The Take Out Bandit said:
Microsoft can't win against competition that can't be bought out, litigated into bankruptcy, or intimidated into submission.
Sega fans are just going to continue taking up sides with the company that is not-Nintendo, not-Sony; and keep being terribly disappointed. More jaded. More bitter. A legion of Saphirixes. Kee kee kee . . . ^_^
A little close to the bone, but yeah, I agree. Microsoft is a company built on the technology of others. Internet Explorer didn't hit until Microsoft bought Spyglass; Windows is the result of a rather classic backstab to IBM; DOS, originally, wasn't even a Microsoft product, but something bought by Microsoft in haste because they had nothing of their own to demo at an upcoming meeting. MSNTV was originally WebTV, a seperate entity, and I'm fairly certain their DriveSpace technology came out of a buyout as well. About the only thing I can think of that came out of Microsoft - completely - is the windows Media technology, and I'm not even too sure about that.
Hell, the only thing Microsoft designed in regard to the Xbox in any traditional sense is the outer shell and the controller.
(And it has long been my contention that the XBox is home to a lot of embittered Dreamcast owners. I'm glad I'm not crazy.)
Microsoft, in short, has never taken a market segment with their own blood, sweat, and tears. It's why their standing in video games is so arrested; they can't buy their way to the top like they do nearly everything else.
BeOnEdge said:
when i say MS is rich i'm saying that they will not let sony beat them with a hype machine.
Someone's not paying attention to Microsoft's attempts at marketing the XBox. The kiosks at stores are often a decent barometer for such things. Nintendo and Sony have games running on their demo disks, Microsoft has footage of G4 running off at the mouth at how cool the XBox is, Red vs. Blue stuff that most of the population won't even recognize, or a brief informercial on how/why XBox Live is the hottest shit this side of a Texas horse ranch in the summer.
Microsoft's a very corporate organization, "entertainment" isn't really their marketing department's thing, they're used to dealing with how to make people really want the next version of Word and Excel. And if that's not the case, and if Home/Entertainment is responsible for their own shit, then the indictment on the relative cluelessness gets a double word score, simply because they should know better.