The god costume in this game sucks. Reminds me of Jaden Smith.

It already exists, join us!
Injustice's Facebook account slipped this in a "post your favorite screenshots!" post~https://abload.de/img/6wuc6.jpg
It took me a minute, but I realized that Red Hood hasn't been confirmed. They slippin.
My friend was collecting mother boxes for me and removed me from the guild. Can I please be put back in House of Ls 1? PSN is Tidalwaves.
Are AA just random in this game? I'll get hit damn near every time I try one
It already exists, join us!
Robin is bad ass that's why.why does every streamer play flash or robin
Robing is bad ass that's why.
It already exists, join us!
Thanks a lot! Does anyone still have the id?I'll PM you once I'm home and the Guild is open to requests so you can re-join.
Some farming has been done among gaffers.
I feel like I'm going crazy, but Injustice 2 seems to be really sensitive to inputs on the stick. I'm finding myself having to be more careful with my quarter circle motions than I do in most games that I play on stick because if I just let the stick nap back to neutral after a quarter circle I get an extra input in the opposite direction.
For instance, with Scarecrow I input a QCB for his death spin, but it comes out as a quarter circle back and then forward which gives me the scythe grab, unless I'm being extra careful about the motion. I've never run into this problem before. Is this just a thing with Injustice/NRS games, or is something going on with my stick?
brb dropping from Guild 2 to Guild 1
You adjust your controller settings or no?
Plz don't leave me
Yeah. I had alt controls off and input shortcuts on. I turned the input shortcuts off and it feels a little less finnicky. Still not sure exactly what input shortcuts do when turned on considering there are no natural half-circle motions or DP motions.
Fighting scarecrow and his fucking spinning chain man lol
So far I've been sticking flash as my main, got some very basic combos down, going to try to learn some advanced ones and then move onto batman. Does anyone here play with a fight stick? If so, is it easier than a controller ?
Should I just be saving my currency to buy gold loot boxes? Or do the bronze and silver have enough good pulls to use them as well?
Fuck Robin is such a shitbag
But god damn it he isn't flashy and full of fucking swag
Fuck Robin is such a shitbag
But god damn it he isn't flashy and full of fucking swag
Guild 1 on ps4 says we only have 45 members now. What happened? I guess there's 5 open spots now huh? Haha.