By the Goddess, I DID IT! (Normal difficulty)
I basically had the perfect possible run before the final boss. In the end cloaking was fully powered and I also bought the weapon upgrade so I was able to fire while being hidden.
-I had three burst lasers (mark II) and the Artemis missile system, nothing was able to withstand my attacks.
-What about the intruders? Bah, I had an army of rockmen just itching for a fight. Rescued from the slavers and ready to die for the federation.
-The rebel flagship never stood a chance. Even the super weapon was completely useless as USS Ishimura's captain timed his cloaking maneuvers perfectly.
Awesome story and great run. /salute.

Somehow reading the success stories of other people is every bit as exciting as finishing the game for the first time.
Oh, really? You get more scrap and resources by killing the crew rather than destroying the ship? I'll have to try that next time, I know I don't use the teleporter nearly enough (since I have a bad habit of destroying the ship with my people still on it). Should work pretty well with the Engi ship and lots of Ion guns, if I can find some buggers.
Yes, there is an entirely different event text if you kill all crew in a ship, and a different loot table. Typically you get a lot more of everything (the game typically tells you you take your time emptying the vessel and scrapping it), often a weapon ("with the crew dead there is no one to stop outfitting this weapon to your ship"), and for example in slaver ships, you often get a crew member in addition to other rewards, and sometimes, you can even choose between three races (as you free all slaves and choose one to serve with you). It's really awesome an daddicting, balancing the fact that it's the hardest way to deal with a ship.
All of this is mentioned in my huge-ass tips post, earlier.
Thanks for the help guys. I feel amazingly stupid now (it was late. Long day. blah blah bad excuses blah).
Well, if you had never encountered a file with that extension, there's nothing stupid about not knowing what to do with it. ^_^. A stupid man would not have asked and would remain in the dark instead.
By the way, I've had this game for 3 days and have already put 18 hours into it. It makes me feel bad for the other 10 games bought during this steam sale cus they are not going to be played for awhile now,I can already tell. And also thanks to Weltall for all those very useful tips!
You're welcome! I've only had this game for a week, and I'm up to 50 hours now. I feel even guiltier as I was actually gifted a couple of games and they have been untouched. Fortunately I'm feeling the FTL crave starting to subside slightly now, to the point that I can actually function as a normal human being... mostly. I've also had headaches as of late, possibly due to my wisdom tooth extraction a couple weeks back, so I haven't been able to play much of anything.
The problem with teleporting guys is that all the teleporters I've bought have been 2 man models, makes fighting in ships damn difficult later on. You're basically forced to TP into 2 man rooms and have the enemy shuffle between medbay and that room.
All teleporters are 2 man, except for the Mantis B which starts with a 4-man version... and no weapons at all

. A 2 man is enough when you send two mantii to a ship which already has dead crew, or if you power the telepad to level 3, you can send them and then bring them back before they die (or, if you're feeling courageous, send another two as backup and move to a 2x2 room). Yes, you're meant to juggle them between the telepad and the medbay. And of course, an enemy medbay is a huge pain in the ass when boarding; disable it first.
God dammit FTL!
I finally managed to get a break (on easy): First two extra crew were Mantis, this was clearly a transporter run. Took me a while, but I managed to get a transport...
and then everybody but 1 human and both Mantis died! I though I was screwed.... but alas, I wasn't..

You wanted to die already?
Not only I managed to recoup my entire crew with randoms, I managed to get the 6 races on the First Ship achievement! All was fine and dandy. I was oozing Scraps (playing on Easy with Transporter strategy and two mantis!), I managed to (finally) get to the eight sector and actually play the boss battle properly.
I didn't have a Cloak device, but I had a couple weapons and a Titan Missle Launcher with plenty of missiles, so I was confident. Also, I was transporting my Mantises to the forward weapon caches of the main ship, so they would be destroyed. I lost a little more than one third of my Hull on the first encounter, but I was feeling rather lucky...
And then I lost everything because if the rebels take control of the entire map, the game is over? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
Yeah yeah, I know it says right when you're explaining your situation to the whatever ship commander, but I didn't pay much attention.
Well, at least I got the Kestrel B. Fuck this game, I love it!
That sucks, man, I'm sorry. You don't lose when the rebels take control of the map, you lose when the flagship jumps into the Federation base. The game tells you how many jumps (turns) you have remaining for that. Remember the flagship jumps once every two jumps you make. It should be plenty of time if you make a beeline for it... which is the exact opposite strategy than any other sector, so I completely understand how it gets people a lot.
Well, that's victory with the Red-Tail, (on normal of course) and with a full United Federation crew to boot. (Stupid slugs taking forever...good thing I know there are four lights--er, seven moons.)
Whoa! That's one of the achievements I haven't got yet. I assume the 6 alien crew has to include the secret race, yeah? It seems like a bitch to get.
Managed to get 4 Burst Laser Is. 8 shots is enough to drop almost anything. My Mantis boarding crew took out all of the weapons except for the Triple-Heavy Laser in the first phase, and then I shot out the shields and medbay, and then sent them in to finish off the crew. (And then I clicked the wrong teleporter button and accidentally sent my Rockman in to die instead of pulling them out. Bloody hell I hate making stupid mistakes.) Took out most of their crew anyway.
Not two days ago, an enemy ship jumped with two of my crew still on board. This is after I've been warning people over and over about that very same danger. This game has a way of having one make stupid mistakes.

Or perhaps, it simply doesn't forgive mistakes as much as other games.
Funny how most of those are related to boarding, heh.
Still, AMAZING strategy! Could you believe I never thought of leaving alive one of the four weapon crew rather than 1-2 crew in the main body? Your strategy is so much better since you can fire at the main body and set it on fire without either having to worry about killing the remaining crew, or even having anyone repair those systems. I really have to try that next! I'm tempted to put it on my tips, would it be ok for you? I'd credit you.
Phase 2 I turned on my anti-personnel drone, had it fight the boarder which kept my systems up and running, and proceeded to shoot out the missiles once again. Shot out the beams, shot out the shield and just kept firing. The phase was over before I knew it, and only one power surge occurred. (Which I cloaked through. Bwahahaha.)
Phase 3 had the three remaining crewmen throw themselves at my teleport bay, where the anti-personnel drone butchered them, and then after I shot out the missiles, I shot up the shields and teleporter and let the fires finish the rest. Alas, poor laser crewman, this is what your rebellion has demanded of you. A suicide mission as the integrity of your capital ship's hull fails due to copious fire. Was it all worth it? No, no it was not! AHAHAHAHA!
4878 final score. Could've been a bit higher but there was some instances where I failed to have good enough luck with my 8 lasers to prevent jumpers, and so I always jumped before they did to prevent the penalties.
I actually have no clue about scoring in this game. Is there anywhere that shows what gives you score and what detracts? As my highest score is in the 4500s (on easy) and 3800 (my one normal run) I think I could use that.
Edit: I've just read that defeating Rebel ships (in already occupied systems, which is trivial in a good run) actually nets you the same 20 points per kill (plus Normal +25% if applicable) as any other ship, meaning you can easily farm them for score. Someone did just that and got 8000 score. Unless they fix that I guess I'm not going to care about score a lot from now on...
I think my favorite strategy is to find a crappy rebel rigger or auto-bomber, or some other ship that cannot get through level 2 shields within the first two sectors, and then just leave the game for about 5 minutes while my engine, pilot and shield crew all max out their skills. (If you have an ion cannon, you can max out your gunner too.) Having golden crew with respect to dodging and restoring shields is a major difference in places like asteroid fields.
I'm not going to be popular at all, but I really really wish they patched a limit on how much skill you can get per fight. In my opinion it really sucks that grinding like this is the optimal way to play the game. I refuse to do that out of principle... which means I guess it doesn't affect me, so I guess I'm complaining for the sake of complaining.
So that just happened today...
That's normal difficulty. Oh, yeah, my first time. Feels good!
Congratulations! You'll find the game becomes much easier when the pressure of "finishing it at last" is off.