Thanks for the encouragement, those who posted! Good luck on your project Spaniard.
My drawing/inking career came to a sad end, since I felt like I'd drawn pretty much any objects with interesting shapes in my apartment. I've drawn everything, don't have motivation, it's all over.
I figured I'd make myself do something anyway though, so I picked up something simple. LEGO robot, nothing complicated about that, I figured. And then it took like 90 minutes and that was with rushing near the end. Art is the worst, it turns out! You just keep discovering new problems with it, and it takes so much time.

I MUST remember to set a timer tomorrow and submit something simple and more abstract instead of attempting detail.
Entry for 10/11/2017, LEGO robot. About 90 minutes.
Don't look at the arm. Don't look at the arm.