities to engage the culture and join a network of Christian attorneys around the globe, and the Areté Academy, which launches highly accomplished university students and recent graduates on a path to future leadership in law, government, business, and public policy.
The ADF Academy is a training program that purports to equip participants to effectively advocate for religious liberty, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family. The ADF claims more than 1,800 lawyers have participated. The organization also offers the secretive Blackstone Legal Fellowship, through which Christian law students study under prominent scholars, participate in internships, and prepare for life and leadership in the legal profession. Since 2000 (the year of Blackstones inception), the ADF claims it has trained over 1,600 law students from 225 law schools in 21 different countries.
In 2014, the Blackstone website noted that part of its core curriculum included a reading list that not everyone would agree with. No offense and certainly, no proselytizing, is intended, the ADF stated. Rather, Alliance Defending Freedom seeks to recover the robust Christendomic theology of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th centuries, which, the statement continued, is catholic, universal orthodoxy and is desperately crucial for cultural renewal.
The ADF also has a legal academy that, according to a 2013 media kit, is a state-of-the-art lawyer training project that launched in 1997. Attorneys who attend the academy do so free of charge, but they are required to do 450 hours of pro bono work over a three-year period on behalf of the Body of Christ and the mission of the ADF. Past sessions of the academy included topics such as effectively equipping attorneys to battle the radical homosexual legal agenda, upholding the sanctity of life and parental rights, and defending religious liberty.
Alan Sears was the longtime president, CEO and general counsel of the ADF until January 2017. Sears served in various positions during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and also worked for the Department of Justice and was appointed director of the Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography.
Under Sears leadership, the ADF expanded its training, funding, and outreach not only domestically, but internationally. Using its international platforms, the ADF works with policymakers and other organizations to outlaw abortion, deny equality and marriage to LGBT people worldwide, and continue to push for a hard-right Christian theocratic worldview that is reflected in legislation and policies.
In January 2017, the ADF named longtime theocratic right-wing activist, attorney, and Baptist minister Michael Farris as its second president, CEO, and general counsel. Farris left the right-wing Convention of States, which he co-founded in 2013, to take the position at the ADF. The Convention of States advocates for holding just what its name impliesa convention of statesto add amendments to the Constitution in order to stop the federal spending and debt spree, the power grabs of the federal courts, and other misuses of federal power.