lol, this whole shilling accusation thing is just wow.
Especially for someone with like 30 posts.
lol, this whole shilling accusation thing is just wow.
He asked for specifics, I was giving my opinion on what port differences could be. No one can say anything for certain. I posted a link above to similar GPUs in both PS4 and Xbox One to give you an idea of how large a performance difference can be on pure power alone.
With that said, I'm off.
Sham? Wow.
I wanted that significant advantage we were all thinking was going to happen and now it's looking like much less of an advantage and also a lame launch lineup compared to XBone in my opinion.
Xbox One has dedication for their wavy waggle.
PS4 is using 3.5 GB is worse because it's not a general purpose OS. Windows 8 has a much smaller footprint, and Linux way lower than that.
I can only conclude that Sony is being sloppy or reserving space for advertising. PC primary is looking more likely for me.
If it's for that damn share video feature, I hope I can disable it and instead cache game assets. Way more important to me.
Yup . A better way of thinking is the hypervizer is like the bios setup which runs when you boot up . It's the common thing behind everything. Then then there are two virtual machines are partitions one whih runs os app related stuff . Other for games . The key difference in pc partitions for dual operating systems use the same ram processor but divide up the hard disk. Here the virtual machines are dividing up the ram processor but sharing the same hardisk.
I'm no expert in the field myself.
My expertise lies in programming languages and algorithms but I do understand os stuff somewhat . Hope it helped.
EDIT should stop posting now starting to pregame to go to the bars so my explanations will probably get super esoteric after this lol
Xbox One has dedication for their wavy waggle.
PS4 is using 3.5 GB is worse because it's not a general purpose OS. Windows 8 has a much smaller footprint, and Linux way lower than that.
I can only conclude that Sony is being sloppy or reserving space for advertising. PC primary is looking more likely for me.
If it's for that damn share video feature, I hope I can disable it and instead cache game assets. Way more important to me.
Benchmarks using off-the-shelf PC components are completely irrelevant in this scenario.
Lol good man, glad someone picked up on that.Shamwow!
It is a narrative. Microsoft's hardware choices were a result of assuming GDDR5 in high volumes would not be feasible at the end of 2013, that's why they went with their memory setup. Sony's approach turned out to be smarter, giving them higher performance for the same (if not less) buck, but Microsoft didn't design the hardware in order to screw the gamer.
It is a narrative. Microsoft's hardware choices were a result of assuming GDDR5 in high volumes would not be feasible at the end of 2013, that's why they went with their memory setup. Sony's approach turned out to be smarter, giving them higher performance for the same (if not less) buck, but Microsoft didn't design the hardware in order to screw the gamer.
Right at launch, the Xbox offered 480p in most games, DD 5.1 sound, better textures in some multiplats, and custom soundtracks.
Right now devs are aiming for feature and graphical parity for games that are planned through at least next summer. The difference between launch exclusives is negligible, and MS oddly has more 60 fps games in the pipeline. If MS offered a Kinect-less sku right now, it would be difficult to argue that the PS4 was a significantly better value to the average consumer, despite what we know about the innards.
All for instant switching between apps.....SO IMPORTANT.
This console gen is going to be a short one IMO. 6 years tops
Sony was trumpeting 8GB GDDR5 and how developers were happy with all that power.
Turns out it's a sham, Sony were being disingenuous and no doubt their OS will be a poor, slow version compared to MS.
All for instant switching between apps.....SO IMPORTANT.
This console gen is going to be a short one IMO. 6 years tops
Look at the PSN store. 7 years and it's still a clunky, jerky experience. They couldn't even get background installs done. Don't underestimate Sony when it comes to screwing something easy up.
If you can do it for me, that would be great, but I'm just trying to illustrate that there is a significant power difference between the two machines that isn't some trivial 3 or 4 frames per game.
1. They're wrong. They should get better sources, or at least attempt a better analysis.
The incredibly frustrating thing about the PSN store is that starting with the first store redesign and before the 2nd (current) one, the store was VERY nice and snappy.
That lasted for years. Nice quick store, easy enough to get around as well.
Then they redesigned it to the laggy monstrosity that it is now. Why? I'll never know.
Metro 2033 1920x1200
7770: 24 fps
7850: 38 fps
Difference: 55%
Dirt 3 1920x1200
7770: 52.5 fps
7850: 74 fps
Difference: 40%
Total War 2 1920x1200
7770: 47.5 fps
7850: 71 fps
Difference: 49%
Battlefield 3 1920x1200
7770: 33 fps
7850: 48.5 fps
Difference: 47%
It usually hovers around 45-55% difference, in line with the TFLOP count.
So just a recollection of the insider posts:
All for instant switching between apps.....SO IMPORTANT.
This console gen is going to be a short one IMO. 6 years tops
We should talk more about this post 2500 posts ago.
This is an incredible post.So just a recollection of the insider posts:
I think a lot of gaffers wouldn't mind another average sized generation after the length of this one. 5 - 6 years of this upcoming generation brings us to 2018 - 2019 which I think quite a few people would be more than ready to move on to next-next gen by that point.
Silly title for silly "controversy."Whats the story with the thread title..?
Whats the story with the thread title..?
Metro 2033 1920x1200
7770: 24 fps
7850: 38 fps
Difference: 55%
Dirt 3 1920x1200
7770: 52.5 fps
7850: 74 fps
Difference: 40%
Total War 2 1920x1200
7770: 47.5 fps
7850: 71 fps
Difference: 49%
Battlefield 3 1920x1200
7770: 33 fps
7850: 48.5 fps
Difference: 47%
It usually hovers around 45-55% difference, in line with the TFLOP count. The XB1 has 50% more CUs than the 7770 (clocked lower, so same TFLOPS) but I'm not sure if that makes any difference.
Since I'm a console gamer and not a game developer for the said console, specs really doesn't matter to me. If there are good games on a system that I like, then I enjoy that system regardless of its specs.
However that being said, if I buy two different consoles with the same multiplatform games, and if the games run better on the one because of it's specs, then that's a different story.
In the end it's all about the games...
Sony is playing it very safe for launch units. Things like clock rates, OS size, and memory allotments are conservative for a reason. Sony does not want to be in a position where they will lose out on a killer feature or find themselves in a position where there is zero room to grow. I wouldn't be surprised if year 3 or 4 of the PS4's life cycle you see a patch to upclock the GPU.
Upclocking the PS4's GPU 200 mhz more would yield a 2.3 TF machine.
As of this moment, not a single developer has complained about "too little RAM". Most developers are very happy by not only the quantity, but the speed of RAM. As we enter the third year of the machine, the OS size will shrink and things will become less bloated.
Let things play their part and STOP overreacting. Some of you have zero idea how well designed and balanced the PS4 is.
Really? Is this even a remote possibility, thuway? You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
I don't see Sony upclocking the PS4's GPU at all...there's too many factors involved here (power, cooling, etc).
Really? Is this even a remote possibility, thuway? You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
I don't see Sony upclocking the PS4's GPU at all...there's too many factors involved here (power, cooling, etc).
Yep. 5-6 years is a great length, spending $400-500 that often is fine by me. A lot of technologies are in their early phases now that have the potential to be bigger, stuff like oculus rift, cloud computing/gaming, digital downloads(not so early but still in infancy for consoles) and all this other jazz. 5-6 years from now it may be possible to do something more awesome and unique with the console generation.
5-6 would be great less would be way too short for a 400-500 device and more would get us into the situation we are in now.
So just a recollection of the insider posts:
fck it to hell i-m getting a wiiu