could never
Reminds me of when I said Fuck F.A.N.G on sfv's launch lol.
Thankfully I do not enjoy that playstyle, you can rushdown nicely with DS. No one blocks his low overhead either atm.
Reminds me of when I said Fuck F.A.N.G on sfv's launch lol.
I haven't read the comics yet but that's what I've gathered from the people talking about it in the pre-release roster discussion thread.Doctor Fate brought him over? He's not the alt version from the first game? Did I miss one of the comics where they explain this?
Fortunately for you, no one plays FANG anymore.Reminds me of when I said Fuck F.A.N.G on sfv's launch lol.
Thankfully I do not enjoy that playstyle, you can rushdown nicely with DS. No one blocks his low overhead either atm.
I haven't read the comics yet but that's what I've gathered from the people talking about it in the pre-release roster discussion thread.
It's definitely talked about in the comics.
"Batman will fail because he won't go FAR ENOUGH."
Yeah... I'm not sure about that.
"When this is over, you're either with me, or against me."
He's not sorry, doesn't regret the regime or what it stood for, and he can lament "the casualties of war" all he wants, but it was his war and his casualties.
Cheetah belongs to my partner's brother and Catwoman belongs to me.
I dunno, I read the comics and I don't remember a single one where they mention Fate bringing him. It's been a while tho. I also thought Black Canary died in the comics about she's in the game. Guess I'll need to do some research on what happened before this game. I feel like I'm missing something.
Canary was healed and sent to another earth by Dr Fate. There she met the Oliver Queen who had lost his "Canary". They have a child together. Fate brought Canary back to her world, and the other Oliver followed.
I dunno, I read the comics and I don't remember a single one where they mention Fate bringing him. It's been a while tho. I also thought Black Canary died in the comics about she's in the game. Guess I'll need to do some research on what happened before this game. I feel like I'm missing something.
Harley reformed completely, and you're damn sure Superman wants her blood.Well at the same point in time, Batman allowed Joker to cause an unprecedented genocide.
Cut his arms and legs off, IDK. Send him to the phantom zone. "Nah let's put him in Arkham for the 8545648648954891087456048945648th time, I'm sure he won't escape this time." seems like a sound plan.
"If you're not with me you're against me". Well yes. What else could it be ? lol
He didn't kill Supergirl. Plus his goal isn't to "kill bad guys", it's to dissuade them to act badly or face consequences.
And he does want to exterminate godlike threats like Brainiac. Considering all they've lost fighting him, it's kind of a logical thing to do.
I can't figure out how to share my screen caps from Twitter.
Right click on the image, select "copy image address" if you're on Chrome.
Else, open the image in a new tab and copy the URL.
Then just post it like this [IMG][/IMG]
In the comics, Black Canary "died" fighting Superman to avenge Green Arrow, and at this point, Doctor Fate quite literally said "fuck it."
He then healed Black Canary and took her to an alternate dimension with a different Green Arrow. There, Canary settled and raised her son.
Then, for Injustice 2, Batman had Fate seek them out for assistance.
The comic is SUPER good and I recommend reading it whenever you are able. Tom Taylor is fantastic as the writer, and the banter between the Queen family is priceless.
Right click on the image, select "copy image address" if you're on Chrome.
Else, open the image in a new tab and copy the URL.
Then just post it like this [IMG][/IMG]
Also, I'd suggest addingrig to the end of the URL to make the original, high quality picture show up. Like this:
To the people complaining about not getting gear for your mains, did you check the option for varied gear in options?, I think it's on by default and you can turn it off yo prioritize gear for the character you're using. I don't have the game yet so not too sure how well it works
Wait what?
Dpad or analog?
Analog I have a hard time with, the dpad is better, but harder for me to do those special moves like down, forward, square for example.
I feel like no amount of practice will make me good.
I enjoyed using Darkseid in the Multiverse mode. I wanna get good with him so I can bring him online. He seems good to punish all the zoners in Ranked. Love his Omega Beam and teleports combined with his rushdown.
Make sure you turn release check, input shortcuts etc. Off in the wireless controller settings. Just turn everything at the bottom to off, except for the option that lets you use multi button macros on the shoulder buttons for throws.
Unlike other fighting games, if you need to do a move that is down, forward, square, you don't roll across with a hadoken motion, you can just tap down then forward then square in quick succession.
This is a fantastic tip, thank you very much. I looked at those options and really didn't know what most of them mean.
Thanks again!
No problem. Those options are there as training wheels pretty much, but they can screw your inputs up, so it's best to disable them.
Release Check means letting go of a button counts as an input rather than actually pressing it first. I've personally NEVER heard of anyone who preferred it or had better execution with it on so I'm still baffled why they keep it on as default.
Input shortcuts just means that doing a proper fireball motion will still count as a down+forward or down+back,etc motion.
Release Check means letting go of a button counts as an input rather than actually pressing it first. I've personally NEVER heard of anyone who preferred it or had better execution with it on so I'm still baffled why they keep it on as default.
Input shortcuts just means that doing a proper fireball motion will still count as a down+forward or down+back,etc motion.
That's not shortcuts, shortcuts says something like helping non perfect input, like accidentally doing back to down-forward instead of just forward still registering.
The Street Fighter style input is just called alternate I think and it's one or the other. You can't have it on and roll a half circle for back forward inputs.
Superman succumbed to his rage. That's not the case anymore. In the comics he has shown regrets regarding the casualties of this war.
His depiction in Injustice 2 shows a drastic difference in behavior.
He wants a second chance at it, to avoid what went wrong the first time. He doesn't want to kill anybody that doesn't deserve it. And his primary goal is still eradicating crime.
God. Fighting Brainiac is frustrating. He has way too much health for it to be fun.
I'm re-posting GAF's 6th Guild information.
When you apply, write in your GAF username or quote me here, I have a lot of pending applications with no usernames. We're up to 36 members now.
Superman's logic in IJ2 is that he still feels Batman won't go far enough when it comes to fighting crime. Not to mention Superman's ending also has Superman straight up.stripping Batman's free will away.
I did that last night. Am I in?![]()
Mango, mango.Cheetah belongs to my partner's brother and Catwoman belongs to me.
Canary was healed and sent to another earth by Dr Fate. There she met the Oliver Queen who had lost his "Canary". They have a child together. Fate brought Canary back to her world, and the other Oliver followed.
Canary still had some life left in her. Lois and her daughter died in space where only Superman was.Funny how Dr. Fate couldn't intercede on Lois's behalf. But then even if they had Superman probably still would have gone to the Darkside because reasons causing Lois to hook up with Bruce because fuck if I know. Like I said Magneto get more sympathy and redemption then Superman in this game. But then Magneto has the ever compassionate Xavier in his corner while Superman has an emotionally dead hypocrite in his.
He is REALLY good, I took him straight online after only spending an hour with him in training. He's a counter to a lot of characters, high damage, excellent zoning, simple enough combos and one of if not the best super in the game imo.I enjoyed using Darkseid in the Multiverse mode. I wanna get good with him so I can bring him online. He seems good to punish all the zoners in Ranked. Love his Omega Beam and teleports combined with his rushdown.
I hope the bring his health way down in non-story mode. Because I quit out of a Multiverse event because I had to fight Brainiac.Yeah, I wonder if NRS will ever realize that fighting bosses who have tons of health and ridiculous damage output isn't fun.
Gaming the system.Remote play to level up characters and unlock gear through AI battles while at work.
Remote play to level up characters and unlock gear through AI battles while at work.
Gaming the system.
I like it.
Brought my Vita to work today just for that reason. Can't really have it out all day, but will turn it on during breaks.