I'm still debating on what all to actually buy. So far I have confirmed Ubermosh, Grim Fandango, Pixeljunk Shooter, Brutal Legend, Pixeljunk Monsters, and Deponia. The wife is getting Banished, Submerged, The Swindle, and Don't Starve.Steam sale gets.
Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Xcom Enemy Unknown Complete Edition.
South Park the Stick of Truth.
Maybe Batman Arkham Origins and maybe Final Fantasy XIII 2.
Steam sale gets.
Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Xcom Enemy Unknown Complete Edition.
South Park the Stick of Truth.
Enjoy what might be my GOTY
Overall, Square Enix had a pretty good year IMHO (regarding decisions which make fans happy). Nier 2 gives me slight hope for Dawgz 2.The fact that we're getting sequels to South Park and Ni No Kuni as well as a Yakuza 0 localization...
It does make me hopeful for a real Sleepy Dawgz 2.
South Park sequel is being developed by internal Ubisoft though so I am not exactly trilled about that.
South Park sequel is being developed by internal Ubisoft though so I am not exactly trilled about that.
Overall, Square Enix had a pretty good year IMHO (regarding decisions which make fans happy). Nier 2 gives me slight hope for Dawgz 2.
hey guys,
what's the name of that space rouge-like with the cowboy bebop style soundtrack and you would actually talk to folks at stations and stuff? there are like 2-3 of these that the GBeast crew played and i remember finding all of the interesting.
Bought two games that are so hot right now:Steam sale gets.
Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Xcom Enemy Unknown Complete Edition.
South Park the Stick of Truth.
Maybe Batman Arkham Origins and maybe Final Fantasy XIII 2.
hey guys,
what's the name of that space rouge-like with the cowboy bebop style soundtrack and you would actually talk to folks at stations and stuff? there are like 2-3 of these that the GBeast crew played and i remember finding all of the interesting.
Rebel Galaxy?
Rogue Galaxy maybe?
Necrodancer was this year too? Somehow I thought it was last year. There's another one for my top 10.
I picked up Guild of Dungeoneering, Cities Skylines and Project Cars so far. Have several others I'm debating on.
South Park sequel is being developed by internal Ubisoft though so I am not exactly trilled about that.
Yup I think people were thrown off because of early access but Necrodancer came out this year technically. And it is amaaazing
I bought a bunch of indie adventure games from Steam last night. Super cheap and got good reviews.
Awesome, started Satellite Reign and the first thing I notice is that the first character they start you with is named after a Gamergate meme. It wouldn't be fair to condem (or whatever a more suitable verb might be) the entire game/team because of that but it definitely leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Satellite reign? Is it named after that mascot Vivian? Or somethin? Never played that game...have GB done a QL?
What all did you pick up?
Satellite reign? Is it named after that mascot Vivian? Or somethin? Never played that game...have GB done a QL?
Bought two games that are so hot right now:
Resident Evil 4 and Rayman Legends.
Awesome, started Satellite Reign and the first thing I notice is that the first character they start you with is named after a Gamergate meme. It wouldn't be fair to condem (or whatever a more suitable verb might be) the entire game/team because of that but it definitely leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
We all love Invisible Inc here right?
Yeah. Might be coincidence or a kickstarter thing though, no idea.
Aviary Attorney
Haunt the House: Terrortown
Face Noir
The Detail
Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon
Dev here, all of the names in the game are provided by backers and randomly allocated. None of us (there's only 5 of us) are really that clued up on the gamergate issue, to be honest I personally don't even know what gamegate is even all about?
Not 100% are from backers, we snuck in our own names and a few references of things we liked (eg Dana Barrett from Ghostbusters). There is also some "made up" names to balance the names out (there was more male names provided than female) but we used some random name generators for those.
Yup I think people were thrown off because of early access but Necrodancer came out this year technically. And it is amaaazing
We all love Invisible Inc here right?
I remember going into the Binary Domain QL thinking it would be a joke of a game. I can't say my opinion changed a lot watching it, but once I finally played BD on PC I was a believer.
Big Bo's "that was SWEEEEEEEET" swayed me to buy it initially. Dude's charm is unparalleled.
Not that it was a big issue for me anyway but good to hear. I was too deep into that whole stuff so I'm just overly senstive. The game is very, very cool btw. Love the artstyle.
Aviary Attorney
Haunt the House: Terrortown
Face Noir
The Detail
Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon
The early access version of that game predates that GG bullshit. Don't look for links based on something as tentative as a semi-common name.Yeah. Might be coincidence or a kickstarter thing though, no idea.
Good luck on the final mission, it's very do-able but it's certainly the "okay, now show me that you're capable" proving ground thing. It's not quite as ball-busting as FTL's final stage, thankfully.I bought Invisible, Inc. yesterday and I think I'm close to completing (or failing) my first 'run'. I'm enjoying it a lot; it's tense and it looks slick.
I didn't get the pun in the title until after I bought it. It was my generation's 'Miles Prower' moment.