I'm starting to get duplicate abilities.. is that normal? Or is it just because technically I don't have the abilities I earned until I beat the multiverse?
New multiverses are up, the only one that hasn't been changed is the Red Hood one. Seems like it'll be easy to get Diamond and Plat. Boxes again.
At work, is it normal lasting times for all of the new ones?
That's what I've been doing and I got at least two dupes out of 25-30 tries. How many abilities are there anyway?? I can't imagine doing this the normal way.Doing the glitch? No, you shouldn't get dupes. When you load up your game your abilities haven't synced with the server yet. Make sure you're online, and when you boot up the game, go to practice mode, wait a few seconds at character select then start a match and immediately quit out to the main menu. That'll force a sync and you should only get new abilities from there.
Bummer Compbros got eliminated but damn that Scarecrow v Catwoman set was hype as fuck.
That's what I've been doing and I got at least two dupes out of 25-30 tries. How many abilities are there anyway?? I can't imagine doing this the normal way.
Ability multiverse is straight up trolling at this point. I think I have every Robin ability BUT Staff of Grayson.
Ability multiverse is straight up trolling at this point. I think I have every Robin ability BUT Staff of Grayson.
Ability multiverse is straight up trolling at this point. I think I have every Robin ability BUT Staff of Grayson.
On balance, NRS should just nerf every top 5 character to the fucking ground. I also feels that some non meter moves should be punishable like superman breath for example and some wakeups.
Played it 30 TIMES, still no Staff of Grayson.
Yeeeeah noooo lol. You want the game to be balanced, not make op characters into garbage characters. That is also a problem that NRS has had: Making once good/great/broken characters into digital, animated trash. I would touch damage before anything else with the top 5 characters. Black Adam's damage is way too high and his trait recharges way too fast. Aquaman should have had his chip damage reduced on Trident Rush, the fact that it's still broken blows my mind.
I'm on my 74th attempt.
If I don't get it by 80, I'm just going to hope it's in one of these diamond boxes.
Yeah at this point abilites should not have ever been random loot drops. There should have been say, a prestige system where you are awarded a set ability every time you take a character to 20 until you reach max prestige and have them all.
That's what the stance button is for!I'm glad this game has no taunts. Played the PS4 Brawlhalla Beta, got taunted by everyone i got in Ranked and deleted the game. I can take teabagging, but fuck off with taunts.
I'm on my 74th attempt.
If I don't get it by 80, I'm just going to hope it's in one of these diamond boxes.
So I take it the method doesn't normally steal credits from people? I really wonder where I went wrong, this is frustrating.
That's what the stance button is for!
So I take it the method doesn't normally steal credits from people? I really wonder where I went wrong, this is frustrating.
Nope it shouldn't.
Did you mistakenly upload your save from before purchasing the unlock for the event and pay to unlock it each time you replaced your save? That's the only thing that I can think of. I've done 70 runs of this now across 3 events and have earned more credits from the loot boxes than I've spent unlocking the events.
Not sure how I fucked up.
Nah, every time I redownloaded my save the event was already unlocked. I didn't notice until I went to open boxes.
Wow, i've heard a few people say this but if you did it the right way then you shouldn't have negative credit.
Finally, after 83 attempts.
No one does really, I just mash it when I get cocky with Flash.I have never seen anyone use it. Maybe i just dont notice it.
No idea what I did wrong.
Bought in to the multiverse and closed the game
Uploaded the save
Did the multiverse, got the rewards and closed
Downloaded save
Started the game, went in to practice
last 3 steps on repeat
@Xeteh, wow you got punished lol you have my sympathy. I once had negative balance in EVE Online cause the devs punished me for buying isk from illegal farmers. Really sucked getting back to positive.
No idea what I did wrong.
Bought in to the multiverse and closed the game
Uploaded the save
Did the multiverse, got the rewards and closed
Downloaded save
Started the game, went in to practice
last 3 steps on repeat
Believe me only way to balance this game is to do it, In MKX Tanya got nerfed like 3 times untill she became balanced lol. NRS are this bad at balancing.
Just do the 3 nerfs in first time and its ok.
wow 83. Yeah I think Staff and Cat Call must have like the lowest ability drop chance. I got them towards the end
Man this rng loot system I am just beyond all words. RNG+ systems already put me on tilt. But this was just poorly done. Thank god for Zero.