I'm saving the rest of my gold for boxes after Red Hood drops so I can go for his gear... One ability multiverse was good enough for me especially since its random what character its for.
Boxes loots are chosen when u got them. Useless to save them for red good. Just save money to buy gold boxe once red hood is releasedI'm saving the rest of my gold for boxes after Red Hood drops so I can go for his gear... One ability multiverse was good enough for me especially since its random what character its for.
oh what the fudge just pulled a second Scarecrow ability from that random ability multiverse
oh the punishment. what are the odds? Wonder if it has anything to do with scarecrow being one of my most low level characters
Still thankful for this event! Just clearing the way for abilities I want
Got one for atrocious. Fuck
Finished my 29 level 20. They was quite the grind.
Wait, what? I didn't see any Ability award Multiverses when I was on earlier. Is this only in the Guild Multiverse?
Doesn't work for versus leveling. Need to have 2 controllers. But finished it anywayThat X button gets to be a burden after a while huh?
Boxes loots are chosen when u got them. Useless to save them for red good. Just save money to buy gold boxe once red hood is released
Patience Phillips Premier Skin?Is it too late for a Halle Berry Catwoman tie-in costume
I would totally use itPatience Phillips Premier Skin?
I saw sonicfox tweet that deadshot received a stealth nerf? Anyone have details?
Thank Rao finally got Cat Call from my third ability tower.
sweet 3rd ability tower didnt troll me and gave me an ability for Wonder woman. I'll take it that is worth
Guild XL is slaying, good to see consolidating the active players worked.
Third tower trolled me. Ability for a character I barely touch. Especially annoying because the multiverse itself mentions Catwoman.
So, feel like a bit of a dummy here, but other than running out the time, is there any way to bet zero on a clash if your bar is full?
Press R2 IIRC.
Wow at the bug in the second clip. Actually kind of interesting seeing the stage from "outside".
Was your inventory full? Look in the overflowSo I completed the Supergirl multiverse for all of the epic gear.
Look in inventory- no epic gear.
I have stuff already, but I didn't see anything new at it. The only thing I need for her still is arms which were supposed to be part of it. No fair NRS.
Was your inventory full? Look in the overflow
Also damn, I just realized I should keep an eye out for the multiverse events with the "No Jumping" modifier. Would be a great way to level up characters by equipping them with the bonus exp for no jumping gear and then setting the AI loose on it repeatedly
Eurgh but that means I need to level Green LanternSeems like you can just farm the GL Multiverse for Platinum Motherboxes. Getting my third right now and if the Platbox Reward stays i'll keep going lol.
If nothing else, if users aren't active, could we perhaps set up a system to rotate those of us who would be in?
I'd love to join House XLWhen someone leaves, lemme know please.
Yeah. What console are you on? If you're on PS4 add me PSN is same as my gaf name.
Seems like you can just farm the GL Multiverse for Platinum Motherboxes. Getting my third right now and if the Platbox Reward stays i'll keep going lol.
Just the final boss battle?