Worlds collide.
The whole interview is in French but there are some interesting bits.
My favourite quote :
The interviewer asked why Link has been right-handed from Skyward Sword onwards and Aonoma replies that due this was due to gameplay considerations. Since most users are right-handed, they decided that Link should hold his sword with this hand too. But, he added with humour, we could consider that Link is ambidextrous. He also adds that Miyamoto and he couldn't care less about this topic.
L'Equipe is a sports magazine and to see them interview Aonuma is quite interesting and completely out of the blue. I'll let French-GAF translate any other relevant information if they wish to do so.
The whole interview is in French but there are some interesting bits.
My favourite quote :
Link a d'abord été gaucher, avant de devenir plus à l'aise de son autre main depuis The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (en 2011). Pourquoi en avoir fait un droitier ?
Effectivement, il était au départ gaucher sans raison apparente, simplement le fruit du hasard. Mais quand on a développé l'épisode sur Nintendo Wii (Skyward Sword en 2011), on a dû s'adapter aux joueurs pour leur faciliter le gameplay. Or, la majorité d'entre eux utilise la main droite, ce qui est également mon cas. On a qu'à dire qu'il est ambidextre (rires).
Vous savez, c'est un point qui n'est absolument pas important pour nous, ni même pour Shigeru Myamoto (le créateur de la saga). D'ailleurs, lorsque les développeurs de Hyrule Warriors (un beat them all dans lequel Link était la vedette en 2014), sont venus me demander s'il était droitier ou gaucher, je leur ai dit de faire comme ils l'entendaient...
The interviewer asked why Link has been right-handed from Skyward Sword onwards and Aonoma replies that due this was due to gameplay considerations. Since most users are right-handed, they decided that Link should hold his sword with this hand too. But, he added with humour, we could consider that Link is ambidextrous. He also adds that Miyamoto and he couldn't care less about this topic.
L'Equipe is a sports magazine and to see them interview Aonuma is quite interesting and completely out of the blue. I'll let French-GAF translate any other relevant information if they wish to do so.