Merry Euro Christmas from Iceland!
Those guys are all about stealing your stuff eh?
Merry Euro Christmas from Iceland!
If that's the case I have a question for you, although I guess it's more of a complaint. I've only met two Swedish people so it's a small sample size, and they were related to each other so it's probably even smaller. Both of them had brown hair, were shorter than me, and didn't speak in hilarious accents.
Why has the media lied to me? Mostly the hilarious accent part, they sounded pretty much like Americans.
Oh and I have 4 in steam credit. What dumb joke games can I buy and gift people?
Transistor, Dishonored, Secret of the Magic Crystal...
If that's the case I have a question for you, although I guess it's more of a complaint. I've only met two Swedish people so it's a small sample size, and they were related to each other so it's probably even smaller. Both of them had brown hair, were shorter than me, and didn't speak in hilarious accents.
Why has the media lied to me? Mostly the hilarious accent part, they sounded pretty much like Americans.
But many of us speak in funny accents.
I already own and still havent played all those games.Transistor, Dishonored, Secret of the Magic Crystal...
I'm not a Christian so when my friends talk about Christmas I pretend I've never heard of it and don't understand why you would put a tree inside your house.
Transistor, Dishonored, Secret of the Magic Crystal...
Harsh, but extremely fair. I got that game on a deep sale the year it was released and was upset about the money and time I wasted.
I saw someone say that Her Story is a perfect gag gift for the person who already has Bad Rats
mean and wrong but still funny
They make fun of you when you leave the room.
Dishonored is the most underrated last gen title imo. Best controlling game of last gen.
I'm not a Christian so when my friends talk about Christmas I pretend I've never heard of it and don't understand why you would put a tree inside your house.
Oh and I have 4 in steam credit. What dumb joke games can I buy and gift people?
Literally the opposite for me. I was so excited hearing about a good stealth game coming out. Once I played it I found out it's barely a stealth game and didn't think it played nearly as well as it was lauded to. I don't think I've ever been as disappointed with a game.
Literally the opposite for me. I was so excited hearing about a good stealth game coming out. Once I played it I found out it's barely a stealth game and didn't think it played nearly as well as it was lauded to. I don't think I've ever been as disappointed with a game.
I genuinely do not understand how you came to that conclusion. How much of it did you play? Can you explain more?
Just a note, XSEED hasn't done much porting themselves. They don't have the staff for it. They have 1 PC programmer on staff who does all the localization implementation. Occasionally they'll fit in some new bugfixes that weren't in the original PC version. The biggest thing they've done is port extra content from the handheld versions to the PC version. All of Falcom's PC ports are outsourced to other companies.
Historical reason: Likely a Christian appropriation of similar Pagan rituals to help drive converts.
Modern Reason: It's tradition and people like it because it's festive. It brings a bit of nature into the home and real ones smell nice.
Would you rather an insta-fail then?
The general course for a stealth game is to have the ability to murder everyone if shit goes sideways. That's not a Dishonored thing. More commonly in modern stealth action games, you're incredibly lethal if you choose to be.
And as far as penalties go, a few kills here and there to get out of a bad situation isn't the end of the world, but there are changes to the story of the game based on whether you kill (and how often) or not, and achievements based on not no-kill runs and not being seen whatsoever.
So, I'm still not sure what you're issues with it are.
Edit: Do you prefer your stealth completely disempowered?
Yeah I know all that. One of my favorite subjects was learning about how Christianity adapted in order to gather converts.
I'm mostly doing it to be annoying.
I like dad-mode Jason. He seems so happy.
Even Dan can't piss him off.
There's a balance between escape options and failure rate. Dishonored is way on the wrong end for me. It basically becomes a stealth game that doesn't encourage stealth. MGSV is in the middle. You can spec in ways that make you lethal, but if you are speced for stealth and come up against more than a handful of guys, your ass is going to get handed to you. If you run into the situation in Dishonored, you basically can shoot your way out with no repercussions.
The best balance I've found so far is Mark of the Ninja.
Mark of the Ninja is so good. Such style.
...I really need to think about Invisible, Inc. The aesthetic turns me off, but I bet it's really good.
I like dad-mode Jason. He seems so happy.
Even Dan can't piss him off.
Now he deals with a kid at home and big kid at work.
Jason is probably just happy he doesnt have to clean up poop at work.
Right, this goes back to what I said. The repercussion is "you fucked up". You can kill everyone and deal with it (or run away; the teleport is useful there), or reload the save you made 60 seconds ago like you would in any other game that lets you save where you want. Again, it sounds like you'd rather the character be disempowered so that...what? The game tells you that you fucked up instead of letting you decide that?
2016 is a whole new year for content from giant bomb dot com.
Get some pro Pokemon tournaments going in the office.
Gross. Who's going to clean up afterwards?
Gross. Who's going to clean up afterwards?
I'm in two minds with regard to how Dishonored handled fail-states in the stealth portion of its systems. I do agree that it was a little binary, from Ghost to God-mode slaughter, but my gut feeling for that game was that it kind of *wanted* you to occasionally have to senselessly butcher guards, so - design-wise - it was intent-driven, and done well within that intent.
On the other hand, I do put great weight on stealth games that have multiple levels of severity of fail-state, which 2015 has provided numerous spectacularly good examples of, from MGSV to Invisible Inc.
After Nels Andersen left Klei I didn't think they could do another stealth game that worked, and moving it to turn-based sounded like a weird attention-grabbing tension-sacrificing death knell.
I was so fucking wrong.
Invisible Inc. is goddamn awesome. Aside from a couple small niggling quirks of having generated levels, it is just as tight as Mark of the Ninja, but through a cool resource of time meets X-Com lens. Play that shit.
Mark of the Ninja is so good. Such style.
...I really need to think about Invisible, Inc. The aesthetic turns me off, but I bet it's really good.
Get some pro Pokemon tournaments going in the office.
Merry christmas, everyone! It's summer here in Brazil, and it's hot as fuck right now.
They did it.I've heard great things about Invisible, Inc, but I kind of worry that being Turn Based won't give me the feeling I want from most stealth games.
Merry christmas, everyone! It's summer here in Brazil, and it's hot as fuck right now.
i think most people are having a really warm christmas this year
shit's cray
Get some pro Pokemon tournaments going in the office.
Ronin was such a cool game. It seems to have been completely forgotten though
Except at that point, the game isn't encouraging stealth. It's just a personal goal. That's not really a stealth game. I guess the biggest problem with Dishonored's system is that the rewards for keeping full stealth at all times are garbage, so why should I as a player care?
I don't know why I assumed that they wouldn't talk about MotN on Designer Notes. Does Andersen come into the conversation?Gonna do my monthly Designer Notes Podcast recommendation, as there's a great one that interviews Klei's Jamie Cheng, and it goes into lots and lots of neat details about the development difficulties of Invisible Inc (and Mark Of The Ninja and etc, etc.).
i think most people are having a really warm christmas this year
shit's cray
I've only played a bit of Dishonored (the free weekend on Steam turned me off of it in under two hours) but wasn't the chaos system their way of curbing wanton violence? A sort of meta-level stealth fail state.
I don't know why I assumed that they wouldn't talk about MotN on Designer Notes. Does Andersen come into the conversation?