TheFallen said:Well, the IGN tourney is almost done and having tried MAG for many weeks I have a few opinions/suggestions on how to make the point system better. So I wrote something up that I will probably post over at the official forums for Zipper to see and anyone else can discuss.
1) Increase Major Victory Bonus: If a match is won quickly, the winning team should get some sort of substantial bonus. Hopefully to stop players from wanting to farm experience by prolonging matches or by letting the other team get to C purposely.
2) Decrease FRAGO Bonuses: While on one hand it can reward players for sticking to their correct assigned areas, virtually any kill on the battlefield should be considered beneficial to a team. There are tons of players that use alternative routes or flank, of course killing them is just as important to the ones bum-rushing objectives. The FRAGO bonuses for using medical kits around the objective would then also be trimmed, stopping players from boosting in this way.
3) Increase Engineer Experience: It's piss-poor, they already have to deal with uselessness in some modes, so give them a reason to spend points on this.
4) Add a Killstreak Experience Bonus: No matter what you think of players who have great k/d ratios, you can't ignore the fact that they're valuable assets to teams. In war, you want your soldiers alive, as long as possible. Heavy casualties should be deterred. Give them some reward for staying alive. It will stop players from rushing in Rambo style willing to get themselves killed. Players will play more strategically with this bonus.
5) Duration-based Experience for Completing Objectives: I don't mind the single player bonus for completing an objective, but this is a team game. The entire team should get something like a 1 point bonus every 30 seconds for holding an objective. I would say only the assigned squads, however that will just lead to squad leaders changing FRAGOs often purposely.
What do you guys think? I think these would solve many of the issues we have in this thread over medics, snipers, engineers, and rambos.
Click said:Man this thread has so many people talking out their asses.
From what I hear, TONS of Zipper employees are dedicated snipers and they can easily pin the opposing team down with ease.
People talking shit about snipers are either a) sick of being sniped, b) doesn't know how to snipe, and/or c) has never seen a good sniper snipe.
P.S. yes Inanna, you're STILL whining about map imbalance.
Ze_Pershing said:From what I hear, donkeys shit gold bricks.
Stop assuming that we are butt hurt by snipers, that is just stupid assumption. I said numerous times I have nothing against snipers.. selective reading FTW. I sniped in BF1942 and BF2 for awhile and was pretty good at it too. If I wanted I would probably be good at sniping in MAG too but also, I wouldn't be lying to myself that sniping is a huge benefit for my team.
For all we know zipper could be using aim-bots. :lol (I'm kidding if you're not bright enough to figure it out)
Click said:No. IGN lost to Eurogamer. And that was only the forum goers, not the actual editors / employees.
Zipper DESTROYED both of them.
deepbrown said:We won! =D 128 Euro journalists beat Zipper! Woo hooo!
But the same guy won two PSP's for being best player twice >_<
Kowak said:Stuff.
Beardz said:5- We don't need rooms full of players doing nothing.
Click said:Poop
Violater said:Game needs to be released, too much bitching not enough pew pew pew
It's cool man. Rationalize away your sniper lifestyle choice.Click said:I've been pew pewing the past week.
I'm just sick of reading all the bitching and ass-speak (lol, made this up) going on here everyday.
5 more days... 5 more days!!!
Click said:I've been pew pewing the past week.
I'm just sick of reading all the bitching and ass-speak (lol, made this up) going on here everyday.
5 more days... 5 more days!!!
Violater said:Your pew pewing was for naught, its all been reset.
I want the real deal.
Click said:I've been pew pewing the past week.
I'm just sick of reading all the bitching and ass-speak (lol, made this up) going on here everyday.
5 more days... 5 more days!!!
Ze_Pershing said:Not worthless but also not significant enough as you think. If you go 30-0 than good for you but why would you expect more points is beyond me. .
Yep, you are STILL butthurt, for some odd reason... Do you even know the meaning of the word "whine"?Click said:Man this thread has so many people talking out their asses.
From what I hear, TONS of Zipper employees are dedicated snipers and they can easily pin the opposing team down with ease.
People talking shit about snipers are either a) sick of being sniped, b) doesn't know how to snipe, and/or c) has never seen a good sniper snipe.
P.S. yes Inanna, you're STILL whining about map imbalance.
Snipers are important, I agree. But it's annoying when half your team is sniping when you want them to be at the objective. Especially when you're attacking.J-Rzez said:I don't think you're following here. I want an additional point or two for killing people at long range. Not overall kill number, because right now it's lopsided. I shouldn't be getting 200-250xp for killing 35 people which stopped them from getting into our bases. I'd like to say people running and gunning, dying repeated at the objective isn't as significant as you think. If you think sniping isn't just as significant as any other role, then you haven't played with a good sniper. If you're on an opposing faction to SVER, you'll find out then if we play against each other when your teammates say they have to take a different route because there's a sniper covering that one, or stay down we're getting sniped out of the base and can't make it back in.![]()
J-Rzez said:I don't think you're following here. I want an additional point or two for killing people at long range. Not overall kill number, because right now it's lopsided. I shouldn't be getting 200-250xp for killing 35 people which stopped them from getting into our bases. I'd like to say people running and gunning, dying repeated at the objective isn't as significant as you think. If you think sniping isn't just as significant as any other role, then you haven't played with a good sniper. If you're on an opposing faction to SVER, you'll find out then if we play against each other when your teammates say they have to take a different route because there's a sniper covering that one, or stay down we're getting sniped out of the base and can't make it back in.![]()
Click said:Doesn't matter to me.
This IGN thing was just practice anyway, as I've only played 4 days' worth of beta previous to this week.
Inanna said:Yep, you are STILL butthurt, for some odd reason... Do you even know the meaning of the word "whine"?
less cover on SVER map = sniper heaven = good for Raven/Valor to hunt those snipers down = waaaaaaaaaah! Wait, what?
You need to learn to read, and stop taking things personally. In case you didn't notice, most of us (at least I wasn't) are not talking about enemy snipers, but too many snipers in our own squad that do nothing to help take the objective when you're losing.
Raven maps having too much cover is good for the defending team. Not so much for someone who wants to become a career sniper and help the team. That's NOT a bad thing. I'm not ttacking snipers though, I love to snipe myself.
I don't think you understand what the word "discussion" (as in 'Gaming Discussion') means. It doesn't mean bitch-slapping, and it doesn't mean that anybody who disagrees with you is bitching and moaning.Click said:But I don't have the time nor patience to bitch-slap people on forums anymore so I don't even bother responding to your nonsense most of the time.
Inanna said::lol
You're definitely butthurt, Click.
I was jokingly teasing GAFe guys in the online section and here, didn't think people would get THIS butthurt. Damn...
You really do have a selective reading problem, don't you? Most of my replies in this topic and the beta topic (even the online topic, it was actually that Valor dude) were replies to other people's complaints (most of the time, anyway). Yes, I still say that the Domination map is unfair, even YOU agreed that it was, now can we bloody move on?
Again, selective reading FTW! I meant sniping spots WHILE defending on Raven maps. :lol
I don't doubt that you would. GAFe guys are amazing players, and I'm sure they'd do great.
NullPointer said:I don't think you understand what the word "discussion" (as in 'Gaming Discussion') means. It doesn't mean bitch-slapping, and it doesn't mean that anybody who disagrees with you is bitching and moaning.
Same old Click, assuming only your criticism is valid, and that everything else is nonsense. I'm glad MAG has you to protected it from the teeming hordes.
Ya heard.Zipper Interactive's Ben Jones has said that he believes Xbox Live is "more juvenile" than PlayStation Network, and that MAG "definitely fits more" to the PlayStation audience "because of the things that are being said over Xbox Live".
Speaking to GamerZines at an event held in London yesterday to celebrate the imminent launch of PlayStation 3's upcoming online multiplayer shooter MAG, Jones said:
"I actually consider Xbox Live the more juvenile of the two," blaming "the things that are being said over Xbox Live" by its users for the service's relative immaturity.
Kowak said:but anyways, the actual journalists who played zipper earlier in the day actually won according to deepbrown.
to be fair, i didnt see much sniping from them and maybe thats why they lost to the journalists, but then they were the bullet sponges known as Valor so it was impossible to kill them in direct combat.![]()
templeusox said:
templeusox said:
Click said:Me and GAFA beat GAFe more often than you guys beat us in KZ2.
In fact, I was the first person to sign up for S.V.E.R. GAF when nobody else would and when Cagen asked GAFe if they'd be in S.V.E.R.
Violater said:Both networks have an ample share of juveniles, racists, homophobes and overall asshats.
Violater said:Both networks have an ample share of juveniles, racists, homophobes and overall asshats.
your mum is at A
Kowak said:when i was trying to tell somebody to get their ass over to A instead of attacking B i got a message saying
i laughed before scorning them with a message of my own, didnt want to really hurl abuse over the chat.
i havent come across any rascist comments so far compared with killzone and resistence. I just hope the immature kids dont bother with this game because its not mod war.
theBishop said:No doubt. But I've definitely been called a faggot more often on Gears of War than any other game.
On Killzone2 everyone sips gin martinis and discusses global politics.
There's still a lot of players (especially when they're with their clans) that are pricks. A couple clans have been team-killing SVER GAF in the IGN tourney for absolutely no reason.FFObsessed said:There was a few weird people in the MAG Beta who seemed to be treating it as if it was a real war :lol But most the community who spoke seemed quite mature. Maybe a lot of the SOCOM crowd will come over to it.
TheFallen said:Make no mistake, PSN isn't at the level of immaturity that XBL has just yet, but I have a feeling that's only due to the fact that the microphone is not free to the average consumer.
I do the same thing. if I'm not playing with my clan at the time, I ALWAYS try and get into the squad that has the most clan members in it. Generally this will turn out much better than playing with a bunch of clan-less guys because they typically (not always) understand what team work is about and also will communicate with each other.templeusox said:I like to join squads which are clan heavy. I know that there will be some attempt at coordination during the game.
I seem to recall Valor beating SVER's ass really bad in the beta.Lagspike_exe said:So little time until launch.
Can't wait to hear bitter Raven and Valor tears.
Violater said:Both networks have an ample share of juveniles, racists, homophobes and overall asshats.
I'll give you five bucks to join Valor. No questions asked. We'll also throw in some free steak knives.FFObsessed said:*defects back to S.V.E.R.*
S.V.E.R for lyfe!!1