I don't like reposting 'cause my comment didn't get read but people are still talking about it.
Unless Sony London are working on a AAA game besides this,
Job Listing...
I *think* the available Morpheus demos were developed by London Studio (I believe there are a few but the only one I've seen footage of is the shark cage), so it could be that those are being expanded, or they're working on a full game for Morpheus. However, there have been rumours about London Studio working on a proper core game, so I hope they're doing something that's not SingStar and not Morpheus. I wouldn't mind a new Getaway, but honestly I'd prefer something altogether new from them. Didn't particularly care for either of the previous Getaway games, and I think they would have a very tough time staying on the ball in a world where R* North have raised the bar above the clouds with GTAV.
Surely, just surely there must be a team of substance working on a new IP at Naughty Dog? I ain't got a clue how many people it takes to make an AAA game but recall someone here finding out that ND had something silly like 200+ employees around when TLOU was being developed. It can't be the case that there is not something brewing besides Uncharted 4, Hennig. If Richmond and Hennig stayed, quite obviously TLOU directors would not have sat there twiddling their thumbs until Uncharted 4 was completed.
Here's hoping it's a pretty big team already developing a new IP at Naughty Dog.
I thought they were smaller than that, but you may be right. I thought they were about 150 strong, and I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of the studio is 100% focused on Uncharted 4. It could be that they have a second pre-production team working on something new while Druckmann & Straley lead on Uncharted, but that means I guess that they've either promoted internally or hired new creative folk since Hennig & Richmond left last year. Not outside the realms of believability, but I don't see it myself.
EDIT - I don't know how reliable it is as a source, but
according to LinkedIn they have 260 employees?! That's much bigger than I thought. If that's accurate then I expect they must have, I don't know, 5-10% of those staff brainstorming for their next game and prototyping ideas. I think TLoU2 will be Druckmann and Straley, and they are completely tied up with UC4 for now.