Dynamic.So what are everyone's HUD configurations in terms of always on / dynamic / always off.
Dynamic.So what are everyone's HUD configurations in terms of always on / dynamic / always off.
Am I the only one who is noticing some pop-in from time to time, and sometimes pretty major occurrences?
Hey everyone, I made a little time-lapse montage. Tried to keep things as spoiler-free as possible, and also avoided certain areas because of merchant or campfire icons.
Horizon Zero Dawn - Time and Space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anCv_CObcaI
Looks great! Why are you keeping it unlisted?
The main story is really great, one of my favourites in a game for a good while. There's kind of a slump after the first 5 hours but it really ramps up again for the 2nd half.how is the story from beginning to end? I expect a really good story since the setting is really interesting.
I dont know if this already posted but yeah
Ravage from Tranformers movie
Both have their own mounted weapon on their back.
how is the story from beginning to end? I expect a really good story since the setting is really interesting.
Heh, couldn't have said it betterYeah, but the Ravager looks infinitely cooler. The piece-by-piece armored robotic design is much more aesthetically pleasing than jagged-spike-edgelord robot.
So what are everyone's HUD configurations in terms of always on / dynamic / always off.
So what are everyone's HUD configurations in terms of always on / dynamic / always off.
I turned off enemy health bar, enemy awareness and compass.
Enemy health and awareness you can tell by looking at the models.
Are all 8 metal flowers in the starting area?
What's cool about all those things is that they are so intuitively told by the machines that it doesn't really impair your ability to combat them and remain undetected. Game is so good. It's on par with Souls and other great action games. If they just refine the formula a little and expand on some things...Jesus! Other people in the industry had better watch out, I mean they should be on notice now.
So what are everyone's HUD configurations in terms of always on / dynamic / always off.
everything is on.
how is the story from beginning to end? I expect a really good story since the setting is really interesting.
I actually like it in The Expanse. lolI generally give games/movies a pass when it comes to the language, nobody wants to listen to people blabbering on in a made up language for 30-40 hours.
Sure, but why specifically American English with American colloquialisms? Why would someone have a Southern accent?I agree, the language should have evolved at least a bit (it didn't for obvious gameplay reasons). But there is actually a story reason why it is so close to our language.
Stay near the edge on the slope and hope they don't fly out of bounds.Any tips for the 'tie down' lodge trial? Glinthawks are bad enough as-is, but with tramplers joining the party it's a nightmare
It too has those heat fins and radiators that can be shot along with its weapons but then again it makes sense why it was a bullet sponge. It was created by the ancient ones and meant to be a war machine so maybe that's why it's devoid of any glaring weaknesses unlike the other, later machines.I love how most of the machines are unique and they all have their own weaknesses. Definitely never came across as bullet sponges (except Deathbringer)
It seems like I'm in the minority here, but I didn't like the story at all. As someone else mentionend, it does get a bit more interesting when you discover what's really going on, but overall I didn't feel invested in the story or any of the characters. I would still recommend this game, though. The gameplay and the world are amazing, I just think the story, the characters, the dialogue and the writing in general are pretty weak.
i have everything off or on dynamic so that when i'm not fighting, there's nothing on the screen
You need to disable in the map and it will dissapear
Heh, couldn't have said it better
I haven't completed the game but maybe some southerners survived and the people originated from those survivors who remained in that area.I actually like it in The Expanse. lol
Sure, but why specifically American English with American colloquialisms? Why would someone have a Southern accent?
Stay near the edge on the slope and hope they don't fly out of bounds.
There's probably a way to do it legitimately down on the ground, but I couldn't do it since the Tramplers kept killing the Glinthawks.
Any tips for the 'tie down' lodge trial? Glinthawks are bad enough as-is, but with tramplers joining the party it's a nightmare
the most recent patch made it noticeably worse
I haven't completed the game but maybe some southerners survived and the people originated from those survivors who remained in that area.
After stealth takedowns and lure, I think it depends on how you like to play. I found the ability to fire 3 arrows useful early on, but you might be a melee player and that skill that lets you stun enemies with a strong attack is really useful if you are surrounded.What skills should I level up first?
I don't get want to get into spoilers for such a minor point, but let's just sayI haven't completed the game but maybe some southerners survived and the people originated from those survivors who remained in that area.
I would pay for DLC that would allow me to ride a Sawtooth or Ravager.
Hey everyone, I made a little time-lapse montage. Tried to keep things as spoiler-free as possible, and also avoided certain areas because of merchant or campfire icons.
Horizon Zero Dawn - Time and Space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anCv_CObcaI
Everything off except for the weapon and ammo display. I'm trying to play the game as organically as possible. It's especially exciting fighting robots and having to rely on visual cues for their health (which the game provides aplenty) but never knowing quite when they'll go down.So what are everyone's HUD configurations in terms of always on / dynamic / always off.
Everything off except for the weapon and ammo display. I'm trying to play the game as organically as possible. It's especially exciting fighting robots and having to rely on visual cues for their health (which the game provides aplenty) but never knowing quite when they'll go down.
So what are everyone's HUD configurations in terms of always on / dynamic / always off.
For sure. There is a massive "holy crap I did it!!" thrill when a robot finally collapses after an intense encounter. Health bars totally rob the player of that exhilaration by telegraphing precisely when the battle will be over. Having a behemoth rushing at you and not knowing if your last arrow will down it and it does is a serious rush. Every encounter is exciting, which is probably why I accidentally over-leveled to 50 when the game was calling for me to do level 12 quests. I've spent an insane amount of time just hunting.Oh man, I didn't even think about turning off enemy health bars. That does indeed sound pretty exciting. Should I ever return to this game, I will definitely try playing it with a minimalist HUD.
I'm gonna spoiler tag this, but I'd HIGHLY suggest clicking it. It doesn't spoil the end of the game, only one aspect of exactly what happened during the robot... Stuff.
Literally nothing survived. No plant, animal, or anything organic.
After stealth takedowns and lure, I think it depends on how you like to play. I found the ability to fire 3 arrows useful early on, but you might be a melee player and that skill that lets you stun enemies with a strong attack is really useful if you are surrounded.
I don't get want to get into spoilers for such a minor point, but let's just saythat wouldn't matter given how the new humans are created.