arent 2nd Party Studios, Independent studios who have a partnership with Sony,Ms,Nintendo and therefore only devlop games for on console?
Like remedy, Quantic Dream, Ready at Dawn or Playground games
Becuase i would like to add a 2nd Party list in the Op but i dont know which studios really are 2nd Party
"Second party" is a made-up term, so the definition differs from person to person. For simplicities sake, I'd just go with "independent studios who are publishing first party titles." So that would include studios who are completely exclusive, like Ready at Dawn and Quantic Dream, and ones that aren't, like Insomniac or FROM Software.
Here's the list I made on page 4, which is all of the current ones as far as I'm aware:
Arrowhead Game Studios (Helldivers)
The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency (Drawn to Death)
The Chinese Room (Everybody's Gone to the Rapture)
Clap Hanz (Everybody's Golf/Hot Shots Golf)
FROM Software (Bloodborne)
Fun Bits Interactive (Fat Princess Adventures)
Funomena (Wattam)
Giant Sparrow (What Remains of Edith Finch)
Heavy Spectrum (Shadow of the Beast)
Housemarque (Alienation, Super Stardust Ultra)
Insomniac Games (Ratchet & Clank)
On The Metal (BigFest)
Ovosonico (???)
Q-Games (The Tomorrow Children)
Quantic Dream (???)
Queasy Games (???)
Ready at Dawn (The Order: 1886)
Supermassive Games (Until Dawn)
Tarsier Studios (Hunger [Working Title])
Tequila Works (Rime)
Valkyrie Entertainment (Guns Up!)
Wild Sheep (WiLD)
The ones with a ??? have a deal with Sony but haven't announced their next projects yet. While Tarsier's game, Hunger, hasn't been officially announced yet, just mentioned in passing by the devs.
i feel you bro. So many people talking about No Mans Sky...But for me Rime is the big Highlight of 2015. Never been excited for an Indie Game like this
Sorry for being a pedant but Sony's funding and publishing Rime, so it's not indie.