How is that possible. I already got thrown for a loop when a specific character got one of those 24 deaths.Trust me - it gets better.
At least you don't need to leave the focus on like every other game out there ruining the graphics.
Also, I don't have problems with tracking quest in games, I don't know why is a so hated mechanic, I suppose it's because people don't feel free?
But that's actually a good thing imho. The game encourages and rewards exploration. By exploring, you'll come across stuff that you'll miss if you're only following the main quests. I prefer this instead of the other option. I hate it when I could see exclamation marks on my map. I also hated it when the first time I bought the collectible maps. There are markers everywhere and I couldn't hide them.
Thank god. Rare game where legitimately don't want it to end. Still have two more Tallnecks to override and one more cauldron left. Though I assume I did the hardest one in Zeta before doing Xi.
How is that possible.
feels like 90% of the side quests involve tracking >.>
I view the side quests like filler episodes, so when many of them are tracking it tends to blur together
Whats interesting is that Aloy's reputation as a tracker is apparently tied to her Focus, so there ought to have been a quest where an NPC tricks her into stealing it from her, forcing us to track him down without it. Then we could have a canonical example of her being talented without it
Guys, I got the platinum trohpy for the game already and now I'm trying to finish off some of the tutorials I didn't do. However some of the tutorials are simply not working (yes, I have them activated). Enrage 3 machines with corruption arrows for example, it just doesn't work. Shoot 3 freeze/shock cannisters isn't working either. I tried reloading the game with no success. Anybody else having the same problem?
Is there any purpose to the Rattler? I picked it up cause it was the last shadow weapon I didnt have and someone I managed to get a Fox and Rabbit skin.
How is that possible. I already got thrown for a loop when a specific character got one of those 24 deaths.
It shreds human enemies up close - it's like a shotgun.
You could probably put together an in world reason why no one has a focus based on what they tell you about the factions, assuming there isn't some kind of text data log that already explains it.
There's 3 curious people in the game world or is it 2?Everyone else is like fuck this magic device, let's figure out how to tell the player about this lore instead. Did Aloy inspire even a single person? What's this magic lance? Oh wait, who gives a shit.Was Olly forced to put one on?
Eh, I like tracking quests and I think you're missing the point there. The problem with tracking quest in Horizon for me (and probably Zoba as well) is that most side quests are basically that. There needs to be a variation in side quests.
I view the side quests like filler episodes, so when many of them are tracking it tends to blur together
Whats interesting is that Aloy's reputation as a tracker is apparently tied to her Focus, so there ought to have been a quest where an NPC tricks her into stealing it from her, forcing us to track him down without it. Then we could have a canonical example of her being talented without it, and maybe even some characer growth. Maybe she was letting her reputation get to her head and relying on it too much.
Guerilla Games has surpassed my expectations. I don't know how anything else will top this in 2017 for me, and I'm not even done with the story yet.
It shreds human enemies up close - it's like a shotgun.
What does the tare mods do on the ropecaster?
With the Nora, that's obvious.There's 3 curious people in the game world or is it 2?Everyone else is like fuck this magic device, let's figure out how to tell the player about this lore instead. Did Aloy inspire even a single person? What's this magic lance? Oh wait, who gives a shit.Was Olly forced to put one on?
She clearly inspires.Sylens
I think in future games you'll see a lot more technology from the tribes, especially giventhey have to be told SOMETHING about all the revelations made to Aloy in the back half of the story
Horizon's not a masterpiece just yet, but it'll be a long time before a game hooks me as well as this one has. Perhaps long enough until its sequel arrives.
I talked to some guy on his porch asked me to find his ring near a dangerous machine and then he says "If you can find it you have my thanks". Motherfuckers how am I gonna upgrade my various satchels with your thanks?
This is good. Can't wait to find out whatThe reveals only get more and more interesting, all the way up through the final mission.
I have 50 hours logged everything except resources and mod pouches are level 1 or 2. Like I'm going to go looking for fish bones for a potions pouch. There's a dino the size of a small house eating dirt every 5 minutes, make something out of that.
I talked to some guy on his porch asked me to find his ring near a dangerous machine and then he says "If you can find it you have my thanks". Motherfuckers how am I gonna upgrade my various satchels with your thanks?
I haven't used a single potion or trap, and all I'm doing is picking up baubles to upgrade my bags so that I can hold more potions and traps.
Horizon is quite possibly the most captivating open world game I have ever had the pleasure of playing.
I'm fully engrossed in this game, so much so that it's keeping me away from playing Zelda BotW.
Are there missions that are meant to be done after the main storyline?
Looks like I only have 2 main storyline missions left but lots of side missions.
For example when do most people do the level 25 mission hinted at early in the game
(Before or after the main storyline)? I generally like it to all end together, wrapped up by a games final main quest line mission. At least that's how I did W3.
Outside of the graphics I don't actually find Horizon's open world particularly immersive or interesting when it comes to pure exploration. Zelda, Witcher 3 and Skyrim all have better designed worlds but Horizon is better in other areas.
Outside of the graphics I don't actually find Horizon's open world particularly immersive or interesting when it comes to pure exploration. Zelda, Witcher 3 and Skyrim all have better designed worlds but Horizon is better in other areas.
For the first time frustration is setting in.
I don't have any more meat left to make potions and I can't stand looting for health plants after every encounter when I just want to play.
Are there any other options? There has to be an easy method for health.
For the first time frustration is setting in.
I don't have any more meat left to make potions and I can't stand looting for health plants after every encounter when I just want to play.
Are there any other options? There has to be an easy method for health.
Final story mission looming (pun intended), 3 trophies left! I'm all set to tackle it and finish the three remaining ones with the last mission(finishing, platinum &
~50h in, will be my first platinum.allies
lol when two different npcs say the exact same line within 10 seconds of each other
Oh? How much?Buy them?
Oh? How much?