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I really think Jim Sterling is on the brink of a psychological breakdown and needs help.


and on that point about transgender community, 200 years ago or so it was acceptable to let poor people die, 100 years ago africans were not considered humans, and 50 years ago homosexuality as mental illness.

None of those communities were advocating for everyone to ignore human biology and basic scientific reality. And where have I said I don’t accept the trans community? I’m delighted more trans people feel more able to come out and be happy with who they are in public. Stop trying to pigeonhole people as bigots if all they are doing is pointing out that you can’t just swap sex. My issue is with denial of science, not someone’s personal choices in life. More power to them.

And please don’t come back again with your specious gender/sex argument, because the trans community are advocating that sex is not real, is not binary, as much as they are saying gender is fluid (which is something that a cohesive argument can be made for).


4-Time GIF/Meme God
I noticed that too. Basically his last really good video was about Deadly Premonition 2, whe he says that he is happy for the sequel and the other guy says "is this a game?" and Jim screams at him. Thats Jim from the roots. Now he is just weird and I unsubscribe him a few weeks ago

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I always found funny that people made the jump from: gender roles are societal not biological to I can be a societal woman while being biologically male. Hence the birth of the new transtrender and the they/them crowd.

Actual transitioning is tough as nails and is a very extreme and arduous process and these trenders devaluate the effort of actual trans folk.


Can’t Git Gud
one of the things I dislike about forums is how "lets talk about x" almost always turns into a hate thread about x; and it doesn't matter if it's about a provocative person like Jim Sterling or Digital Foundry - it's all hyperbolic. I have no way of knowing how fair OP is but this looks like every other thread talking about an x
I loved this attitude about giantbomb thread. Shame it was deleted :p


Let's put it this way, you are hypothetically in a market and start spouting nonsense, whenever homophobic shit or something else doesn't matter, just plain nonsense.
You are justifiably thrown out and are banned from the house for a certain period of time.

Would you then invoke freedom of speech or would that just be the result of you acting like an asshole?

Sites like neogaf have certain rules and if one of the rules is to not spout homophobic shit then you have to deal with that. Freedom of speech shouldn't be an excuse to be an asshole is the point here.
Let's make better examples if you want to discuss freedom of speech. Saying something like "I think homosexuals are degenerates and I find them disgusting" or "I don't think transwomen are women, they're dudes with a dick" is disrespectful and homophobic/transphobic, but it's not the same as going to every gay person and beating them up. And it's not the same as saying "let's murder the trannies". I'm for defending the former while condemning the latter.

The reason why I defend the former, though I disagree with them, is that by making speech illegal you don't erase those poisonous ideas, you just make sure those ideas go hiding somewhere else where they are not visible. The best way to beat an idea is to make it public and compare it to other ideas. This is liberalism (not the american meaning of liberal) and this is what freedom of speech meant before suddenly it became a right wing talking point. It's not.

So, yes, Gaf should punish personal attacks and anything that might cause violence, but I'm against censoring because someone decided it's hateful. We all see where that approach is bringing western society, we see how extreme it becomes on websites like ReEra and I am happy we can have a discussions even though that comes with the price of awful comments. To me, it's the better alternative.

You can ignore those people. Freedom of speech doesn't force anyone to listen to you. If I were saying homophobic shit in the marketplace, you would have the right to ignore me. The moment I start bothering people by approaching or acting violently, it's your right to kick me out.

I hope this makes sense to you


None of those communities were advocating for everyone to ignore human biology and basic scientific reality. And where have I said I don’t accept the trans community?

You missed the point! It was not a fringe group of politicians or crazy people who believed this; these were common and official standing of scientists and what "science" said. Indeed, it was scientists who were involved on categorizing the population in Africa into different sub human groups as different types of animals during their expedition in Africa. Statisticians and social scientists used to write essays and letters about population control and overpopulation compared to food production in England's industrial age. And I can't believe how you pretended that doctors considered homosexuality as mental illness until 50 or 40 years ago.


Jim's content suffered in the past year in terms of quality. Some of his stuff I genuinely like and some of his stories on Ubisoft, Konami, Steam shenanigans are very well done. He has done a lot in his field. That being said there are a few changes that Jim made to the videos that make me personally watch him less and less:

1. Idiotic characters. Jim is best when he's analytical and plain with a bit of dry homour. None of his "personas" do anything for me, nor the boglin segments etc. He had posted videos of himself reading viewer comments dressed as a pompous count and that was horrible, the wrestling stuff is cringe and then he started to incorporate these characters in his main show - Jimquisition, and it lost its edge of being 10 minutes of focused criticism. He moved from dry and snappy more and more towards burlesque and I do not enjoy this style at all.

2. Lately he clearly had a drought of new interesting talking points to touch but also stopped proactively doing things. There is no outrage huge enough to cover like MTX abuse of Battlefront 2, total disaster that was Anthem or Ubisoft sexual harassment scandal. New releases can be bad (Biomutant anyone?) but in terms of general shittyness it's been pretty tame. I mean the topic of new Jimquisition is "EA is Evil, Actually" - I don't even know what this is supposed to be about since he did the same thing a dozen times and I don't know what EA did recently to warrant this (I guess I gotta watch the video - but why?). He stopped playing shit Steam games from what I know, stopped a lot of extra stuff that could be used as a "pocket" Jimquisition with interesting new content.

And let's be honest: most of the stuff that Jim talks about is rarely important to bother so as a long-time viewer after a while I'm just not surprised that people just become jaded and you have to bring new audience in, reinvent yourself - and not just Jim but no actual Youtuber to my knowledge has ever done that. It's like: I like Jon Stewart and I do enjoy Jon Oliver but in terms of actually moving the needle they still didn't make a dent in real policy (JS did after he ended his show with some political activism) and still put Trump in the White House. Jim Sterling is the same thing in gaming - capitalism is very bad and let's laugh at these fatcats, but the fatcat in a Ferrari and millions of dollars don't give a damn. So the show is only interesting as the entertainment it provides and Jim is slipping. Most of these political and gaming outrage shows have 0 effect and the constant MTX bashing when it's been 15+ years since Oblivion Horse Armor - it's an accepted business practice because people chose to pay for this, same for DLC or 70$ games.

The main issues worth consistently talking about are very few: developer crunches, gambling etc. There's some great investigation to be done for a proper inquisition but it's not Jim's job unfortunately. I think he'll be just fine though as long as he's happy with the transition and pursues interests. He's earning quite enough even with viewer drop.


I’ve never been a big fan of him but insulting and bullying him in this thread just because he’s made certain life choices very few of us understand is really pathetic. People should be who they want to be and the reason it’s so hard for them to be that person is because of the reactions of a lot of people in this thread. You don’t like his videos? Fine. But don’t insult him because he’s being what he considers to be his true self
Hiding behind “it’s his choice” is a bullshit argument.

he choose to allow his YouTube channel to become boring repetitive trash, and he is now choosing to hide behind this trans bullshit than actually improve and make interesting videos again.


Unconfirmed Member
I hope this makes sense to you
It does and I understand that point of view.

And yes, words don't hurt people in the same way as planned attacks or violence does, and depending on the person they don't hurt at all, but I don't see freedom of speech as a reason to act a dunkey. It's something I see coming up ever so often, with people being literally antisocial assholes on purpose with freedom of speech being the excuse. Just because you are allowed to say something doesn't mean you should. When platforms like a marketplace, or Youtube, Twitter, etc. come with certain guidelines, I understand the censorship, even though I am absolutely for freedom of expression, artistic freedom, and so forth. After all, they don't want to commit to hate and misinformation, which can be dangerous in its own right.

It's a topic that requires a lot of nuances, though.


It does and I understand that point of view.

And yes, words don't hurt people in the same way as planned attacks or violence does, and depending on the person they don't hurt at all, but I don't see freedom of speech as a reason to act a dunkey. It's something I see coming up ever so often, with people being literally antisocial assholes on purpose with freedom of speech being the excuse. Just because you are allowed to say something doesn't mean you should. When platforms like a marketplace, or Youtube, Twitter, etc. come with certain guidelines, I understand the censorship, even though I am absolutely for freedom of expression, artistic freedom, and so forth. After all, they don't want to commit to hate and misinformation, which can be dangerous in its own right.

It's a topic that requires a lot of nuances, though.
Kinda weird to be saying things like this in a thread where people are pretty much telling the truth about Jim and his content.


It does and I understand that point of view.

And yes, words don't hurt people in the same way as planned attacks or violence does, and depending on the person they don't hurt at all, but I don't see freedom of speech as a reason to act a dunkey. It's something I see coming up ever so often, with people being literally antisocial assholes on purpose with freedom of speech being the excuse. Just because you are allowed to say something doesn't mean you should. When platforms like a marketplace, or Youtube, Twitter, etc. come with certain guidelines, I understand the censorship, even though I am absolutely for freedom of expression, artistic freedom, and so forth. After all, they don't want to commit to hate and misinformation, which can be dangerous in its own right.

It's a topic that requires a lot of nuances, though.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. I'm all for not being an asshole and I think people should learn to be nice to others. We should do our best to foster a culture of mutual understanding and acceptance, without fear or expressing different opinions or being "canceled". Banning hate speech and misinformation sounds like a great idea, until you start asking the question: who defines what hate speech and misinformation are?

It sounds easy, but it's not. There's no clear way to trace a line people won't be able to constantly move forward. For the CCP, misinformation is everything that the party doesn't approve. For Facebook up until last week talking about a lab leak hypothesis was misinformation, now suddenly it's not. They're both protecting the status quo and it's scary.

Btw, we're really off topic. I recommend reading "Kindly Inquisitors" by Jonathan Rauch. That book really changed my mind about freedom of speech and it's crazy how well it aged.


Unconfirmed Member
Btw, we're really off topic. I recommend reading "Kindly Inquisitors" by Jonathan Rauch. That book really changed my mind about freedom of speech and it's crazy how well it aged.
I'll check it out! Thanks!


You missed the point! It was not a fringe group of politicians or crazy people who believed this; these were common and official standing of scientists and what "science" said. Indeed, it was scientists who were involved on categorizing the population in Africa into different sub human groups as different types of animals during their expedition in Africa. Statisticians and social scientists used to write essays and letters about population control and overpopulation compared to food production in England's industrial age. And I can't believe how you pretended that doctors considered homosexuality as mental illness until 50 or 40 years ago.

Good grief. Categorising homosexuality as a mental illness, and stating that there are two sexes in natural biology is not the same thing. Seriously, what on earth is wrong with you?

You’re either being disingenuous on purpose... or you’ve drunk the same Kool Aid, and are spouting the same anti science gibberish about there being multiple human sexes on a non binary scale.
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People who willingly drive themselves insane while being shitheels to all people warning them it isn't a good idea don't deserve any "help." Nor are they capable of receiving any.


I always found funny that people made the jump from: gender roles are societal not biological to I can be a societal woman while being biologically male. Hence the birth of the new transtrender and the they/them crowd.

Actual transitioning is tough as nails and is a very extreme and arduous process and these trenders devaluate the effort of actual trans folk.

Yep. I‘ve known a trans couple for years, both in their late forties, and the one comment they’ve both made to me is how hard it was to transition for them, and that they feel their efforts have been cheapened by men claiming to be women by doing nothing other than slapping on a wig. Both think it’s part of a wider issue with certain subsections of generation z being extremely lazy and entitled, which I agree with wholeheartedly.


You missed the point! It was not a fringe group of politicians or crazy people who believed this; these were common and official standing of scientists and what "science" said. Indeed, it was scientists who were involved on categorizing the population in Africa into different sub human groups as different types of animals during their expedition in Africa. Statisticians and social scientists used to write essays and letters about population control and overpopulation compared to food production in England's industrial age. And I can't believe how you pretended that doctors considered homosexuality as mental illness until 50 or 40 years ago.
You realize that just because a particular conservative viewpoint from history is now considered ill-advised, doesn’t mean that every conservative viewpoint from any time in history will always be « proven » wrong at some later point. For close to a century, the progressive mindset in western universities and artistic circles was that communism was the wave of the future. In France, basically 90% of progressive intellectuals and artists in the Sixties called themselves communists. Now? Not so much.


gender roles are societal not biological
People have know this since the days of Blaise Pascal, who famously wrote about how mores and customs depend on society and where you happen to live in a given era. The LGBT crowd are funny when they act like they’ve just discovered this in recent years.

That being said, gender roles are not entirely societal, since they flow to some extent from biology, itself the result of evolution.


Good grief. Categorising homosexuality as a mental illness, and stating that there are two sexes in natural biology is not the same thing. Seriously, what on earth is wrong with you?

You’re either being disingenuous on purpose... or you’ve drunk the same Kool Aid, and are spouting the same anti science gibberish about there being multiple human sexes on a non binary scale.
You are missing the point and getting triggered easily.

First of all, you have many times asserted that sex=gender and thus 2 sexes only without providing any back up of current scientific view.

Second, I am not comparing the view that homosexuality is mental illness is similar to there are 2 genders. I am comparing that in your previous statements:

"None of those communities were advocating for everyone to ignore human biology and basic scientific reality."

"The modern trans community are famous for making the logical distinction between the two."

You argue that "science stand with me" ignoring that "science" is not always based on observable evidence and based on preference of the people in it. That is why many things in the past that were considered "scientific facts or view" are not anymore.


You realize that just because a particular conservative viewpoint from history is now considered ill-advised, doesn’t mean that every conservative viewpoint from any time in history will always be « proven » wrong at some later point. For close to a century, the progressive mindset in western universities and artistic circles was that communism was the wave of the future. In France, basically 90% of progressive intellectuals and artists in the Sixties called themselves communists. Now? Not so much.
Yes, and if we look at current discord, you see that leftist views are on the rise again. Just like neo-Nazis.

my argument was not that old view=bad. My argument not to stick to what is considered "scientifically fact" when we know that it is more of the view of the people of the time is mostly related yo social sciences.


You are missing the point and getting triggered easily.

First of all, you have many times asserted that sex=gender and thus 2 sexes only without providing any back up of current scientific view.

Second, I am not comparing the view that homosexuality is mental illness is similar to there are 2 genders. I am comparing that in your previous statements:

"None of those communities were advocating for everyone to ignore human biology and basic scientific reality."

"The modern trans community are famous for making the logical distinction between the two."

You argue that "science stand with me" ignoring that "science" is not always based on observable evidence and based on preference of the people in it. That is why many things in the past that were considered "scientific facts or view" are not anymore.

Nice massive deflection there, chief. You’re still being super disingenuous (i never claimed sex =gender).

Science is always based on observable evidence. For instance, the observable evidence tells us there are two sexes. It does not tell us homosexuality is a mental illness, and never has. That was bigotry and homophobia at work... fitting the ‘evidence’ around a desired outcome.

Let’s stop the circling around the topic, eh?

Do you believe that there are two sexes or more than that? Are you a believer in scientific rationality? Or part of the woke denialists?

...but feel free to hedge around your your answer again, I’m fine either way.
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Leave Stephanie alone, she is just a beautiful strong sassy woman adding diversity to a previously male dominated space.

Edit: shit I fucked up. I meant "they" and "womyn"...or something.
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I tried watching his videos a couple of years ago but I didn't really get it. He was just angry all the time, and not in a funny way. Sure, lootboxes and microtransactions aren't my cup of tea either, because I grew up with other games. But what enjoyment do I get from watching someone scream about them, week after week? What enjoyment does he get out of it?
Dude is a slob whose best contribution to gaming was the Willem Dafoe fan page on the Wii U Miiverse.

Dude has gone full mental and hopefully he gets better but lots of people like him seem to revel in their detachment from reality.
I was a subscriber for years and I unsubscribed after his under 900k special. The Wig didn't bother me , he is always dressing as one thing or another, I didn't even notice it really until he brought attention to it . I subscribed to hear his reviews and rants on the game industry and I unsubscribed when the videos became more of a statement about himself then the gaming industry.

I don't think he is having a nervous breakdown I think he is just looking for people to accept him as he is but he is using his gaming channel to make statements and he needs to separate his personal life from his business or its going to suffer.


Let him do whatever he wants and be whomever he wants if it makes him happy. Doesn't effect me in the slightest. Just like almost every other person on earth be they gay straight or trans etc.

Never not surprising how worried people are about what other people they've never met have going on between their legs.


He's really only turning up the volume on his original shtick.

Basically this thread is the OP realising he doesn't like a show designed for kids anymore -- And is now cynically throwing shade on Jim, like it was Jim's fault!


He's really only turning up the volume on his original shtick.

Basically this thread is the OP realising he doesn't like a show designed for kids anymore -- And is now cynically throwing shade on Jim, like it was Jim's fault!
I think most people here agree his show got worse months if not years before his transition/coming out. I used to like his videos, I still like his older videos.


I think most people here agree his show got worse months if not years before his transition/coming out. I used to like his videos, I still like his older videos.
It's always seemed like kids TV with swearing to me. I don't know how anyone could stand his show, let alone rewatch them!


CliffyB's Cock Holster
In this recent interview with Owen Jones he seems pretty ok to me... :pie_thinking:

This has to be a "work" in the wrestling sense.

Their whole narrative and rationale is so transparently unconvincing. The bit about "non-binary culture being buried and stolen" is just WTF? Just one non-gender conforming character on UK TV in the 80's and 90's ? That's some seriously selective memory-holing.

And of course to escape the exclusionary hell-hole that is the UK, they go to live in Missisippi! Uh-huh, sure....

That being said, their pretensions about their mud-show cosplay wrestling achievements really take the cake. Adrian Street they are not.

I mean, seriously, if they wanted to flounce around in drag in front of a church hall or gym they could have just joined their local am-dram. Hell even try the big time of Panto season. That staple traditional British holiday entertainment where everyone cross-dresses!

Edited for pronouns. Dunno why though, when every second of that interview I was reminded of Les Dawson in drag!
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Neil Young

I have one motto in life, "Never listen to a five hundred pound transgender who wears a top hat and leather gloves."

I used to like his reviews but he seemed to lose the joy of gaming. He's always bitching about the industry. Gaming is supposed to be fun, he forgot about that. I find myself watching people like The Happy Console Gamer and John Hancock as they REALLY enjoy playing games.


Ah! Now I get it why I was banned on the other board. I didn't know there was a thread asking for their(?) mental health on this board. I asked something similar the other side and got banned for asking if they were ok. It wasn't ill intentioned, I really care for that person. Glad that I'm not the only one noticed the degradation, I hope someone close to them(?) will get it covered, I really think they should seek for medical help.


If I'm being honest here... who isn't on the brink of a psychological breakdown... am I right?!?! :messenger_grinning_sweat:



Let him do whatever he wants and be whomever he wants if it makes him happy. Doesn't effect me in the slightest. Just like almost every other person on earth be they gay straight or trans etc.

Never not surprising how worried people are about what other people they've never met have going on between their legs.
But he isn’t happy. Evidenced by his own videos where he is crying and complaining about the supposed unfairness of the world.
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