Regretting getting this on PS5. Really think this game is meant to be played on PC. Just not a good experience with a controller, imo.
tl;dr not sure there's anything particularly disadvantageous playing on console with controller
Some games obviously lean to being played with a keyboard and mouse because that's how their genres grew and evolved, then if they have interfaces that are needlessly painful when shoddily botched for controllers that only grates more, but how so here? I'm not feeling I'm actively being hampered by using controller in this one, unlike games such as Helldivers (collecting samples is shit-tier on console vs clicky-clicky-zoom-zoom on m/kb) or POE2 (console is an utter afterthought, a huge swathe of lacking, broken and inconsistent features in early access). It all seems to play as I'd expect on the dual sense in KCD2 - it presents as a technically good experience on the pro, no real problems as I'm now pushing 50 hours and still not attending the wedding because I see no rush (when they said the plat takes 200 hours I wasn't lying when I said it'll take me 400+ as that's just how I do).
Unless there's something I'm missing whereby m/kb actively allows access to more gameplay styles then it's probably all just a matter of Henry being a wimpy blank slate early doors, and that's the case for everyone however they're playing. yeah you can dumb the game down with mods on PC, but there's nothing too egregious that makes the console experience bad, even saves thanks to Exit & Save haiving you back in game in seconds with a free banker slot.
The game is going to be a somewhat janky experience wherever/however you play, that's inherent to the game, so if it's combat jank that's a big issue and it feels like it's the fault of the controller it's probably not - it's just a low level character flailing around in the early stages of the game and that's the same however you play. Everything levels up by doing stuff, all those perks snowball. Wander around with too much stuff on your back and you'll get stronger quicker, allowing access to perks that help you carry more stuff sooner and enable your mule gameplay choice. It doesn't punnish you, it lets you grow as you do what interests you - that's how a game should work rather than just endlessly punishing you for not playing it "right" as some will. So go get a few bandit kills and swipe their gear, have it fixed up (if you're short of cash play dice and even save scum to ensure the income, take their badges and leave them in the gutter... until a few days later when they'll happily hand over their hard-earned groshen once again), now you'll find it's trivialised combat rather rapidly, abusing the patient counter attacking method outlined many times in the thread. You'll have some tense 3-on-1 moments without Mutt to help out early on, so go get him asap, but scrape by and you'll soon be going out of your way to have them lining up to die, like last night where I killed a horde of bandit types in the night, raided their shit, slept in their bed and woke to find their mates queueing up to suffer the same fate. Bring it! If you want to cheese force some perk gaining you can even do mindless stuff like swiping away with the wooden sword using the wrong combos as every swipe adds XP (don't anyone do that though, there's no need, it's just to outline that all actions at all times are ++ing these in-game counters and making Henry stronger). Another example of early tricky stuff that gets trivial is Wolves and wild dog packs - that howl if you're lost in the woods, omfg! - but get some steel around your ankles and you can just stand there and tank their chomps, let Mutt earn his keep.
The only real gripes I have playing on ps5 with the interface are that I'm hard-wired to press the touch pad to throw up a map and that's not what this game does, and the whole menu interface feels designed for ultra wide monitor users with having to keep sliding pertinent info in and out form the left or right of the screen, but that's just dodgy design in a stat-heavy title with only so much real estate in 16:9.
The only big advantage I see to PC is mods, and that's always the case with this kind of game. Saving might be the biggest pain point, but thanks to posts in this thread that's not even a problem on console as you can abuse Exit and Save then be back playing in seconds. In some ways that felt like it broke a key aspect of the game as it was intended, as it removed a fair bit of tension from some situations. But as there's only 1 slot that you overwrite you have to be sensible with its use, then schnapps saves seem less grating and story point forced saves are there as insurance. Save & Exit saves also kind of break the exact instance as everything resets to a sort of default state - handy if something went a little wonky but potentially risks losing out on something the save state doesn't preserve.
What? Im playing on PC with controller and its amazing expect the lockpick minigame, which is a pain in the ass. Everything else is smooth
I can't even engage with this on controller, my physically fucked right hand simply cannot make the required movements. Was hoping some perks might be able to bypass it... but how would I level them if I can't even succeed in completing just one of the very easiest locks there are :/