Anyone playing with a stick? I usually would but the meter burn method in this makes it awkward af
I know injustice was designed for controllers anyway and I'm struggling to use a fight stick
I have no problem playing with a stick.
Anyone playing with a stick? I usually would but the meter burn method in this makes it awkward af
I know injustice was designed for controllers anyway and I'm struggling to use a fight stick
I'd say it's most likely due to the game not being released. If Darkseid is still locked after the official launch in your country, then I'd be concerned. Do you have a digital or physical copy?
Anyone playing with a stick? I usually would but the meter burn method in this makes it awkward af
I know injustice was designed for controllers anyway and I'm struggling to use a fight stick
I love Multiverse. Haven't even touched Story yet.
Just a little while to go until the game unlocks.
But I can't play cause I gotta give a final in 5 and a half hours.
Goddamn it. At least I can play in 9 hours!
We'll see who has the last laugh, you Overwatch fan.Geez, everyone is going to bored of the game and moved on by the time you play it!
Wow lol, that was Have no idea what to do at this point. Still can't complete tutorials. Restarted, turned off, rebuilt database, unplugged lan cable. Have no idea what the fuck this is.
lmao...I have to press triangle to pass the screen.
I just started mashing and it worked. Did another tutorial and figured out which button it was.
Sigh. lol. At least I figured it out.
Since its unlocked in the UK now, should i start a new guild for those who are joining now?
Oh shit Desk made an Injustice video.
Lol dont worry about it, you can keep it. Doesn't really matter who's in charge.I'll switch ownership to you.
Sorry guys, didn't see delsai was going to make it.
GAFs House of Ls 4
I'll switch ownership to you.
Doesn't take long, i was Lvl 5 in no time.I gotta be Lv5 for guilds? Noooo
I gotta be Lv5 for guilds? Noooo
I gotta be Lv5 for guilds? Noooo
Is there anything you get in a guild that can't be gotten elsewhere in the game?
UltraDavid has got you, he's doing a series for people like you
Here is what you're looking for
I shall, but i gotta sleep now lol. I'll get fo lv5 tomorrow first thing.Send a request to join the 4th House. Need those Guild Rewards.
Scotia, Luce and Marvel (you are on Ps4 right?) you guys better hurry and join tooKeep a spot for 'em open, False Witness!
Got the game today and thought I should join one of the PS4 guilds. Of course they are all full. lol
GAFs House of Ls 4
Oh shit Desk made an Injustice video.
We just got the fourth one up and running.
Oh shit Desk made an Injustice video.
Sorry guys, didn't see delsai was going to make it.
GAFs House of Ls 4
I'll switch ownership to you.
Nice! Hopefully I'll beat the odds and earn one too. Can you please post a screen cap by chance?
Morelo from Orange is the New Black would be incredible as Harley's VA.
I'm maining super girl. She's awesome.