Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Rofif my man, Forspoken is so ugly I wouldnt fuck it at gunpoint. I have no idea how these guys went from FF15 to this. FF15 despite its issues had a beautiful art style that made the world a beautiful place to explore. this is a barren ugly world with some of the worst LODs ive seen yet.

Thankfully, the combat is a lot of fun and the game after a weak opening does open up. I can see myself getting hooked on this for the next 20-30 hours, but dear god these visuals are atrocious.
Rofif my man, Forspoken is so ugly I wouldnt fuck it at gunpoint. I have no idea how these guys went from FF15 to this. FF15 despite its issues had a beautiful art style that made the world a beautiful place to explore. this is a barren ugly world with some of the worst LODs ive seen yet.

Thankfully, the combat is a lot of fun and the game after a weak opening does open up. I can see myself getting hooked on this for the next 20-30 hours, but dear god these visuals are atrocious.
I think freys hair is pretty good in cutscenes? Is it just me?
A deeper look at Nvidia's Zorah tech demo at GDC 2025 was uploaded by a small Youtube channel, looks like the demo will release this week too, RTX Mega Geometry is extremely impressive, this is next-gen PS6 stuff here, but maybe we're getting it into actual games starting with maybe Witcher 4?

Neural Rendering is really the next big graphics leap for much more complex scenes & shaders.

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Jack Howitzer

Neo Member
Guys, I finally made it to the PC Master Race! I mean, I have a modest PC, still, what would you guys recommend me to play for eye candy or just for fun?
3Dmark hall of fame:messenger_beaming:
Characters also look better in horizon, big equalizer.

btw more shadows gameplay

Yo @Represent. look at this fucking combat, they turned the game into poor man tsushima, precanned death animations after the final blow, enemy that take a fixed position and glue on the ground and barely any ragdoll or dynamic stuff, look at when he beat the motherfuckers with the huge club at the 1:00 min mark.
Ragdoll seems to only kick in if during the fall there is an obstacle.

Man at the end when he was syncing the viewpoint the lod is hilariously bad I just can't take their efforts seriously, I mean look at this, still same old shit:


Either their engine is just hopeless when coming down to handle these stuff or they just don't care to do a proper job so just keep the classic graphics tradition the series is known for lmao, this dude is not playing on a series s for god sake!


A deeper look at Nvidia's Zorah tech demo at GDC 2025 was uploaded by a small Youtube channel, looks like the demo will release this week too, RTX Mega Geometry is extremely impressive, this is next-gen PS6 stuff here, but maybe we're getting it into actual games starting with maybe Witcher 4?

Neural Rendering is really the next big graphics leap for much more complex scenes & shaders.

GTC keynote in a couple hours, Mega giometry demo available to everyone thnsi weekend.
I'm calling a fairly large UE5 showing or atleast several announcements that will be relevant to developers

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Flashless at the Golden Globes
DF is impressed but this has to be the most cross gen looking next gen only game ive seen to date. I mean they have ray tracing, virtualized geometry, fancy destruction effects, fancy weather effects, great draw distance, fancy hair, and yet it still looks like a PS4 era game. How?

I guess I will enjoy it like I did Spiderman 2, but i just dont understand how a game can look this underwhelming with all that next gen tech.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah, I know. But trust me, what I paid for this PC here in Brazil is just the price of a new 4060Ti. Not a bad deal at all.
Yeah, but i recommended you a bunch of path tracing games and thats not going to happen with vram that low. not even at 1080p using dlss.

You also wont be able to use framegen in most games because framegen has a vram cost. This card is basically the same as a PS5 with slightly better ray tracing performance but ray tracing is a vram hog as well so good luck.

UE5 games this gen are the only games that are somewhat reasonable when it comes to vram.


DF is impressed but this has to be the most cross gen looking next gen only game ive seen to date. I mean they have ray tracing, virtualized geometry, fancy destruction effects, fancy weather effects, great draw distance, fancy hair, and yet it still looks like a PS4 era game. How?

I guess I will enjoy it like I did Spiderman 2, but i just dont understand how a game can look this underwhelming with all that next gen tech.

Just because they checked the bullet points on a checklist doesn't mean they are being used in a truly impressive way unlike ue5 games. The virtualized geometry is supposedly being used to improve streaming and lod transitions but enhanced geometry and close-level derail is nowhere comparable. The RTGI is not bad , decent honestly just looks a little washed out maybe compared to Lumen. The IQ level is definitely an improvement on most ue5 games on consoles as is the performance.

So basically for a next gen outing from a technically accomplished studio it's underwhelming but U have to give them praise for actually putting effort into pushing physics and weather simulation etc. I truly hope devs start pushing physics more like the ps3 days.
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Went back to AC Unity and while it still looks great, I noticed a lot of pop-in on NPC clothes and distant buildings. Buildings also dont have a lot of geometric detail. its great by last gen standards but for whatever reason i remembered it having a lot more tessellation. The NPC variety is insane though. still unmatched to this day. Sadly, you can kill NPCs.
I really hope Ubi remake this game one day. It could look absolutely phenomenal with modern tech.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Just because they checked the bullet points on a checklist dosent mean they are being used in a truly impressive way unlike ue5 games. The virtualized geometry is supposdedly being used to improve streaming and lod transitions but enhanced geometry and close level derail is nowhere comparable. The rtgi is not bad decent honestly just looks a little washed out maybe compared to lumen. The iq level is definitely an improvement on most ue5 games on consoles as is the performance.

So basically for a next gen outing from a technically accomplished studio its underwhelming but U have to give them praise for actually putting effert in pushing physics and weather simulation etc. I truly hope devs start pushinbg physics more like the ps3 days.
I wonder if the washed out look is due to HDR captures. Youtube supports HDR but if it notices your monitor doesnt have HDR, it plays those same videos in SDR and the colors are all washed out.

the game actually drops to 1080p even in quality mode at times, though its ceiling is much higher around 1620p. So its clearly doing a lot with the GPU. Its not like they targeted native 4k 30 fps and phoned in the game, the GPU is being worked if not overworked, but it feels very samey. I am going to keep an open mind going into this. I was down on Wukong, FF16, and KCD2 prior to launch, but they looked stunning when i finally got to play them on my tv, so im hoping thats the case here.

Buggy Loop


April is sooner than I expected

Bring it on!

Also very curious for NTC. Saving space on SSD → PCI-e bandwidth → No decompression in VRAM.

Bundle Compression​
Disk Size​
PCI-E Traffic​
VRAM Size​
Raw Image​
32.00 MB​
32.00 MB​
32.00 MB​
BCn Compressed​
10.00 MB​
10.00 MB​
10.00 MB​
1.52 MB​
1.52 MB​
10.00 MB​
1.52 MB​
1.52 MB​
1.52 MB​


DF is impressed but this has to be the most cross gen looking next gen only game ive seen to date. I mean they have ray tracing, virtualized geometry, fancy destruction effects, fancy weather effects, great draw distance, fancy hair, and yet it still looks like a PS4 era game. How?

I guess I will enjoy it like I did Spiderman 2, but i just dont understand how a game can look this underwhelming with all that next gen tech.

Its the Shaders.


Gold Member
Art direction goes a long way. Even a game like Ghost of Tsushima looks better in motion than AC Shadows
Yeah don't know about that, sushima level of detail wasn't exactly wow inducing even at launch, art design heavily carried the whole game but art design can only go that far especially when they share the same location so you can make easy comparisons, i think shadows looks noticeably better than sushi.
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Nah, art design can go to the moon, games from the 1990s are still beautiful because of it.
I can only name a handful of 3D PS1 and N64 games that actually aged gracefully, with three obvious ones being Fear Effect 1, 2, and Megaman Legends.

I’ll always consider it the gen that aged the worst, artistically.


Gold Member
Nah, art design can go to the moon, games from the 1990s are still beautiful because of it.
Not in a topic about graphical fidelity, sorry bromigo.

This is the same stuff we sawin that recent topic with the click bait video about old ass games looking better than modern games, spoiler for you, on a pure graphical level, they don't, except extremely rare cherry picked stuff.
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Jack Howitzer

Neo Member
Yo here we go beaches! From the ps5pro footages, same old problems. It's an open world game, so mind you, looking decent on couple of particular close-up cheery-picked spots (or cherry-developed if we follow the dev pov) ain't gonna save the day. Especially when the general art direction, lighting and colors just looks dull and ain't offer enough improvements. And what' with the fetish of including over-exposure in a video game? Paired with the low effort fog effects and weirdo colors the only thing they are good at is ruining the image detail in everyway








Yeah don't know about that, sushima level of detail wasn't exactly wow inducing even at launch, art design heavily carried the whole game but art design can only go that far especially when they share the same location so you can make easy comparisons, i think shadows looks noticeably better than sushi.
Yes. AC:S shits on GoT graphically and the people claiming otherwise need glasses. GoT is art style the game. People lose their minds over bright colors and shimmering grass. Even the PC version, which massively improved the terrible LOD has some of the shittest textures of the generation.

People have a romanticized version on GoT in their heads that doesn't exist.
Yes. AC:S shits on GoT graphically and the people claiming otherwise need glasses. GoT is art style the game. People lose their minds over bright colors and shimmering grass. Even the PC version, which massively improved the terrible LOD has some of the shittest textures of the generation.

People have a romanticized version on GoT in their heads that doesn't exist.
AC Shadows no doubt has better graphic fidelity, nobody is arguing that, but games with a distinct art direction generally hold up way better over time. It has always been that way. And Ghost of Tsushima has a fluidity to its gameplay, with better animations and camera angle, that creates a much more cinematic experience that is very pleasing on the eyes. It's the entire presentation in GOT that makes it fantastic
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Gold Member
Tsushima for me its like an impressionist painting, it looks great when you look at it in his entirety. But when you start looking closely you can see many issues, like very bad geometry, low res assets, cartoonish vegetation etc. I love how the game looks tho and it will always have a special place in my heart but from a technical standpoint, I think Shadows is much more complex and better made although not necessarily better looking than GOT
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Tsushima for me its like an impressionist painting, it looks great when you look at it in his entirety. But when you start looking closely you can see many issues, like very bad geometry, low res assets, cartoonish vegetation etc. I love how the game looks tho and it will always have a special place in my heart but from a technical standpoint, I think Shadows is much more complex and better made although not necessarily better looking than GOT
AC is like the opposite, technical elements are there but the art direction is shit and uninspired, first game in a while where every frame looks boring to me

H . R . 2

Tsushima for me its like an impressionist painting, it looks great when you look at it in his entirety. But when you start looking closely you can see many issues, like very bad geometry, low res assets, cartoonish vegetation etc. I love how the game looks tho and it will always have a special place in my heart but from a technical standpoint, I think Shadows is much more complex and better made although not necessarily better looking than GOT
of course, they are games from 2 different generations. this whole comparison is rather absurd.
if anything Shadows should be compared to Yoti


Flashless at the Golden Globes
AC is like the opposite, technical elements are there but the art direction is shit and uninspired, first game in a while where every frame looks boring to me
This is the studio that made Syndicate and Valhalla. I thought Syndicate was a massive step down from AC Unity despite using the same exact tech. And then Valhalla looked bland and generic despite using the same engine as AC Origins which looked stunning at the time. Valhalla was much bigger in scope but lacked that it factor.

Whoever is in charge of art direction there needs to be replaced lol.


This is the studio that made Syndicate and Valhalla. I thought Syndicate was a massive step down from AC Unity despite using the same exact tech. And then Valhalla looked bland and generic despite using the same engine as AC Origins which looked stunning at the time. Valhalla was much bigger in scope but lacked that it factor.

Whoever is in charge of art direction there needs to be replaced lol.
I imagine a lot of senior talent is leaving Ubisoft because of their uncertain financial situation


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I imagine a lot of senior talent is leaving Ubisoft because of their uncertain financial situation
Maybe, but like i said, their games going back to 2015's Syndicate always felt B grade. Not to say there is no talent there. I admire them for pushing so many next gen features like ray tracing, destruction, and weather simulations. Not to mention the much needed overhaul of the combat system. I think this is going to be one of those games like Spiderman 2 and FF16 where people wont really get it until they play the game.

K' Dash

A deeper look at Nvidia's Zorah tech demo at GDC 2025 was uploaded by a small Youtube channel, looks like the demo will release this week too, RTX Mega Geometry is extremely impressive, this is next-gen PS6 stuff here, but maybe we're getting it into actual games starting with maybe Witcher 4?

Neural Rendering is really the next big graphics leap for much more complex scenes & shaders.

cant wait for this tech to be implemented in one game in 6 years
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