Can't believe plant people have breasts.
Well aren't they kinda imitating humanoid form? It seems to me they would imitate both sides of the sexes.
Can't believe plant people have breasts.
I'm lvl 80, but I'm happy to join as well. I won't be on until after 6pm Mountain Time, though.
Do not agree. The only truly difficult part of AC story is lovers, and you figure out how to beat them after a couple deaths.
If anything, CM is too easy.
Better to have giant racks than lolis.
Better to have giant racks than lolis.
So how do you beat them?
a majority will disagree
Why not lolis with giant racks?
Serious answer: 1-2 people throw boulders at one to keep him neutralized while the other members of the group whittle down the other one. Alternatively, I've heard you can use the door/switch mechanism to trap one of the lovers outside the room. Haven't tried that myself, but the boulder thing definitely does work.
There are boulders all over the room. Throwing those boulders at one lover interrupts them, and pushes them away from the other. Have the group rotate boulders to lock that one down, and burn down the other.
The ranger is the good one to constantly hit with boulders. The mesmer is nowhere near as dangerous on his own.
And the majority is wrong. Just because a majority agrees on something doesn't make them right.
No way they would ban over that, just no way. I don't really think it's exploitative at all, it's just using what's available in the dungeon and lots of moments inside dungeons count on you to do exactly that, look around and creatively use your surroundings.I've been in a group that tried the door thing. Seems exploitative and I don't want a ban.
I can't help but feel the boulder-spamming is an inelegant solution but...it's an inelegant boss fight so...
I've been in a group that tried the door thing. Seems exploitative and I don't want a ban.
And because YOU say something doesn't make them wrong.
It most likely is what they want you to do. The abilities under their names just screams to keep them separated, and using the doors is a reliable way to do as such.That's so not exploitative, I even bet that's what they want you to do.
Yeah. Seeing that TA explore was bugged out was a bummer. Really nice area, tho, and one I dont mind running a lot (especially for some of that set gear).My favorite of the 3 so far, it's a very pretty area. Really wanted to do Explorable mode after but it was mad bugged.![]()
Exactly my thoughts. I hope the teleport/leashing is a bug, it's worked for me a number of times.It most likely is what they want you to do. The abilities under their names just screams to keep them separated, and using the doors is a reliable way to do as such.
And because YOU say something doesn't make them wrong.
So, he's "ill informed" because he has a different opinion than you? The defense systems in GW2 are clunky.
You can roll to dodge incoming attacks but only at specific points. If you roll too early the move will track and hit you. Its really awesome when an enemy fires a gun and the bullet goes behind them and hits you. If you roll too late the move hits you in mid roll.
The problem with the roll defense system is that its a real time action combat mechanic shoe horned into a EQ/WoW style MMO.
The only thing thats exhausting is doing this dance every time a new MMO releases. Most recently it was the two step with the SW:TOR fanboys.
The TOR fanboys? What all 2 of them? I never saw a game get shit on more than that one for illogical reasons and the same is happening here.
What it comes down to is tons of people love the shit out of this game and don't think things are "clunky" and "shoe horned" and if they DO feel that way about certain aspects of the game, it is nowhere near enough of a deterrent to get their panties in a bunch. So what happens is a certain few individuals come into the thread, pick nits, and rile up the fans. Yay. Congrats, the turd in the punchbowl achievement unlocked.
Yes, this happens in every new mmo thread. But when a game does 10 things great and 2 things subpar, many would rather focus on the good than the bad....to be the punch and not the turd so to speak. TOR has fantastic story presentation, voice acting, music, sound design etc. But people came in and said that didn't matter, it was too similar to WoW. I prefer to focus on the good in games. But as we all know, hatred is the easiest way to assert your identity.
Well, I don't even think of WoW when I think about this kind of design, first off. I think that implementation was both too simple and far too boring. I'm more thinking about MUDs, pre-EverQuest MMOs, and EVE as the jumping off points. The reason GW2 interests me as a platform for taking ideas for open world PvP games, and not anything from WoW, is stuff like level scaling based on the area you're in, dynamic events that react to player behavior, and how they use servers instead of racially divided factions like most WoW-likes handle it. Those were designed with either extremely careful PVP in mind, or straight up PVE, but as far as modern MMOs go, it's the first time I've seen a themepark MMO with features that could be tweaked in a different direction to incentivize PVP content. WoW doesn't really have that at all, neither do most MMOs. It would be a very structured version of open world PVP where players control the outcome of events, and the game directs them, but they wouldn't have full control to just gank anywhere like, say, Ultima Online or EVE.
I think somewhere in applying reactive event design to PVP, you could find the keys to unlocking a PVP MMO that doesn't go as far as EVE does, but still retains some of the excitement you get from the danger, complexity, and player politics inherent to PVP games (and that last one, specifically, is what's missing in WvW).
I guess the summary is, in solving some of the issues with themepark MMOs, I think this game has put mainstream MMOs in a better place to reconsider the sandbox PVP MMO in a new, accessible light.
No. That sounds amazing.Haha. Did you do the quest where you dress up as a cow and have to train other real cows how to fight?
Howdy gaffers
I have a simple question about an armor piece I'm trying to identify. The one on the far right looks very pretty for my Elementalist. Anybody know the name? Previewed every PvP armor in the vault and it wasn't there. Thanks.
Howdy gaffers
I have a simple question about an armor piece I'm trying to identify. The one on the far right looks very pretty for my Elementalist. Anybody know the name? Previewed every PvP armor in the vault and it wasn't there. Thanks.
Howdy gaffers
I have a simple question about an armor piece I'm trying to identify. The one on the far right looks very pretty for my Elementalist. Anybody know the name? Previewed every PvP armor in the vault and it wasn't there. Thanks.
So I just started playing spvp in the game with my thief ... feels like I'm playing Shaco from League of Legends and I love it. Holy shit a lot of fun juking people, like a slippery barracuda.
That means no one is really buying them. You can list it for whatever you want, but it's showing you that people have already listed it for basically merchant price.How do you guys sell rare items in the auction house? Usually it suggests me to match the lowest priced seller, which is 1 copper above the npc paying price. Is that right or is there a better way?
How do you guys sell rare items in the auction house? Usually it suggests me to match the lowest priced seller, which is 1 copper above the npc paying price. Is that right or is there a better way?
How come all classes don't have a swap weapon set option. Seems like a real oversight. Something that just adds fun to all classes. They worked so hard to create all these weapon combos and then limit the classes that can swap weapons.
ouch. What mechanics would you describe as "actively spiteful"?
If anything that descriptor applies better to my first encounter with Shotgunface in CM before figuring out how to trip him up. BAM "what the" BAM "I can't" BAM "can't dodge" BAM "hey I'm down!" BAM dead
How come all classes don't have a swap weapon set option. Seems like a real oversight. Something that just adds fun to all classes. They worked so hard to create all these weapon combos and then limit the classes that can swap weapons.
I gotta say, regardless of AC's difficulty, I don't agree with this at all. The Lovers fight is about keeping them separated. If you don't want to do it with boulders because you are anti-boulder, one or two of your team can use something with knockdown, cripple, and keep it focused on Ralena while the rest of the team pulls Vassar. Remember, you can spec in utility skills just for this fight if you need to.The Lovers fight is the most easily cited: Those mechanics flat out don't work in a game with no effective aggro.
But in general I mean all of the trash too, any single pull of a melee mob is ridiculously easy because you just kite him around with aggro swaps and snares, while any fight with ranged mobs relies on the rng of not getting hit twice in a row for most classes. There's only so much you can do to NOT get hit in this game, projectiles home in and unless you roll, aegis, or blind the mob or something, it comes down to 'I hope it shoots at someone else for the next attack instead' way more often than it should. Every fight feels like a CC chain from an arena match in wow, except that you have limited CC at best. The damage is just ridiculous compared to what you can mitigate, and more importantly while the average damage taken by the group might be lower than what the average mitigation (blinds, aegises, rolls, etc) the group is capable of putting out, if it hits the same person 5 times in a row you may just RNG explode because of it. Sloppy ass stuff there. The last boss can just target someone twice in a row with his instant nuke and destroy them in this manner too. It's a joke of a fight because there's a wP right near it, but it feels cheap and stupid.
In a game without classes or roles, everyone should be able to take care of themselves, instead they can't - no single class can keep themselves alive on that fight except for a very conservative player of a guardian or something, the coordination required to try and blind/roll/whatever chain mobs that you can't predict who they're going to hit is essentially impossible. This is mitigated GREATLY in other dungeons by having more telegraphed attack animations - this is huge in allowing people to fairly avoid damage, and by making things NOT tend to one shot you when they're not avoidable easily.
Haha. Did you do the quest where you dress up as a cow and have to train other real cows how to fight?
Do you just look for people arguing so you can throw your opinion in?
It's EXTREMELY intentional- definitely not an oversight.
At high level, Engineer and Ele have waaaay more to handle than the other classes, even without weapon-swapping.
Which one was bugged in CS? the one in the ship? because my friend completed CS yesterday...
How come all classes don't have a swap weapon set option. Seems like a real oversight. Something that just adds fun to all classes. They worked so hard to create all these weapon combos and then limit the classes that can swap weapons.
Didn't have trouble with the lovers when i did it. We basically had split dps and would use line of sight to keep them apart, seemed to work for us.
I know I'm going to get killed here, but I would love some server's that had "faction" based open world PvP.
This is accurate. The lovers just wreck PUGs like a meat grinder.Don't think it's that bad, it's just very pug unfriendly. If you play with friends or guildies it shouldn't be that tough. Most people are just used to easy dungeons in MMOs early on to ease players in and to be super pug friendly.
Honestly, game needs this.Screw open PvP, just give me duels.
It's EXTREMELY intentional- definitely not an oversight.
At high level, Engineer and Ele have waaaay more to handle than the other classes, even without weapon-swapping.
I gotta say, regardless of AC's difficulty, I don't agree with this at all. The Lovers fight is about keeping them separated. If you don't want to do it with boulders because you are anti-boulder, one or two of your team can use something with knockdown, cripple, and keep it focused on Ralena while the rest of the team pulls Vassar. Remember, you can spec in utility skills just for this fight if you need to.
Secondly, I have to say, the trash mobs in AC Story are sort of a joke after going through explorable a couple of times. I never have to "hope something shoots at someone else for the next attack"- I can stealth, break line of sight, dodge, or use a shadowstep move to either lose aggro or get far enough away to recharge some stuff. I don't know how your class would handle that, but that's how I do. And yeah, I'll still die sometimes, but a vast majority of the time it was because I screwed up (sometimes traps are still a bit cheesy, but during combat anyway), for being too aggressive or missing a timing or something.
But yeah, the AoE during Adelbern is ridiculous to die to and keep running right back from the waypoint. You can actually interrupt him every time, but it's tricky. Surviving that fight without dying once is a personal challenge of mine.