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"Xbox doesn't release its figures for active console users, but I would guess that they are on the decline at this point, with users flocking to PC in increasing amounts. Xbox hardware has declined non-stop for several quarters, as the firm pretty much stops marketing its products, and didn't even bother to do serious sales and deals over Black Friday last year. Xbox is still pledging to build next-gen console hardware, though. To that end, I've recently been told that Xbox's next-gen console hardware has now moved past its early pitch stages and has been fully approved and costed all the way up the chain. I doubt we'll see a reveal of their hardware strategy any time soon, but what is perhaps more interesting to me is how Xbox will seek to entice developers to support its efforts on PC. So far, developers have completely shunned the Microsoft Store for delivering their PC games, which doesn't seem sustainable if Microsoft is to maintain its own ecosystem."

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