Insane Metal
Yes in fact I'm one of them.
Yes in fact I'm one of them.
This thread is fucking killing me omg
Yes in fact I'm one of them.
Married to such a beauty for 20 years and you still got the PS5 tflops number wrong. Fail.Kind of a low light pic since we were out but still.
And I dont mind posting pics since hers pics are on my Twitter feed anyhow
The Aloy we need.The Aloy in game model is fine. It's the dyke hair cut that's not doing her any favors. Here's a photoshop someone made of Aloy on reddit with different hair
Married to such a beauty for 20 years and you still got the PS5 tflops number wrong. Fail.
I don’t think it’s just the hair, I think it’s a weird camera angle, too low, that makes her head egg shapedThe Aloy in game model is fine. It's the dyke hair cut that's not doing her any favors. Here's a photoshop someone made of Aloy on reddit with different hair
i think he said 9.5 but im just teasing him.He was extremely accurate though, he said around 10TF.![]()
i think he said 9.5 but im just teasing him.
Plus I always look at the fuckability beauty first before facial beauty.
Yes, I'm also a gaymer
I think she just looks more advanced in age. She looked more like a teen ager in the first game. She just looks a few years older to me in these screenshots and videos. She's always had a look that wasn't typical for your video game heroine...maybe that's throwing people off?Original:
(Which spawned many others)
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Forbidden west
ههههههه اللوي شكلها مثل صاحب البقاله اللي تحت بيتنا هههههه الله يهديك بس
لوووووول متأكد إنك عماني؟
Yes they are
Wrong site?Jesus fuck, this thread is legitimately disgusting. The forced beauty standards are making me puke; it was the same ordeal as with Returnal. Just because the protagonist isn't your run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex doesn't mean her standing as a character should suffer in any way shape or form. There are more pressing and important methods for a character to endear themselves to the player, the most prominent being the quality of writing. Are you guys weeping over the fact that Aloy doesn't meet your inequitable standards of beauty because your fear the lack of coom material on rule34? Grow the fuck up. She looks absolutely fine, and picking out the most uncharitable of frames to denigrate her doesn't serve your concerns at all. The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic, but when it concerns a female, it suddenly becomes an issue.![]()
Yes, sir. This is NeoGAF, not rule34, sorry.Wrong site?
Joking in the second one though, lol. Yes I'm Omani, this is the real me as well on Oman TV:
Press [CC] for English subtitles:
Dude, it's a discussion thread...not a huge deal. People are legitimately questioning why the character seems less attractive feature-wise than the actress the character is modeled after. Besides, this is entertainment and people can like what they want. They don't need you telling them what to think or what you think of them. Nice harsh attitude, but it just isn't needed. Plus, nobody is being crass and like measuring bust sizes and comparing ass photos or anything. Just chill.Jesus fuck, this thread is legitimately disgusting. The forced beauty standards are making me puke; it was the same ordeal as with Returnal. Just because the protagonist isn't your run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex doesn't mean her standing as a character should suffer in any way shape or form. There are more pressing and important methods for a character to endear themselves to the player, the most prominent being the quality of writing. Are you guys weeping over the fact that Aloy doesn't meet your inequitable standards of beauty because your fear the lack of coom material on rule34? Grow the fuck up. She looks absolutely fine, and picking out the most uncharitable of frames to denigrate her doesn't serve your concerns at all. The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic, but when it concerns a female, it suddenly becomes an issue.![]()
I'll like what I like, thank you. You can't force me to not be a normal male. Also, putting Jesus and the F word in the same line as legitemately digusting is one hell of a doozy.Jesus fuck, this thread is legitimately disgusting. The forced beauty standards are making me puke; it was the same ordeal as with Returnal. Just because the protagonist isn't your run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex doesn't mean her standing as a character should suffer in any way shape or form. There are more pressing and important methods for a character to endear themselves to the player, the most prominent being the quality of writing. Are you guys weeping over the fact that Aloy doesn't meet your inequitable standards of beauty because your fear the lack of coom material on rule34? Grow the fuck up. She looks absolutely fine, and picking out the most uncharitable of frames to denigrate her doesn't serve your concerns at all. The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic, but when it concerns a female, it suddenly becomes an issue.![]()
That's you? so you travel to different parts in Oman as a hobby? that seems fun.
Nah, her face is definitely swollen in the second game. Looks unpleasant.
Jesus fuck, this thread is legitimately disgusting. The forced beauty standards are making me puke; it was the same ordeal as with Returnal. Just because the protagonist isn't your run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex doesn't mean her standing as a character should suffer in any way shape or form. There are more pressing and important methods for a character to endear themselves to the player, the most prominent being the quality of writing. Are you guys weeping over the fact that Aloy doesn't meet your inequitable standards of beauty because your fear the lack of coom material on rule34? Grow the fuck up. She looks absolutely fine, and picking out the most uncharitable of frames to denigrate her doesn't serve your concerns at all. The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic, but when it concerns a female, it suddenly becomes an issue.![]()
Jesus fuck, this thread is legitimately disgusting. The forced beauty standards are making me puke; it was the same ordeal as with Returnal. Just because the protagonist isn't your run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex doesn't mean her standing as a character should suffer in any way shape or form. There are more pressing and important methods for a character to endear themselves to the player, the most prominent being the quality of writing. Are you guys weeping over the fact that Aloy doesn't meet your inequitable standards of beauty because your fear the lack of coom material on rule34? Grow the fuck up. She looks absolutely fine, and picking out the most uncharitable of frames to denigrate her doesn't serve your concerns at all. The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic, but when it concerns a female, it suddenly becomes an issue.![]()
Jesus fuck, this thread is legitimately disgusting. The forced beauty standards are making me puke; it was the same ordeal as with Returnal. Just because the protagonist isn't your run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex doesn't mean her standing as a character should suffer in any way shape or form. There are more pressing and important methods for a character to endear themselves to the player, the most prominent being the quality of writing. Are you guys weeping over the fact that Aloy doesn't meet your inequitable standards of beauty because your fear the lack of coom material on rule34? Grow the fuck up. She looks absolutely fine, and picking out the most uncharitable of frames to denigrate her doesn't serve your concerns at all. The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic, but when it concerns a female, it suddenly becomes an issue.![]()
This sounds really hot, do you have any examples?run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex
Mostly my region, Dhofar, covering fauna and flora and some geological/historical stuffIf you ever come here let me know.
I always wanted to visit Oman so i will definitely go after the Pandemic is over, i just hope i don't break my neck while climbing one of these places in your videos![]()
In trend with Sony's ugly female protagonist narrative.
I don’t think the people complaining are planning on having a wank over Jim Sakurai.The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic
Keep fighting the good fight.
Please stop referring to yourself as normal male. Its a disgrace to our kind. K? Thx.I'll like what I like, thank you. You can't force me to not be a normal male. Also, putting Jesus and the F word in the same line as legitemately digusting is one hell of a doozy.
Maybe because the motion capture technology isn't perfect, and the facial capture actress differs from her actual voice actress? Even Insomniac didn't get Bubniak's facial capture perfect. Instead of grabbing the pitchfork and assaulting Guerilla because of some fabricated Western assault on beauty, consider other options?Dude, it's a discussion thread...not a huge deal. People are legitimately questioning why the character seems less attractive feature-wise than the actress the character is modeled after.
Ah, so when confronted with a contrasting perspective, your natural response is to tell me to 'go elsewhere' instead of promoting dialogue and engaging in discussion. If you're so partial to stifling debate, why not go to ERA? They seem more up your ilk...Maybe take the white knight act elsewhere?![]()
So, what does being a normal male entail? Degrading women when they disappoint your standards? Treating a video game like it's fucking Miss America? So the protagonist doesn't attract you, boohoo.I'll like what I like, thank you. You can't force me to not be a normal male. Also, putting Jesus and the F word in the same line as legitemately digusting is one hell of a doozy.
Look at any JRPG. The men are kitted out in the most outlandish armors while the females are lucky to have a single strand of fabric to ward against attack. It's cringe.This sounds really hot, do you have any examples?
Seems to be a pretty obvious artistic choice that varies between developer's. A lot of developers want to create totally unique characters while having the animation quality of motion capture, this results in things like tlou2 and HFW, where faces and animations look great but also a little chunky and off because they are essentially using a digital mask to cover the actors faces while using the animation of the actors themselves.I don’t understand why Developers pay these great looking models, then scan them and beat their digitized image with an ugly stick. If they don’t care just get somebody in the studio to do it that’s already on the payroll, the voice actors are different in a lot of cases anyway.
For all Kojima’s faults when he pays a model to be in his game, the model in the game looks like the actor, which makes sense to me.
Just take three bags (three, incase theirs falls off, you'd have one on too..)This thread is hilarious.Fully enjoying all interactions from both sides.
I would have a threesome myself with Aloy and Selene (Returnal) if it wasn't:
- Artificial.
- Fornication (sin).
And post the video on GAF.
Jesus fuck, this thread is legitimately disgusting. The forced beauty standards are making me puke; it was the same ordeal as with Returnal. Just because the protagonist isn't your run-of-the-mill slut clad in spandex doesn't mean her standing as a character should suffer in any way shape or form. There are more pressing and important methods for a character to endear themselves to the player, the most prominent being the quality of writing. Are you guys weeping over the fact that Aloy doesn't meet your inequitable standards of beauty because your fear the lack of coom material on rule34? Grow the fuck up. She looks absolutely fine, and picking out the most uncharitable of frames to denigrate her doesn't serve your concerns at all. The funny thing is, I never saw any complaints about Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Sakai failing to fulfill the pretty boy aesthetic, but when it concerns a female, it suddenly becomes an issue.![]()
No, man, just saying to chill with the white knight routine. Nobody was being crass about this (that I saw) and it's just entertainment anyway. Opinions vary. I tend to agree with you about the facial capture animation by the's just that the earlier and you would think less advanced capture in the original Horizon looked closer to the actual actresses face than this one does. A bit puzzling to me, although this also isn't finished product and maybe there's still changes to the character model in the works?Maybe because the motion capture technology isn't perfect, and the facial capture actress differs from her actual voice actress? Even Insomniac didn't get Bubniak's facial capture perfect. Instead of grabbing the pitchfork and assaulting Guerilla because of some fabricated Western assault on beauty, consider other options?
Ah, so when confronted with a contrasting perspective, your natural response is to tell me to 'go elsewhere' instead of promoting dialogue and engaging in discussion. If you're so partial to stifling debate, why not go to ERA? They seem more up your ilk...
So, what does being a normal male entail? Degrading women when they disappoint your standards? Treating a video game like it's fucking Miss America? So the protagonist doesn't attract you, boohoo.
Look at any JRPG. The men are kitted out in the most outlandish armors while the females are lucky to have a single strand of fabric to ward against attack. It's cringe.
Maybe because the motion capture technology isn't perfect, and the facial capture actress differs from her actual voice actress? Even Insomniac didn't get Bubniak's facial capture perfect. Instead of grabbing the pitchfork and assaulting Guerilla because of some fabricated Western assault on beauty, consider other options?
Ah, so when confronted with a contrasting perspective, your natural response is to tell me to 'go elsewhere' instead of promoting dialogue and engaging in discussion. If you're so partial to stifling debate, why not go to ERA? They seem more up your ilk...
So, what does being a normal male entail? Degrading women when they disappoint your standards? Treating a video game like it's fucking Miss America? So the protagonist doesn't attract you, boohoo.
Look at any JRPG. The men are kitted out in the most outlandish armors while the females are lucky to have a single strand of fabric to ward against attack. It's cringe.
This thread is hilarious.Fully enjoying all interactions from both sides.
I would have a threesome myself with Aloy and Selene (Returnal) if it wasn't:
- Artificial.
- Fornication (sin).
And post the video on GAF.
Hey bro I'd fuck her too and I'll absolutely buy the game day 1, but she kinda got an egg head my dude
If you're looking to interact below the waist, please get a room.This thread is hilarious.Fully enjoying all interactions from both sides.
Bingo... I should have said this as well. It was what I was thinking. Attacking is never the best way to convince people of your side of an argument. Just makes them defensive and/or lash back out at you. That's what I meant about white knighting. Just doesn't work...and not needed. Not even warranted in this case, IMHO. But...everyone's got their own opinion. If people want to spend their energy raging at the biases that nature and biology tend to give each of the sexes...have at it.This, along with your original post, is not a way to present an argument for dialogue. You seem a little extreme in your responses which will lead to knee jerk reactions and people just mocking you. Lay out your points calmly and you’ll get a better response.
Lol,I've no desire to have girls glancing at me at my age dude,those days are behind me...I was just making a joke.She just grew fat
Usually people who say that are the ones who wish girls glance at them