What is the best buyable armor? I don't want to wait for the OP shield weiver one.
It's all situational.
Situational yes, ideally you want to have all of purple armor modded with their respective mods. But for someone who has just amassed enough credits to buy one or two, I will highly recommend the Heavy protector armor. Add 2 + melee protection mods to it and you can mitigate a ton of damage.

As for elemental damage, the respective potions are very good in absorbing the damage. Ranged attacks can be dogged easily, but melee protection is something that will male your life very easy, especially while facing aggressive and in-your-face dinos.
Stealth armor is also good if you want to play that way, but personally I will recommend Heavy protector as the go-to armor for most situations.
Man, the collectibles are gonna be the most annoying trophy for me. Fast traveling is just gonna be load screens all day long. Ugh.
Not at all. Fast travel loading is the fastest I've experienced in any game, and you shouldn't be saving those for last. I found it way more enjoyable to pick them up as I discovered them on the map.