What weapons are necros using? I'm d/d/staff currently. Feels powerful, and it meshes well with some of the trait lines. I really would like to focus more on condition damage though, so I guess I probably need to sub in scepter mainhand.
Hit 60,bought my grandmaster book an now have about 10 copper to my name.
I need to figure out how to make money. Haven't touched crafting as I was planning on doing that to get me past the hump at 70
Hit 60,bought my grandmaster book an now have about 10 copper to my name.
I need to figure out how to make money. Haven't touched crafting as I was planning on doing that to get me past the hump at 70
I've been playing this game for a bit the last few weeks and I've really been trying to like it, but it's not working for me.
There is so much focus on completing stuff and 100%ing stuff that I feel no freedom to actually go out and explore. Each time the map will tell me the best vista-point, each loading screen tells me how much area completion I have. Daily quests updates constantly ping up.
Characters all look the same to me (why be able to change the corner of my eyelid when no-one will ever notice?)
Also everything is so easy to do and everything is so "right in front of you", I never have the idea I actually mean something in this world. The whole thing feels like a totally overdesigned themepark: It's fun, but if you go there 2 times a year, it already starts to get old.
Reading around I noticed a multi-part article on guild wars 2 on forbes and this man really nails all my opinions I've had about the game so far:
part 2.5:
I've been playing this game for a bit the last few weeks and I've really been trying to like it, but it's not working for me.
There is so much focus on completing stuff and 100%ing stuff that I feel no freedom to actually go out and explore. Each time the map will tell me the best vista-point, each loading screen tells me how much area completion I have. Daily quests updates constantly ping up.
Characters all look the same to me (why be able to change the corner of my eyelid when no-one will ever notice?)
Also everything is so easy to do and everything is so "right in front of you", I never have the idea I actually mean something in this world. The whole thing feels like a totally overdesigned themepark: It's fun, but if you go there 2 times a year, it already starts to get old.
Reading around I noticed a multi-part article on guild wars 2 on forbes and this man really nails all my opinions I've had about the game so far:
part 2.5:
I think this game looks great, and I am strongly considering buying it.
I obviously like how there is no subscription fee, but if I buy the game now and at some point down the road an expansion comes out, will I be required to buy the expansion in order to continue playing?
I believe you should be able to continue playing without problems, and the expansion would be required to access new content. There's been no official word from ArenaNet tho.
Tried to do some AC explore last night with some gaffers....bugged. Can anyone report on if it has been fixed yet?
lol said:New weapon skill should keep unlocking ad infinitum, so that players need to choose which moves work best for them, or for any given situation.
While described as action combat it nevertheless isnt really reliant on any player skills so much as it is on damage-per-second and your level.
Tried to do some AC explore last night with some gaffers....bugged. Can anyone report on if it has been fixed yet?
let's try again tonight![]()
There is so much focus on completing stuff and 100%ing stuff that I feel no freedom to actually go out and explore. Each time the map will tell me the best vista-point, each loading screen tells me how much area completion I have. Daily quests updates constantly ping up.
From the Forbes article...
The first point is, in my opinion, is not even possible. I get what the author is trying to say, but no. And the second point says to me that he didn't play enough. Simple as that.
Where can I get more info on this SweetFX thingamajig? I want these colors, dammit!
Where can I get more info on this SweetFX thingamajig? I want these colors, dammit!
As requested: Clicky-clicky!
I didn't do a whole lot. Messed with the vignette (before it was a 1:1 aspect ratio, which looked absolutely terrible on my 16:9 screen), upped the vibrancy, slightly increased exposure. Uploaded it anyway because it's easier than explaining exactly what to change.
As a side note, I also use forced ambient occlusion (the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive bits).
Have fun, folks~
Not sure if rumor, but wasn't there word going round that Anet actually may ban people for using graphic injector stuff, for it messes with the game files in a similar way a hack would?
I don't want to talk out of my ass here, or induce a panic, but I'm sure I read something along those lines.
From the Forbes article...
The first point is, in my opinion, is not even possible. I get what the author is trying to say, but no. And the second point says to me that he didn't play enough. Simple as that.
Guru LinkThe use of third party program of any kind is neither encouraged or supported by the Guild Wars Support Team. Based on the information provided, while the purpose behind use of the third party program seems to be rather benign, the method by which it accomplishes its goal may subject your account to action.
The bugged skill points in Cursed Shore and Malkhor's Leap were fixed. Hooray.
is that the one in the Charr starting zone to the east?
Yep. I was actually under a similar impression about the weapon skills - but hey, on the other hand, it's a game that's supposed to devour most of your time at the point when you already have all your skills anyways. Along with the downleveling system, it actually makes me feel like i'm playing quasi-endgame from the get-go.
But about the second part, yeah. I mean, I understand where he's coming from. For the first few hours I was just hitting the mobs on their heads with my feet firmly rooted in the ground and I've felt that the combat is a bit stale and lackluster. Then I realised how much stuff you can avoid by just running around in a smart way, and when you add in dodging and blocking, I actually believe this game has more of an action combat and delivers the action combat feel way better than Tera ever did.
I don't think he's played the game.
Any clue as to when we'll get that preview button on the Trading Post? I'm holding off on buying armor until then.
I don't think he's played the game.
Then how does he nail pretty much all of GW2s good points and bad points so well?
Ah, yeah, thats right. The bad points. GW2 is perfect is every way so its impossible for it to have bad points.
I was in that group so I'm down to try again. I'm also going to try and form a TA story group for tonight too, if anyone is interested.
This attitude is getting kinda exhausting.Then how does he nail pretty much all of GW2s good points and bad points so well?
Ah, yeah, thats right. The bad points. GW2 is perfect is every way so its impossible for it to have bad points.
Overreactions are hilarious.
If we're doing this:You mean like reading a review you dont agree with because it mainly focuses on the negatives and then saying its "ill-informed" or "he didnt play the game".
Yeah, thats SO much more reasonable.
Ill-informed.Meanwhile, the ability to barrel roll and use your shield specific defense skills ends up not actually working very well. There are times where you can roll out of the way of an oncoming spell, but defense is clunky and distracting.
Didn't play.Im about level 12 at this point, having spent altogether too much time creating and deleting characters and watching opening cinematics and trying out early levels and skills with various characters.
Wait, what's your issue with it? I don't get the Dead Space reference, sorry.So after doing two runs of Cadecus' Manor...what the fuck were they thinking with Ascalonian Catacombs??
I've done four story runs in AC and one explorer run and it's still kicking my fucking head in at some spots.
It's like the same kid that showed up at Visceral on "Bring Your Kid to Work Day" and made the asteroid shooting level in Dead Space showed up to help design the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon.
I've been playing this game for a bit the last few weeks and I've really been trying to like it, but it's not working for me.
There is so much focus on completing stuff and 100%ing stuff that I feel no freedom to actually go out and explore. Each time the map will tell me the best vista-point, each loading screen tells me how much area completion I have. Daily quests updates constantly ping up.
Characters all look the same to me (why be able to change the corner of my eyelid when no-one will ever notice?)
Also everything is so easy to do and everything is so "right in front of you", I never have the idea I actually mean something in this world. The whole thing feels like a totally overdesigned themepark: It's fun, but if you go there 2 times a year, it already starts to get old.
Reading around I noticed a multi-part article on guild wars 2 on forbes and this man really nails all my opinions I've had about the game so far:
part 2.5:
This attitude is getting kinda exhausting.
If you combed through every thread about this game I don't think you'd find a single person claiming that it is perfect in any way or even "near-perfect," a single time.
I have the most posts in this thread, and I have no trouble stating the game has major flaws and issues that need to be corrected. It's also very, very good despite them.
The Forbes article captures neither of these things. It's written by someone who plainly doesn't like the genre, has misinterpreted some of the game design decisions rather than simply disagreeing with them, and who clearly hasn't put in enough time to get a feel for his character based on the complaints about the combat. Not only do I not feel like he adequately describes the bad points, especially commenting on the "unsatisfying" nature of weapon skills, but his points both for and against the game regarding story and combat are very obviously focused on the early game (I believe he said his character is level 12). It's a shaky proposition writing a review that states anything other than "this game isn't for me" that early on.
If we're doing this:
Didn't play.
If you're simply trolling I tip my hat and bow.