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ITT: horror imagery







Dude, this is EVERYTHING I expected. With them even hinting in the main trailer the goriest parts of the manga in the other trailer this is the adaptation the series deserves and it hasn't even aired yet.

Dude, this is EVERYTHING I expected. With them even hinting in the main trailer the goriest parts of the manga in the other trailer this is the adaptation the series deserves and it hasn't even aired yet.

This looks like homerun, indeed.

I assume that it follows the canon manga story line.


Gold Member
Casey Anthony - the lady whose daughter’s body was found near one of their family’s houses. There are photos of Casey dancing during the disappearance of her daughter. She was found not guilty of murder or child abuse. Because double jeopardy exists, she couldn’t be tried again even if they proved she killed Caylee, her daughter. A big part of me believes she killed her daughter and that evil grin on her face is when she realizes she’ll get away with it.


Biggest Trails Stan
Casey Anthony - the lady whose daughter’s body was found near one of their family’s houses. There are photos of Casey dancing during the disappearance of her daughter. She was found not guilty of murder or child abuse. Because double jeopardy exists, she couldn’t be tried again even if they proved she killed Caylee, her daughter. A big part of me believes she killed her daughter and that evil grin on her face is when she realizes she’ll get away with it.

I just searched her name and now that I'm reading about the case, I do remember that happening. And yeah she's definitely gulity
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