Walking around the world almost randomly takes my breath away sometimes.
Can someone provide YouTube links to some godly gameplay please? I'm making this game look boring and every time I try and be more aggressive I just end up dead Thunderjaw destroyed Thunderjay bomb forest Behemoth desert Snow lake Glinthawk field Snow mount Stormbird Snow mount 1 Night mount Cliff jump snapmaw Walk birds Desert storm Jungle Desert trampler Snapmaw dodge Sawtooth run away Overcast run Longleg snow Snow bombs Melee watcher Ants Sawtooth bomb Snow mountain view Overcast forest Sawtooth photomode Night run Watcher rain overide Tallneck follow Cutscene Forest night Strider chase
I just went through my post history and added the links here, should be all of them here I think.
I like what you had to do to get it. It made me discover more story stuff and made exploration more fulfilling. Def a fun trophy hunt.
Does anybody else here just stick to the stealth outfits while walking about? I have the medium one with a 16% stealth weave I believe and shit can barely see me. Makes just walking about the environment a lot easier.
I think I have 56. I think at some point I need to farm some parts to get the better gear with the two slots. I don't use everything though. If I'm not using the stealth gear I'm practically just running around in fashion souls modeI have ~65 stealth on mine and it feels super OP. I can pretty much run up to any enemy and override them and they lose sigh unless I stand pretty much RIGHT in front of them.
Walking around the world almost randomly takes my breath away sometimes.
I like what you had to do to get it. It made me discover more story stuff and made exploration more fulfilling. Def a fun trophy hunt.
Let's see what happens after these credits.Why Rost was cast out still hasn't been stated explicitly. I assume it was just for taking Aloy into his care. Also don't know what the outside signal was that triggered/corrupted Hades, ancient machines evolving or something else entirely?
I think I have 56. I think at some point I need to farm some parts to get the better gear with the two slots. I don't use everything though. If I'm not using the stealth gear I'm practically just running around in fashion souls mode
Cauldron Zeta
Theersa explains why Rost was an outcast when you talk to her after leaving the Eleuthia-9 facility.
I <3 Slingshots
If you think that's a lot of effort then you should see my first Thunderjaw started in the night time and ended in the day time. I like the epic fights though, they have a cinematic feel to them. I think once I upgrade my ropecaster I'll probably start using the disc launchers. For some odd reason I don't want to bother looking for them and slow myself down carrying them. I am starting to realize the Tripcaster is useless on it, it's like resistant to shock or some shit, takes a lot to knock them over too and I don't even think I can critical strike it. I've gotten more efficient with everything else at least. Ravagers are fun, Stalkers...they aren't built too sturdy though. Tearblast that fucking canon off and hit that shit with some shock arrows and it's, that's a lot of effort. Now I wish I would have captured some videos as well.
1. Tripcaster is next to useless on machines with so much health. I used to do all that too in the first couple of cauldrons, waste of time between retries.
2. Knock off his disc launchers first and foremost, then pick them up and use them! That will be almost half his health bar right there and you'll knock off a majority of his armor with it. Use 2 or 3 break arrows with every shot on those too, the target is so big the spread won't affect your aim.
Is there some mechanic that auto heals you or something? Couple of times I should have died but my life bar refilled to full instead.
If you think that's a lot of effort then you should see my first Thunderjaw started in the night time and ended in the day time. I like the epic fights though, they have a cinematic feel to them. I think once I upgrade my ropecaster I'll probably start using the disc launchers. For some odd reason I don't want to bother looking for them and slow myself down carrying them. I am starting to realize the Tripcaster is useless on it, it's like resistant to shock or some shit, takes a lot to knock them over too and I don't even think I can critical strike it. I've gotten more efficient with everything else at least. Ravagers are fun, Stalkers...they aren't built too sturdy though. Tearblast that fucking canon off and hit that shit with some shock arrows and it's done.
I should do this at some point. For some odd reason I have too much respect for it to cheese it.The best thing about a disc launcher is it will stagger. It's a thrill to have a Thunderjaw barreling down on you with no way to dodge, only thing to do is stand your ground and shoot it in the face.
Thunderjaws are resistant to shockIf you think that's a lot of effort then you should see my first Thunderjaw started in the night time and ended in the day time. I like the epic fights though, they have a cinematic feel to them. I think once I upgrade my ropecaster I'll probably start using the disc launchers. For some odd reason I don't want to bother looking for them and slow myself down carrying them. I am starting to realize the Tripcaster is useless on it, it's like resistant to shock or some shit, takes a lot to knock them over too and I don't even think I can critical strike it. I've gotten more efficient with everything else at least. Ravagers are fun, Stalkers...they aren't built too sturdy though. Tearblast that fucking canon off and hit that shit with some shock arrows and it's done.
Wow. I never paid attention to how she swings her spear.I want to shake all the animators' hands
How long did it take ? Is it possible to get that below 50hrs?
These last few missions...
I'm crying.
Wow. I never paid attention to how she swings her spear.
Check out the faces she does when she teeters on a tightropeI want to shake all the animators' hands
While working on the time-lapse montage that I posted earlier in this thread, I've been recording bits and pieces of my best combat for a future video. Hopefully that will give you some ideas (though people are already sharing some great stuff!).Can someone provide YouTube links to some godly gameplay please? I'm making this game look boring and every time I try and be more aggressive I just end up dead
I have another hunter bow with +3 fire mods.
Handling determines RoF.
You can use tearblast arrows for tear and stack damage on hard point arrows, I just find hard points way more efficient.
Anyone know what's up with the black crush in this game? Running on a base PS4 using HDR mode and a KS8000, and there are some combinations of environment/time of day when I can barely see anything.
Is there some mechanic that auto heals you or something? Couple of times I should have died but my life bar refilled to full instead.
The only thing that will do that, that I've seen, is leveling up. That restores a bunch of health.
Is there some mechanic that auto heals you or something? Couple of times I should have died but my life bar refilled to full instead.
Thanks. Will try hunter bow with both tear and damage mods, see which I prefer.
Still need to find out how to get two bows with three slots. Didn't seem to let me buy another shadow bow from a merchant.
I've noticed that too. It seems to just fill up your health to 25% if you avoid damage for a while. Not sure if it is related to leveling up or something.
Platinumed, a bit under 60 hours.
Like a lot of people I'm sure, my plat screenshot is Aloy absolutely smacking the shit out of a training dummy with the upgraded spear 😆
As good as the visuals and gameplay were (and the entire game was excellent, congrats to GG for obliterating their precious best games) the plot, characters, storytelling and extremely fascinating backstory was the highlight of a great game for me.