Credit to Grimsen for the name:
I went ahead and made a new one using this name. Seemed its something a lot of people wanted but no one made one yet. I can make whoever else an admin too if needed.
Just put your gaf name in the application
Wait, so is everyone leaving the originals and consolidating into one Guild now?
I'm jumping offline for tonight but just as a reminder the ID for for the new XL guild is SZJWX. Put your gaf name in the application if youd like in and I'll accept it when I get online tomorrow. Currently we're at 35/50 so 15 spots left
Kk thanksAzzawon is the creator. PM him.
I didn't even know there was another boss battle until hours before the new guild challenge was going to be up. I was too busy dying continuously in "a quick death" with black adam haha. The Superman battle was a walk in the park for me in comparison to the Black Adam fight.
Deathstroke is a pain but the health will continue to be whittled down until I finally beat him!
The challenge that costs 2,000 per attempt will be interesting. I made it to the second last fight and was within 2 hits of victory, before the opponent (Superman) did a 10 hit combo and beat me. I probably would have got pwned by the final opponent (Wonder Woman usually gets the best of me on higher difficulties and I need multiple attempts to wallop her).
didnt buy any boxes- simply opened the boxes from doing guildverse.
got 2 abilities- 1 from a platnium and 1 from a btonze box
any tips how to not get pwned by Deadshot? My wonder womann barely did any dmg. Had to switch to green arrow / batman
Azzawon is the creator. PM him.
"Sometimes hurting people feels so good"Don't know if it was posted yet, but here's 10 minutes of Red Hood gameplay.
I'm jumping offline for tonight but just as a reminder the ID for for the new XL guild is SZJWX. Put your gaf name in the application if youd like in and I'll accept it when I get online tomorrow. Currently we're at 35/50 so 15 spots left.
It's a shame they don't seem to have gotten the core cat's voice actors back in studio for the DLC character dialogue. A lot of generic stuff in there.
Red Hood seems like a very accessible character though.
Does anyone else's PS4 Pro go full turbo jet mode while opening boxes?
Mine goes so loud that I am actually afraid to open more then 5 boxes at a time. It very rarely does that during actual gameplay, but boxes are apparently heavily encrypted and require extra juice to process.
Opened the rest of 888,000 credits worth of boxes before updating. I got a bunch of abilities, but for some reason I seem to have lost some of them. Also some shaders aren't there that I am certain I got in boxes. So is it possible they'll all of a sudden be there next time I boot up the game maybe (kind of like how some people had trouble with their levels)?
No sadly not the case.
I did the same and lost some abilities and shaders which didnt come back.
Hopefully 2n2 isn't too far down this hole.
Also can confirm that the sweet move he used in the trailer (gun empty, throws gun, catches it and shoots) is not a standard ability and most likely one that needs to be collected from loot.
Which is a huge bummer, meaning you can't take it into ranked.
I'm jumping offline for tonight but just as a reminder the ID for for the new XL guild is SZJWX. Put your gaf name in the application if youd like in and I'll accept it when I get online tomorrow. Currently we're at 35/50 so 15 spots left.
I applied yesterday afternoon (CurseOfSpin) but it seems my application is still pending.
Man, his voice and quotes are ass tier.
200% edgelord.
So it's an accurate Jason Todd then
How many spaces remaining in guild?