Don't think I've caught any of the diamond multiverses before this one. Pretty awesome rewards for just a few fights. How often have these popped up?
Don't think I've caught any of the diamond multiverses before this one. Pretty awesome rewards for just a few fights. How often have these popped up?
Is flash a good character to main? Don't see many people using him.
Can someone explain reversals in lay mans terms for me? I've googled it but I'm having trouble understanding how they work in practice.
I have leveled up Superman, Batman, Supergirl, Robin, Wonder Woman, Flash and Deadshot to level 20. GL is at level 16. Who to level up to 20 after this?
I have leveled up Superman, Batman, Supergirl, Robin, Wonder Woman, Flash and Deadshot to level 20. GL is at level 16. Who to level up to 20 after this?
Doctor FateI have leveled up Superman, Batman, Supergirl, Robin, Wonder Woman, Flash and Deadshot to level 20. GL is at level 16. Who to level up to 20 after this?
I'm going to be real, there's A LOT of people on gaf that are like this. If you guys actually would play together I'd promise you guys would have a good time. But getting people here to actually play is the hardest part for whatever reason. There's tons that aren't great and hope it's not seen as me talking shit. Just me seeing that tons around the same level would probably have fun if they'd try and arrange matches up.
Maybe silly question, but I'm not seeing the Wonder Woman event? With one is it?
Thank you! Fixed my problem, that was kinda weird.Might need to close Injustice completely and restart it. Should be the multiverse all the way to the left.
For anyone who's read the comics can you tell me what Red Tornado is doing in this universe?
For anyone who's read the comics can you tell me what Red Tornado is doing in this universe?
Can't go wrong with Captain Cold or Firestorm, I mean I've gotten just about all the epics for them so they must be good.
My vote is for Bane. He's the character I like the most so far.
Doctor Fate
Swamp Thing
Player select, choose an AI build to take him out? Then switch back after?Fuckfufkjdkcujdnnd
Getting stuck on ONE fight in an event of 9 guys is the most frustrating thing ever. I can't beat this fireheaded fuck. Lost 10 times in a row, dont have time for this shit but Im 8 guys in... those times where you just cant flow at all and they are just shooing everywhere like a crack head at a crack fair.
To add to that, Harley and Black Canary have been doing me good. I really don't think you can choose wrong with this game.Lol all different names. I might go with Scarecrow since he looks pretty rad with his gear.
Getting stuck on ONE fight in an event of 9 guys is the most frustrating thing ever. I can't beat this fireheaded fuck. Lost 10 times in a row, dont have time for this shit but Im 8 guys in... those times where you just cant flow at all and they are just shooing everywhere like a crack head at a crack fair.
Select different player. Then select AI load out and watch AI destroy that guy.
You can do that during an event? Does it affect award?Player select, choose an AI build to take him out? Then switch back after?
You can do that during an event? Does it affect award?
You can do that during an event? Does it affect award?
What's he doing in the New 52? That's the newest DC canon right?He showed up for a panel but... that's about it. They have not really used him aside from a background character. So... hes probably "alive" just not used in anything it seems.
He's not doing anything, he's had like one appearance.
What's he doing in the New 52? That's the newest DC canon right?
Did you drop the Storm in your name?
New 52 got wiped out. DC again rebooted with Rebirth in 2016.
I have a question. I was letting my AI Harley take care of her multiverse event. I watched a little of it, and I noticed there would be instances where she would start a combo and flash blue while her opponent was also initiating an attack, and then proceed to be unphased by their attack and decimate them ruthlessly. What's going on there, do certain moves have invincibility frames that the game registers visually, or is there some mechanic I'm missing?
New 52 got wiped out. DC again rebooted with Rebirth in 2016.
Did you drop the Storm in your name?
Well what's he doing in Rebirth?
I have a question. I was letting my AI Harley take care of her multiverse event. I watched a little of it, and I noticed there would be instances where she would start a combo and flash blue while her opponent was also initiating an attack, and then proceed to be unphased by their attack and decimate them ruthlessly. What's going on there, do certain moves have invincibility frames that the game registers visually, or is there some mechanic I'm missing?
That's disappointing. I wanted him in this game. Injustice 2 seems like it has a ton of projectile users. Red could offer something a little different with blow aways, suck-ins, and tornado traps.Not really accurate tbh.
Either way, we haven't really seen Red Tornado in a while.
My bad I thought you were someone else.Nope.
Same thing he's doing in Injustice.
Got Wonder Woman up to level 20, got her movie gear. Now I can proceed to never play her again. Actually, I didn't even play her. I let the AI do the work![]()
What's the best AI Loadout to best Cheetah in the WW Multiverse?
13 grappling 17 rushdown 30 combos is mine IIRC.
When in in doubt, always try 30 combo 30 counter too.
Am I missing something? I can only select presets for the AI Loadout?
Am I missing something? I can only select presets for the AI Loadout?
I won most of my Ranked matches tonight as Atrocitus, but the more I play this game the more the onion peels off some just basic fundamental issues that are not to my liking about this game.
*The zoning characters have a big prominent lead over the ones who don't.
*A lot of the cast is dismissed because A) they lack zoning, B) they lack easy damage, C) both.
*Chip damage is absurd.
*Roll isn't a reliable way to get in against decent players who zone. You either get baited out into it and punished, or roll too far and now are pressed to the corner. Oh and I have gotten hit during/out of it by certain characters.
*Meter gain for being the person who is on the receiving end of an ass whooping is a bit too much. You are better off giving up half your health bar and being beat up so you can gain 2 bars to kill your opponent in 2 set ups. Personally they need to knock meter gain down 50% if you are getting beat up.
I play Atrocitus and the dude is mad good against a lot of the cast, but if someone is on point with zoning even trying to get a tornado in, or trading to get dexstar out doesn't let him get in effectively. I'd rather play against a flurry of Arturo level Sim's in SF5 than god damn deadshots, Fates, or Adam's.
What say you GAF?