Insulting the man probably isn't the best way to get what you're asking for.Ed Boon! NeoGAF wants Enchantress
just kidding. You're a dick if we get Enchantress. Give me Mera ❤️
The story didn't really make sense (Suicide Squad). Maybe I missed something small while watching it.I'd rather have Mera, but considering we are also getting Manta, I have my doubts.
Still haven't seen the Emmy Award winning Suicide Square so Enchantress hasn't been ruined for me.
opened some bronze boxes since they getting nerfed then I patched.
Oh god-- I see Raiden's shadow in fighter selection. hopefully they trolling we dont need two MKX characters
Just curious why you hate Enchantress so much?Enchntress? I would've taken anyone else. Mera,Katana, Batwoman,Huntress, Zatana, Madam Xanadu, Amanda Waller. Anyone else.
Just curious why you hate Enchantress so much?
I meant it with love.Insulting the man probably isn't the best way to get what you're asking for.
NRS can't please everyone with their DLC character choices.
Tonight is gonna be boring just opening tons of bronze boxes & managing inventory.
Katana could have been cool. Use the soul sword to fire souls at the enemy or something. Like a cross between Robin and Scarecrow.I don't hate her. I just don't care for her, and this was even before the Suicide Squad terribleness. She's just uninteresting imo, although the movie didnt help.
Speaking of Suicide Squad: Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang would've been great.With Slipknot as a secret boss.
I meant it with love.
Katana could have been cool. Use the soul sword to fire souls at the enemy or something. Like a cross between Robin and Scarecrow.
Its definitely Raiden and it definitely sucks.
I love NRS fighting games, but this is my one huge glaring complaint with them. Ever since that stupid Freddy dlc for MK9, they have been doing guest fighters for every single game.
I hate it. Why wouldnt you use that giant list of characters that are in the DC universe? This is a DC fighting game.
Dont waste roster spots on MK characters when we are going to get an MK game in the next 2 years.
More than that, at least use guest characters that haven't been in a million fighting games already. Hellboy or Spawn (now with a cape!). Alien and Predator in MKX were fun and fairly unique. Raiden is familiar as hell, not exciting at all, and serves to highlight the absence of two other well liked lightning users (Shazam and Static).I love NRS fighting games, but this is my one huge glaring complaint with them. Ever since that stupid Freddy dlc for MK9, they have been doing guest fighters for every single game.
I hate it. Why wouldnt you use that giant list of characters that are in the DC universe? This is a DC fighting game.
Dont waste roster spots on MK characters when we are going to get an MK game in the next 2 years.
All you people complaining about Enchantress, Boon could've trolled us and put Rope Man in, instead.
All you people complaining about Enchantress, Boon could've trolled us and put Rope Man in, instead.
I'm dead 😂😂He should have been in the story mode. He somehow went through a portal, ended up on Krypton during Brainiac's invasion and subsequently gets murdered asap. Like before we even see Supergirl.
Staying offline until I know what they did to the economy.
Yup, bronze boxes now 5k.
He should have been in the story mode. He somehow went through a portal, ended up on Krypton during Brainiac's invasion and subsequently gets murdered asap. Like before we even see Supergirl.
Wait wtf transforming gear needs 2000 source crystals??? Are you fucking kidding me NRS?
Wait wtf transforming gear needs 2000 source crystals??? Are you fucking kidding me NRS?
The story didn't really make sense (Suicide Squad). Maybe I missed something small while watching it.
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I FUCKING KNEW IT.Wonder Woman - fixed a bug causing Upward Amalthea Bash when done as a wakeup to lose invulnerability before the activate frame
Nope, you didn't
It was the script equivalent of a due homework assignment written right before class.
mr.freeze has a helmet now? pics gaf
So what's the deal with Red Hood. He's showing up in-game but he's not accessible?
All you people complaining about Enchantress, Boon could've trolled us and put Rope Man in, instead.
Etrigan should be in the game.