Why skimp on features for iOS then go ahead and release a full-featured app in their app store?
The day they announce the 16:9 iPhone, my iPhone goes up on Craigslist.I'm sure it has been mentioned but the landscape fullscreen in Safari is a pretty clear indicator of them elongating the screen soon (4" 16:9), since it would look very weird otherwise.
Wasn't the Maps app always Apple's? Yes it used Google's mapping data but I'd been lead to believe from numerous Apple observers and pundits that Google didn't have much (if any) control over the actual app itself.
The day they announce the 16:9 iPhone, my iPhone goes up on Craigslist.
Non sequiturThey had restrictions over what they could do with the data as well, which is why there's been no turn by turn until now.
Non sequitur
Why skimp on features for iOS then go ahead and release a full-featured app in their app store?
It's the same as before.for those running iOS 6, does Photo Stream now let you manually select photos to upload or does it still automatically upload everything in the camera roll?
Is Amsterdam like this too? If so i can't wait for google maps to show up on appstore. Apple is doing a very weird move with changing from google to tomtom.
They had restrictions over what they could do with the data as well, which is why there's been no turn by turn until now.
Really disappointed in the new maps.
Aerial images are absolute fucking garbage and it has no street view / no 3D in my area.
Pretty much completely useless. I mean, this is how my city looks right now on my ipad.
Compared to google maps, where I can zoom in so far I can almost make out car's license plates, crystal clear.
Really disappointed in the new maps.
Aerial images are absolute fucking garbage and it has no street view / no 3D in my area.
Pretty much completely useless. I mean, this is how my city looks right now on my ipad.
Compared to google maps, where I can zoom in so far I can almost make out car's license plates, crystal clear.
I'd read that Apple wouldn't allow Google to have any Google branding on the iOS Maps app. And of course Google wouldn't want Apple to have presumed ownership of a Maps app that used Google's work. So that's why the iOS Maps app has been so stagnant.
.WSJ said:Apple executives also wanted to include Google's turn-by-turn-navigation service in the iPhonea feature popular with Android users because it lets people treat their phones as in-car GPS devices. Google wouldn't allow it, according to people on both sides. One of these people said Google viewed Apple's terms as unfair.
looks like they are just using the free landsat stuff. Its probably going to be that way for most of the world outside of the US. 6inch aerials be expensive yo.
Is that Google Maps loaded in the browser? My iPad Maps don't look like that.
Nah, as I said, apparently it's very random here in the Netherlands.
Some areas look respectable and others look like complete garbage.
It says Google right on the map in the Maps app.
I bet the Google Maps app will be the App of the Week when it comes out.
I wonder if they'll ever make the genius feature work with movie/tv shows and even apps, like a 'find similar' option.
They should've killed the YouTube app while they were at it and let Google make one.
There is genius for apps.I wonder if they'll ever make the genius feature work with movie/tv shows and even apps, like a 'find similar' option.
I think Do Not Disturb is probably the most useful feature personally, lol.
screenshot?Apple have changed the look of the keyboard just enough for you to notice, but not enough to be sure what they changed... kind of weird to look at. I can tell it's different, but can't pinpoint what they changed. Haha
Best new feature is the one that makes it so all the other features stop fucking bothering you.
I don't notice anything different.screenshot?
I don't notice anything different.
I bet the Google Maps app will be the App of the Week when it comes out.
New app content shows in same view.
You are correct. Not sure which one I like better though.Looks like they added a gradient to the keys. Really subtle. Load them up in tabs and you can see easily.
iOS 5 - iOS 6
You know, I live in the area and it took me a while to figure out that the maps icon is based on Apple/Cupertino. Felt sooo stupid